Tony and Ziva lie asleep spooning, Tony's body draping over her...the clock on Tony's nightstand reads: 4:19 a.m.

Tony's cell phone rings...and again...Tony finally awakens and rolls over and grabs his phone...he answers it...


"'s Jenny."

"What time is it?"

"Just after 4a.m."

Tony swings his legs over the edge of the bed, putting his feet on the floor..."Yeah, what's up?"

"I need your help."

"With what? We're heading on our honeymoon in about 5 hours." Tony rubbing his eyes

"Yes, I know...something has come up...can you and Ziva meet me at NCIS in 30 minutes?"

Tony runs his fingers through his hair..."...better make it an hour."

"Ok, I'll be waiting."

"What, you're there now?"

"Yeah, it's really important...please hurry."

"Ok, Jenny." ...Tony hangs up

Tony lies back, his head lies on Ziva's stomach..."Baby, wake up."

Ziva turns over, dropping Tony head to the bed.

Tony sits up and slides to the end of the bed, where he stands and moves to the bottom, right below Ziva...he grabs her ankles and pulls her to the end of the bed...Ziva sits up...and looks into Tony's eyes..."Good morning, Mrs. DiNozzo."

She wraps her legs around his neck and squeezes..."I...I...can't breathe.."

She loosens up and pulls him onto of her. "You were saying?"

Tony moves his neck around popping it..."Good morning, dear."

She kisses him..."What time is it?" Tony looks to his right..

"4:25a.m...Jenny wants to see us in about an hour."

"She does know we're going on our honeymoon today, right?"

"Yes, dear."

"...and she knows no one messes with my vacation time."

"Yes, dear."

"...especially when it involves a lot of sex."

"Yes, dear."

"Then what does she want?"

"I have no idea, dear."

"If you say dear one more time, I'm gonna bite your tongue off."

"You're quite hostile in the morning, Mrs. DiNozzo."

She stands, grabbing his hand..."come with me"...she guides him to the shower...

An hour later, at NCIS

Tony and Ziva arrive and step off the elevator and walk up to Jenny's office

"You've finally made it."

"What was so important that it couldn't wait, Jenny?"

"La Grenouille."

"What about him, Jenny?"

"I just received reliable intel that La Grenouille will be in Hawaii on Tuesday, meeting with a Korean scientist, Hideo Nobo, selling a highly classified weapon, we're not exactly sure what kind of weapon it is, but this is where you come in." ...Jenny shows a picture of Hideo Nobo on her plasma.

"This is our honeymoon, director."

"I know it is, Ziva...but I want this man badly. I can not let him escape again."

"What did he do to you, Jenny?"

"Nothing, Tony."


"I can't, Tony...I just can't..."

Tony sits down...Ziva moves closer to Jenny.

"What would we have to do, Director."

"Please, me Jen."

"Fine, Jen...what would you have us do."

"Just be on your honeymoon."

"That's it?"

"Well, plant a trojan horse in the Korean scientist computer, so we can track and analyze the weapon he is trying to sell."


"Eliminate La Grenouille, if possible."

"Is Gibbs on board?"

"Absolutely not."

"I won't do it."


"I will not lie to Gibbs again. No."

"Fine, I'll bring him in when the time is right."


"I promise."

"When does the Korean arrive in Hawaii?"

"On Monday'll arrive before him and I've set everything up, you'll be next door in room 4, he'll be in room 5 at the Hawaii Eclipse Resort."

"Christ, that place is 2,500 a night."

"NCIS is picking up'll also fly on a charter jet I've set up for you, ASAP. You can take your fire-arms and whatever other equipment you need...I'll contact you at exactly at 12:15 a.m. everyday with further instructions."

"Recon needed for today?"

"None, unless you feel it's wise to check out his hotel room beforehand."

"Probably not a bad idea."

"But don't feel like you need, is your vacation after all, so enjoy yourself. I don't want you doing anything until I've given the word."

"I only have one other problem."

"Yes, Tony?"

"You were suppose to watch our children, remember?"

"I still will be, with the help of Abby, I've worked it out with her."

"Ok...still Tango 8?"

"That is correct."

"Anything else?"

"Good luck..."

"Is this ok with you, Ziva?"

"It's fine...we'll make love, we'll plant a bug, we'll make more love, then we'll kill Frenchy and then make more love..."

"Sounds simple enough."

"Yeah...too simple."

They leave...

The plane in safely in the air, Tony rises and walks over to the kitchen.

"Wow, Ziva, this plane has an oven."

"I don't care, Tony."

"NCIS went all out, there's champagne and chocolates in the mini-fridge."


Tony pops the top on the champagne and eats a piece of chocolate and he starts to search through other things...he grabs a couple champagne glasses and bring the chocolate and comes and sits back down.

"Here." ...handing Ziva a glass of champagne...

"Toda." she takes it

"Want some chocolate?"


"Why not?"

"I want something else." She drops to her knees in front of Tony and leans in and kisses him, amongst other things...

"Let me guess, flying making you horny?"

"How'd you guess?"

"Oh, I dunno...your hand is on my crotch and you just bit off one of my shirt buttons with your teeth."

"Don't worry, I have a sewing kit in my luggage."

Tony downs the rest of his champagne. "The things I'll do for my country." he grabs Ziva, lifting her on his lap, then turning her over so she's sitting in the chair, the camera pans back and disappears through a wall.

The pilot and co-pilot are seen

"Honeymooners, huh?"

light moaning is heard through the door

"Seems to be."

The moaning gets louder and louder...

"Whatever they are, they seem to be enjoying it."

Ziva wakes with a blanket covering her


Tony walks into view from the kitchen area.

"Get some clothes on, Tony."

"I do have clothes on."

"Wearing only an apron isn't exactly what I call wearing clothes."...Tony turns around to go back, showing his bare butt.


"Yeah, sweet cheeks?"

She's shocked, but she's not..."Where did you find an apron?"

"In the kitchen, honey muffins."

"What are you doing?"


"Baking? What?"

Tony brings her a cupcake

"Ooh, I like cake."

"I know."

"What no frosting?"

"I'm not Julia Child, sugar lips."

Ziva eats her cupcake

"Get dressed, Ziva...we're about to land in about 20 minutes."

She nods..."Oh Tony?"

Tony turns around...

"Keep the apron."

"Ziva...turn around." She turns as he zips up her dress.

Ziva grabs her gun from inside Tony's bag and checks the clip, then slides it back in and places it on her person.

"Where do you put that anyway, Zivalicious?"

"Heh...wouldn't you like to know?"

"Remind me to go exploring later."

"Such a naughty boy."

"Heh..." Tony grabs his gun and places it in his holster...and he walks towards the kitchen

"What are you doing? We're about to land."

"I need to get something."

A few minutes later, Tony comes back with a full bag.

"What's that?"

"I emptied the fridge and cabinets."


"Why not?...they had three bottles of Kristal in there, might as well take it...being undercover rules."

"You're costing tax payers lots of money."

"I pay taxes, too."

"True...anymore cupcakes?"

"No, you ate them all, you little cake gobbler."

"Aww, too bad...and I was gonna get some frosting on the way to the hotel...but now what would I put it on?"

"Speaking of naughty."

"...damn you and your sexiness."

Tony playing with his tie..

"We are on final approach, so if you aren't in your seat, please do so..."

Ziva grabs his tie and kisses him..."Got everything?" they sit down

"I guess, should I take the towels in the bathroom?"

"God no, they were yellow...ewwww."

"Note to self: Don't buy anything yellow for Ziva." Tony makes a clicking noise.

The plane lands...

The captain and co-pilot come out...

"I hope you enjoyed your flight." they open the door.

"We did, thank you."

Ziva steps off the plane...and Tony follows her...

"Aww, Hawaii...I've never been here before, Tony."

"Aloha, Ziva."

"Mr. and Mrs. DiNozzo?"


"Your limousine is on the way."

"Thank you."

"I'll get your luggage now."

He leaves...

"I think your right, Tony...the director did go all out."

"Indeed." he smacks her on the butt

The limo pulls up as the man with their luggage comes back...the limo driver opens the trunk as the other places the luggage in the trunk then closes it...Tony walks over to him, reaches into his pocket and takes out his money clip, he licks his fingers then hands the man a 50.

"Oh, thank you, sir."

The limo driver opens the door and Ziva gets in, followed by Tony.

"You gave him a 50 Tony."

"Jenny gave me a little extra cash."

"How much?"

"$10,000...we have to take it look real, Ziva."

"Do you know our destination driver?"

"Yes, Ma'am."


They arrive at the Hawaii Eclipse Resort...the car stops and the limo driver gets out and opens the door, Ziva exits, then Tony...then he opens the trunk and a bell hop takes the luggage out of the trunk..

"Here you are, my good man." Tony hands him a 50.

"Thank you, sir."

They head inside the entrance.

"Mr. and Mrs. DiNozzo...we've been expecting you...your room is ready, if you will, please follow me."

The young lady walks and they follow...the bell boy right behind them with their bags

"Here we are." ...she opens the door and goes inside, Ziva follows her as Tony waits for the bell boy...he places the bags inside and Tony hands him a 50 and he leaves with a smile on his face.

"Here is your jacuzzi bath, next to it, is your sauna...and on left is the bar, it is stocked for you, free of charge." they come back out of the bathroom into the living area of the suite.

"That's very nice of them, isn't honey?"

Tony walks towards them holding a 100, "Thank you.."...Tony looks at her nametag..."Jill." ...handing her the 100.

"If you need anything, just let me know."

"Thank you, we will."

The door closes.

"Holy crap!"

"You can say that again."

"Holy crap!"

"Just a figure of speech, Ziva."


"This room does cost more than our house, though."

Ziva walks into the bedroom..."The bed is huge, Tony."

"We've been here 2 minutes and you already wanna do it again?"

She peaks her head out of the doorway..."Yes."

" right there." Tony walks over to the fridge and places the Kristal inside



"You better hurry."

"Start without me if you have, too."


"Sorry!" Tony runs into the bedroom

Ziva lies alone in bed, a knock is at the door, with the sound of a shower in the background...then another knock

"Coming." Ziva wraps up with the blanket from the bed

She walks to the door and opens it..

"A package for Mrs. DiNozzo."

Ziva takes the package, it's a long rectangle box with a bow on it.

"One second, I have to get my purse."

"No need, Mrs. DiNozzo, your husband has taken care of it already."

"Well, thank you." she closes the door.

She walks back into the bedroom and places the box on the bed, then opens it, she folds back the tissue paper to find a card and a black dress...the note reads: "If I'm wearing Armani, you should be wearing Valentino" ...Ziva lifts the dress by it's spaghetti straps..."This must've cost a fortune."

"It doesn't matter what it you like it?" Tony walks out of the bathroom wearing a towel

"I love it."

"Good, then it's money well, take a shower and get dressed for dinner."

"What, you're not joining me?"

"Sorry, I have to do something, we'll take bubble bath later tonight, ok?"

She smiles..."Sure." she walks into the bathroom, dropping the bed covers.

Tony walks over picking them up, places them on the bed...then goes to get dressed.

Tony opens up the door, walking back into their suite...he takes out his cell and calls someone...

Ziva steps out of the shower and wraps her body with a towel and stands in front of the mirror, she wipes off the mirror with her hand and wraps her hair with another towel..."Tony, should I put my hair up or leave it down?"

No response

"Tony?" she walks out of the bedroom and into the bedroom, where Tony is talking on the phone.

"Are you minding Auntie Abby, Sienna? ...well, that's good and you're taking care of your brothers, aren't you? ...that's my big girl. ...what? ... oh, we'll be home in a few days...we miss you, too. ...look, I gotta go, kiss your brothers for me, will ya? ...I love you, Sienna."

Tony hangs up...

"Hey..." Ziva gets on the bed and crawls over to Tony wrapping her arms around his neck..."Everything ok at home?"

"Yeah, everything is fine...the kids are with Abby."

"You miss them as much as I do?"

"More." Tony sighs..."You ready to eat?"

"Yeah...should I put my hair up or leave it down?"

"Whatever is easier for could put it in a ponytail if you want."

"Ok..." she gets up to get ready.

Tony sits on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands...then he rises and goes to the bar and takes out a bottle of water, he takes a drink then pours some over his head, then pushes his hair back with his hands.

"I'll be right back, I'm going down to send a postcard to the kids..."


Tony gets to the door and starts to turn the handle..."Oh, Ziva?"


"Wear underwear..." Tony turns the handle and leaves

Tony opens the door and walks inside

"Are you almost ready, Ziva?"

Ziva walks out in the black dress, with her hair pulled back into a ponytail, except for a few strands of curls that hang down the right side of her face. "What shoes should I wear?"

"Something comfortable...ummmm, how about the Jimmy Choo black sandal heels I'm holding in my hand?"

"You're spoiling me, Tony."

"So?"...Tony sits on the bed..."Come here." ...she walks over to him..."give me your foot." patting his knee...she raises her left foot, placing it on his knee...he caresses her calf, moving down to her foot...finally sliding the sandal onto her foot, then buckling it around her ankle. "Now, the other one." ...she places her other foot on his knee and he again caresses her calf and foot before putting her sandal on. He lets go of her foot and she leans down and kisses him.

"Can't we just skip dinner?"

"No, I've set up something special for you."

Tony turns her, rises and kisses the nape of her neck...moving his mouth to her ear…"Very special."

Ziva opens up her neck more to him, but Tony moves away, grabbing her hand..."Let us be on our way."

They leaves through the front door...they walk to the entrance...

"Our limo?"

"It's right outside, sir."

Tony hands him a 50 as they walk outside

"You look absolutely stunning, Mrs. DiNozzo."

"Here's a another 50." giving him a wink

"Right, sure."

Ziva enters the limo first, then Tony follows

"Where to, sir?"

"Rose Rogue, please."

"Right away."

The limo leaves..

The limo arrives at the Rose Rogue...Ziva steps out, then Tony...they go inside.

"DiNozzo, party of two. Merci."

"Aww, yes, we have a special table for you. Please, follow me." ...he walks off and they follow, he heads up a set of stairs, into the balcony..."here we are, sir...the best seat in the house." He pulls out Ziva's chair and she sits...

Tony hands him a 100

"Merci beaucoup!" ...and he leaves...

Tony sits...

"You know, you're turning into a regular James Bond."

(as Sean Connery) "DiNozzo, Anthony DiNozzo."

A waiter places bread and pours them a glass of wine

"It's kosher, Ziva...I made sure of that."

She smiles..."Thank you."

Tony laughs...


"I wonder if I'm considered kosher?"


"It was just a question...heh"

The waiter places soup in front of them and lays out napkins across their laps

Tony raises his hand and a man walks over to him and Tony whispers in his ear and he hands him a 50 and he leaves..

"What was that about?"

"You'll see."

Ziva is finicky..."I don't want to mess up my dress."

"Eat,'re gonna need your energy tonight."

She laughs...and she picks up her spoon and tastes her soup..

A young girl comes up and hands Ziva a dozen roses

"Merci" ...Tony stares at Ziva...


He continues staring.



"Why are you staring at me?"

"Because you're the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Oh stop it!"

"I can't."

She continues to eat her soup..."You know, this is really good."

Tony continues staring at her...he moves a strand of her hair out of her eye...


"Yes, please."

The waiter places their dinner in front of them.

"You hardly ate anything, Tony."

Tony looks down at Ziva's plate..."...and you ate everything."

"Yes, I know."

He reaches out to her, dabbing the side of her mouth with a napkin..."...and you didn't get a thing on your dress."

The waiter places a piece of 8 layer chocolate cake between them.

Tony takes his fork and cuts into it and moves it too Ziva' mouth, feeding her a piece.

"Mmm, very sweet."

Ziva slides her finger into the frosting and slide it into Tony's mouth.

"Very sweet."

Tony motions to a waiter..."Please leave us a lone."

The waiter Ziva take another bite of the cake.

"Do you want some more, Tony?"

"No..." ...he leans forward..."Take your panties off."

Ziva looks at him..."...what?"

"Take them off and hand them to me."



Ziva scoots forward in her chair..."I can't believe I'm doing this."

Tony sits back and watches...

"What movie is this from, Tony?" she continues

Tony takes a drink of his wine..."are they off?"


"Hand them to me." ...she tries to hand them to him under the table..

"Above the table, please."


Tony just looks at her...

She hands them to him and he takes him into his hand and bring them to his nose, then places them in his suit pocket...he then leans forward and kisses her..."Sliver."

Back in the hotel suite, laughter and giggling is heard

The camera moves from the front door, through the bedroom and finally through the bathroom door...Tony and Ziva are inside the over-sized bathtub, she's lying on top of him, her head laying back on his right shoulder...bubbles cover everything

"Too many bubbles, I can't see anything."

"I like it like's called mysterious."

"I call it teasing."

Tony tickles Ziva...she giggles..."stop it!"

He tickles her...she giggles again...she turns over quickly, she collects bubbles with her hands and builds a bubble beard on him, then soaps up his hair.

"How do I look?"


He tickles her again...and she once again giggles...then pushes off sliding to the other side of the tub.

"What are you doing all the way over there?"

"Stay away from you."

Tony frowns...

Ziva grins...

"What are you doing with your foot, Mrs. DiNozzo?"

"Searching for a sea serpent."

"Heh."...Tony's cell rings..


"Hey, Tony..."

"What's up, Jenny?" Ziva laughs in the background

"What is that splashing sound?"

"Where taking a bubble bath."

"Oh, hello Ziva."

"One second, I'll put you on speaker." Tony clicks a button..

"Shalom, Jen."

"I totally lost all track of time, Jenny."

"It's ok, nothing important, just checking in...making sure everything is ready for tomorrow."

"Yeah, I already checked out his apartment."

"When did you do this, Tony."

"When you were in the shower before dinner, Ziva."

"Anything to report, Tony?"

"Not really, we have the same exact room layout, so it should be easy to navigate in the dark if required."

"Any intel for us, Jen?"

"Actually, yes, seems the Korean will have a companion, a woman, we assume it's his, we're gonna need detail on her, as well."

"Anything else?"

"Nope, just make sure you install that trojan horse on his computer tomorrow."

"Have you gotten Gibbs up to speed, Jenny?"

"Not yet, Tony...but I will."

"I'm trusting you, Jenny." ...Tony hangs up..

"Now where were we Tony?"

Tony disappears under the water...

Ziva sits by the pool, wearing a bikini with a sarong wrapped around her, with sunglasses on.

"Oh, pool boy!"


"A mai-tai, please."

He nods and leaves.

"Zulu 8, radio check."

"Loud and's video?"

"Your legs look amazing."

"Thank you, Tango 8...the target has arrived, with companion."

"MTAC is coming online, waiting for instructions."

"Here's your mai-tai, Mrs. DiNozzo."

"Thank you." ...she takes a sip

MTAC comes online...Tony turns his mic off to Ziva..."Jenny, the target arrived minutes ago, Zulu 8 is waiting for instructions."

"We need a pic of his companion, Tango 8."

Tony turns his mic back on..."Zulu 8, we need a photo of the companion."

"Got it." She rises, takes off her sarong and takes a step into the water...

"Be steady, Zulu 8." ...Tony clicks a few buttons..."Got it."


"That is all for now."

"Zulu 8, mission accomplished"

"I'm gonna need someone to put suntan lotion on my back, Tango 8."

"See you in 10, Zulu 8...Tango 8 out."


"Yes, Jenny?"

"We've got a name."


"Mi Suki, she's Chinese, she's American educated...MIT, 2000-2003...Nuclear Physicist"


"That is correct."

"Homeland security?"

"Only as a last option."


"Not yet."

"Please don't hesitate, Jenny...have you asked McGee, maybe he went to school with her."

"He's not in the loop."

"Maybe you should bring him in."

" two can do this."


"Do it, Tony."

she signs off

Later in the day, Tony is sitting on the edge of the bed, while Ziva lies under sheets

"Why did you stop?"

"It doesn't feel right."


"The mission."

Ziva looks up and says a prayer...she then smacks Tony on the back..."Don't scare me like that!"

She rubs his back where she hit him..."You're not lying to Gibbs, Tony."

"But it feels like it."

She sighs..."I'm going to kill her!"...she pauses..."Look, I'll take care of everything, I'll bug his computer and I'll take out the frog."

"I don't like how she's acting...I think she's out of control."

"He did something to her, Tony."

"Did she tell you what?"

"No...but I know how she feels."

She pats the bed..."come on, lay back down...I have a plan and I will need your help."

Tony lays back down...she snuggles up next to him..."What's the plan?"

"Well...I was thinking..." Tony rolls over and kisses her..."I thought you wanted to hear the plan." ...he kisses her again.

"Later, I'm not a quitter and I'm not quitting now..."

"Oh, Tony..." ...fades to black...

Later that night

Ziva walks through the door, she's wearing all black.

"I need to you distract Mi Suki, Tony...she's at the bar right now."


"She's been sitting there drinking margaritas and flirting with a lot of"

"Turn on the charm, huh?"

"Just be Tony."

"I think I can do that."

He starts to leave..."Tony, one night stand her."


"Bring her back here."

"I'm not gonna sleep with her, Ziva."

"I know...I would kill you."

"Oh...well...that's comforting."

She kisses him..."Just do it."

He leaves..."Great, I got a horny Israeli wife wanting me to pick up a Chinese lady for sex, but I can't have sex with her, because she'll kill me, but I gotta make it out like I really want to have sex with her, but we won't be, but what happens if Ziva thinks I went to far, will she get pissed at me about that? I'm screw, right? Oh the hell with it. I'm screwed either way."

Tony licks his left ring finger and takes off his wedding ring..."Showtime, Tony"...then walks into the bar...and sits down next to Mi Suki.

"Bartender, margarita please..." ...handing him a 50..."keep the change."

"Good choice."

"Excuse me?"

"The margarita."

"Oh..."...Tony takes a drink..."you're right, it was a good choice, maybe I should come to you from now on for my stock picks."

She laughs..."I don't know about that."

Tony takes another drink..

"I..I'm Mi."


"My name."

"Awww, I'm's nice to meet you Mi."


"What brings you to or pleasure?"

"Mostly business."

"Aww, that's too's such a beautiful place to waste with business."

Tony takes another drink..."Another round, barkeep and another for the beautiful lady."

"Thank you, Anthony."

"My pleasure."

"Speaking of pleasure, is that why you're here?"

"Well..." Tony takes another drink..."It's complicated."

"How so?"

"I'm suppose to be on my honeymoon."

"Suppose to be?"

Tony brings his hand to his face...he struggles to get out, "It's hard to talk about."

"Aww, I'm so sorry." Tony picks up his glass and it shakes

"She didn't deserve you, Anthony."

"I keep telling myself that...but this won't go away."

Tony turns away from her..."I'm sorry, I don't mean to ruin your evening."

"You haven't...really."

The bartender delivers the Tony digs into his pocket for money

Her hand reaches over grabbing Tony's wrist, "Let me."

She opens her purse and hands him some money.

Tony grabs the new margarita glass, taking the frost off the glass and applies it to his face, making him appear to be crying..."Thank you, Mi...I think it's best if I go back to my room."

Tony pushes on the bar to stand up...

She lays her hand on top of his...Tony looks over at her..."Do you want some company?"

Tony wipes his tears away with his right hand...he turns and takes a step...then holds his right hand back and she puts her hand in his and they walk out of the bar together.

They are outside Tony's suite


Tony turns to her..."Yes?"

She takes a step toward him and kisses him...he pulls away..."I'm sorry."

Tony opens the door...then takes a step back and kisses her, pulling her into the room.

"Did you just kiss her?"


"Who are you?"

"Shut up...why did you kiss her?"

"Because I had, too."

"Anthony, what's going on?"

"I said shut up."

"She's my wife."


"Oh, I didn't mention that?"

"I'll ask one more time, why were you kissing her?"

"Sealing the deal, babycakes."

"No hanky panky?"

"You interrupted that."


"I'm very confused."

"You're Mi Suki, a nuclear physicist, you went to MIT and you're working with a Hideo Nobo."




"Believe it or not, I'm getting used to that."

"We're Naval police."

Ziva ties up Mi Suki to a chair, blindfolding her and gags her mouth

Tony walks over to Ziva..."are you really mad at me?"

"Yes, you kissed her."

"I was acting."

Tony kisses her..

"You reek of margaritas...that's...that' hot."

Ziva attacks him, ripping his shirt off...pushing him onto the bed...everything fades to black..

45 minutes later

Ziva buckles her pants as Tony still lies in bed

She walks over to Mi Suki and takes off her blindfold...then gag..

"Oh my god, I can't believe you two had sex while I was sitting here...I could hear everything...I think I need a cigarette.."

"That was our first threesome, dear."

"...and our last."

Ziva takes a leather case from her baggage and starts to lay it out on the dresser behind Mi Suki.

"It's not necessary, babe."

"What is she doing?"

"She's's her torture kit."

"Please do something, Anthony."

"Don't worry, she's not gonna hurt you."

Ziva chuckles and continues to set up.

"Please, don't hurt me. I'm just a tech."

"I know."

"What do you mean, I know, Tony?"

"She's CIA, Ziva."

"H...How did you know?"

"She's CIA?"

Tony places his hands behind his head..."I called McGeek and asked him about her, he told me she was accepted to Langley."

Tony looks up..."you two didn't date or anything, did ya?"


"Tim McGee."



Ziva moves in front of Mi Suki..."What is your assignment?" ...she's holding her knife.

"We're all on the same time, please don't hurt me."

"Ziva, behave."

"I should rip her lips off...she kissed you."

"You have to forgive, Ziva…she's a little...possessive."

"Is your assignment Nobo or La Grenouille?"


"Cut her, Ziva."

"No, stop!"

"It's Nobo."

"Go on..."

"Please, this was my first assignment."

"Why are you even a field operative?" Ziva asked.

"I wasn't suppose to be, but since I'm Chinese, they said they couldn't pass it up."

"...and how much training did you have?"

"6 months."

"What were they thinking? The CIA has become a joke."

"Ziva, hate the CIA later...Mi, tell us about Nobo."

"I was to see if he had uranium enriched rods."

"...and does he?"


"So, what is he doing here to meet La Grenouille?"

"He was going to try and bluff his way into 25 million dollars."

"In blood diamonds?"


"That's La Grenouille, all right."

Ziva moves to the back of Mi and cuts her free..."Then La Grenouille doesn't know Nobo is the one they're meeting?"

"No, they just know a codename, Nobo has been extremely paranoid"

"What's the codename?"


"Mi, I want you to introduce me to Mr. Nobo."


"Because I'm going to become him."

"We'll contact you later." Ziva opens the door and lets her leave

Ziva closes the door and looks at Tony...and shakes her head


"Only you would interrogate someone nude."

"It turned you on, didn't it?"



Ziva walks in through the patio sliding glass door into their suite


She walks through the bedroom into the bathroom


Tony sits in the jacuzzi.

"I thought you were gonna wait?"

He doesn't answer

"Hey!" ...she walks over and smacks him in the back of the head

Tony turns around and takes the ear piece out..."Yeah?"

"Oh sorry.." she starts to rub his head.

Ziva starts to disrobe as the camera pans to Tony as she climbs inside

"What are you listening too?"

Tony hands her one of the ear phones...

"Is that me moaning and screaming? You have a recording of me orgasming? ...and you're listening to it?"

"It's the greatest sound in the world."

"I dunno if I should be freightened, honored or turned on."

"Maybe a little of all three?"

Tony turns off his ipod and places it on a towel just outside of the tub

"So, what's up?

"Mi persuaded Nobo to meet us for breakfast tomorrow."

"So, your plan worked, huh?"

"I'm worried about Mi, though...she's totally green."

"She'll do fine, all she has to do is sit there."

"How are we gonna do this?"

"I just talked to Jenny, she's gonna be erasing me from NCIS, I'm going in blind."

"Is that smart?"

"Probably not."...he pauses..."Don't worry, I've set things in motion that will secure our safety."

"What things?"

Tony moves to her..."Everything is going to be fine." he kisses her...

Ziva wraps her arms around his neck and squeezes...and whispers..."Don't make me raise 3 kids by myself...they need their daddy"

Tony doesn't say anything...he just hugs her back...

Ziva wakes..."Good morning."

She looks to her left and Tony is gone.



"Thank goodness." under her breath

Tony walks out of the bathroom, completely dressed

"No need to have breakfast with Mi and Nobo, dear."

"Why's that?"

Tony points to the bathroom..."Nobo's in there."

Ziva gets up and walks into the bathroom...Nobe is literally duct taped to the wall of the shower, his hands handcuffed behind him with duct tape coving his mouth.

"How much duct tape did you use?"

"Four rolls."

She shakes her head...

"His laptop is on the table, it's online with MTAC right now."

"How did you get him, I've never seen him outside his room, since he's arrived."

"On my way back from the airport, I just happened to see him walking down the hall. I guess he ran out of toiler paper, because when I knocked him out, 3 rolls fell out from under his pajama top."

Tony walks over next to Ziva..."by the way, what kind of terrorist wears pajamas to bed? Not just pajama, but pajamas with footies"

"They all can't be like you, takes a certain kind of man to sleep naked."

"My boys need air, Ziva. I hate 'em sweaty."

"Me, too."

Tony gives Ziva a glare..."Heh.."

Tony puts in his earwig and hands one to Ziva

"Go for Tango 8."

"La Grenouille arrive at 11 a.m., Tango 8. The mission is a go. The meeting is at the Laguna Airport, remember codename: Magma. Good luck."

"Thanks, Jenny."

"Tango 8, out."

Tony puts on his sunglasses..."video?"

"It's working."

"Time to go."

She kisses him..."come back to me."

"Of course, we haven't had sex today."

"Giving you added motivation?"

"You could say that."

Tony starts to leave...Ziva grabs his arm..."I mean it, Tony...come back to me."

"I promise."

Tony stands waiting for his limo, with Nobo briefcase in hand

Tony coughs..."Check."

"Nice and clear, Tango 8."

Tony coughs again.

"Your limo, sir."

"Thank you, Patrick." ...handing him a 50.

Tony gets inside..."Laguna Airport, driver."

"Right away, sir."

"How long?"

"15 minutes."

"Thank you."

"Mi is with me, Tango 8."

Tony coughs again..

"Mi says the rods should come off as radioactive, Nobo dummied them up."

Tony coughs..

"How's the fishing in Hawaii?"

"Pretty good, sir."

"Any good boats?"

"Yeah, the Sienna."

"We're here, sir."

Tony steps out.

Tony walks to the driver's window..."About that boat, I'd like to go there when we're done, if that's ok?"

"Yes, sir...the boat is anchored close by."

Tony walks through a gated area...La Grenouille plane is straight ahead...two men wait by a car..

"Stop, up against the car."

"I have a gun, it's in my holster and I have a knife, it's on my belt, right side."

They take his gun and knife and pat him down.




A man goes inside the plane...then comes back to the door waves Tony and the other man in

"He will see you now."

Tony walks up the stairs as the other man follows him..

The sound of scratching is in Ziva's ear...then a smash...

"Aww, damn it! They're onto him...they found his earwig..." Ziva hands cover her face...

"Look, the video is still working."

Ziva looks up as Tony sits down facing La Genouille.

"Bonjour, so what can I do for you today?"

Tony hands him the briefcase

He hands it off to someone else..."Would you like a drink?"

"Yes, please."

He waves his hand and a man in a suit brings 2 glasses..."I hope you like it, it's from private collection."

Tony takes a drink..."Macallen, isn't it?"

"I'm impressed. You know your scotch."

"At close to 35,000 a bottle, it's hard to forget."


Tony takes another drink..."I have other business to talk with you, La Grenouille."

"Please, call me Rene."

"If you'll call me Anthony."

"Than it shall be done, Anthony."

"I've recently come into contact with a special person you may know."

"Who would that be?"

Tony takes another drink..."Jennifer Shepard."

Rene thinks for a second..."Oh, really?"

"I know she screwed you on the ARES deal."

"Screwed me? How did you know?"

"I know the men who bought it from you and how unhappy they were."

"Go on..."

"I can deliver her to you."


"For the right price."

"How much?"

"I don't want money."

"No money?"

"No, I want to start a business relationship with you...I have people all over the Pacific region."

"North Korea?"

"It's one of my key areas of business."


"You supply the money, I do the leg work...we split it 50/50."

"What kind of equipment are we discussing?"

"Weaponized anthrax, materials for dirty bombs, stingers, body armor, etc., ...hell, I can get you a civil war cannon, if that's what you need."

"Sounds good."

"Rene, as a good gesture...the rods are my gift."

Rene rises and behind him is a picture of Jeanne Benoit."

Tony stares directly at it…Tony flashbacks to times with Jeanne, them making love, bowling, then seeing her dead...Rene notices..

"Aww, my daughter, she recently passed."

"I...I'm sorry for your loss. She was quite beautiful."

"Oui, she was indeed."

"May I use the restroom?"

"Yes, of course. It's right this way."

Tony walks into the bathroom and washes his face..."Get it together, Tony." ...he smacks himself

Tony takes a huge breath...then another one...he then takes out his pen and writes something on his hand then steps out of the bathroom

"Rene, would you show me out?"

"Of course."

Tony is right at the door..."Thank you for the scotch."

"My pleasure." ...He grabs Tony arm..."When should I expect shipment of Miss Shepard?"

Tony walks out the door...then looks at his watch, then turns his hand over, showing the word: "Gibbs"

"Gibbs?" Ziva says shockingly

Just then a bullet takes out one of his bodyguards as Rene jumps back in the plane, Tony follows him. Gibbs is shown with a sniper rifle on a rooftop about a mile away from the airport...Gibbs fires again, another guard is shot in the shoulder...a limo speeds toward him, McGee jumps out and tackles him and cuffs him.

Rene runs down the center of the plane screaming..."Take off!"...Tony chases after him as another bodyguard runs past Rene going for Tony.

"Kill him, Marco!"

Rene runs into the cockpit and locks it behind him...a woman comes out from behind a curtain..."No shooting, Marco!"

Marco works his way towards Tony as the plane starts to take off.

Ziva watches in terror as Marco lunges at Tony, knocking him down, his glasses fly off...the glasses fall on the ground, upside down...a few moments pass...then a pool of blood slowly works it's way into view on the carpet.


Marco rises, as Tony stays on the floor, then Marco slowly turns around showing Tony's pen his back, he falls forward smashing the glasses.

"Something just happened." Mi pointing at the screen

"What? What did you see?"

"I dunno, like something hit the glasses, then it went black."

Tony rises and walks up behind the woman, on the way he grabs his gun and knife from the Marco..."Hello, Regine Smidt."

"How do you know my name?"

"You're a terrorist, I'm an NCIS agent, I have a computer, your name is in it...any other questions?"

She holds up a gun, pointing it at Tony.

"Give me that damn thing"...taking it from her, takes the clip out, tosses it, then gets rid of the bullet in the chamber then tosses the gun to the side..."I wish my wife was here, she'd really love to kick your ass."

"What? Afraid to hit a girl?" ...she punches him in the face...

"Do it again."


"Do. It. Again."

She punches him again

"Again. I like pain."

"'re crazy."

"Come on, you're suppose to a terrorist."

She punches him again...finally drawing blood..

Tony licks blood from his lip...Tony grabs her by the throat and pushes her back to the cockpit door..


Tony pounds on the door with her head.

"I have your, bitch!...come out and get her."

Tony squeezes her throat..."Scream for me, baby."


Tony takes out his knife and pins her ear to the door with the knife...She screams..."Better."

"Rene Benoit! Next time I use my gun."

"How did you know my last name?"

"Long story short, I dated your daughter."

"No, Jeanne was a good girl."

"No, she was quite naughty."

"How dare you!"

"She loved it, Rene. She couldn't get enough!"

"Don't open up that door, sir!"

"Shut up, whoever you are."

Regine grabs a bottle and hits Tony upside the head with it...he turns his head as the wine inside pours over his suit...his grip loosens and she starts to run away, but Tony grabs her arm and pulls her back, he grabs her by the throat again and smashes her head into the door 5 times, he lets go as she slowly slides down the wall, leaving a trail of blood.

"Rene, open this damn door or I'm bringing us all down."

Tony fires and shoots out a window.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Tony shoots out another window.

"Fine, stop he opens the door."

Rene sees Regine on the ground..."You've killed her."...he jumps at Tony, grabbing his gun, they struggle over it and it goes off, shooting the captain in head, killing him.

The plane does a sudden nose-dive taking Tony and Rene into the cockpit, as the co-pilot struggles to regain control.

Rene wrestles the gun from Tony and points it at him and shoots, but Tony knocks his arm up and he shoots a hole in the plane's windshield...Tony kicks Rene in the stomach knocking him out of the cockpit.

He falls over Regine's body...he crawls and grabs a gun, he turns and fires at

"You need bullets to fire a gun." Tony kicks him in the ribs.

"Please, I have lots of money."


"I'll give you 20 million in blood diamonds right now."


Tony kicks him again...

"What did you do to Jenny Shepard?"


Tony shoots him in the hand...He lets out a scream...

"Tell me!"

Tony points his gun at him again..

"She worked for me...I took her on as a lover...she was undercover...when I tried to find out who she worked for...I had her drugged, beaten and raped for several day and then finally left for dead."

"Get up!"

Tony yanks him up and pushes him to the door, then hits the door button and it starts to open. Rene holds on for dear life.

"Let go."

Rene screams.

Tony shoots him in the knee..."Let go!"

Rene continues to scream

Tony shoots him in the other knee...Rene falls to his knees...Tony kicks him in the face with bottom of his shoe, Rene flies out the door as Tony struggles to make it to the button, but he does and he pushes it...the door closes.

Regine comes running into view, she hits Tony over the head with the briefcase, knocking Tony back into the bathroom, she goes to hit him again, but the briefcase is too wide and the doorway stops it. Tony fires once, hitting her in the stomach, he fires again...his gun is empty. She falls back, Tony grabs the briefcase and starts beating her over the head with it..."die, bitch, die!"

Tony kneels as the plane suddenly takes another nose-dive...Tony flies back into the bathroom, hitting his head on the mirror.

Tony lies unconscious, water quickly fills the plane

Water reaches Tony body as the plane slowly starts to sink...water splashes on his face, bringing him around, he has a severe cut on the back of his head.

Tony tries to stand, but falls and slides down the center aisle, his feet now against the cockpit wall, half of his body is now underwater...Tony lays his head back resting, as water rushes onto his head, the salt in the water, makes the cut on his head burn. Tony puts his hand on his cut, then looks at his hand. His hand is covered in blood.

Tony dives through the cockpit door and starts to kick out the water in the wild shield of the plane.


Gibbs is now at the airport, the man Gibbs shot lies dead from his injuries, a paramedic is strapping him to a stretcher.

"Boss, the plane Tony was on just crashed, on the other side of the island...the Coast Guard has been alerted."

Gibbs gets in the limo, "Get in the damn car, Tim."

Tim runs and gets in the car.

"Have you seen Ziva, McGee?"

"No, she wasn't in the limo with Tony, Boss."

"Call her, McGee...find out where the hell she is."

McGee calls Ziva cell..

Tony swims back through the cockpit door, popping out of the water...he's breathing hard..."I just can't do it...I'm sorry.."

Gibbs stops the limo as Ziva and Mi stand on the corner, LEOs have Nobo in custody.

"Where's Tony, Gibbs?"

"Get in Ziva."

"Where is he!?"

"We don't know...the plane went down."

Ziva grabs her hair in frustration..."He promised."

"Get in, Ziva...please."

Ziva and Mi get in the back and they drive off

Tony lies still, the water up to his chest now as he lies on the slope...memories fly through his mind...Ziva and his children...then of Gibbs..


"Yeah, Boss?"

"Get your ass up!"

"I can't, Boss."

Gibbs walks over and smacks DiNozzo on the back of the head


Tony starts to crawl upwards, grabbing the chair arms...Tony falls back into the water as luggage and items fall on top of him...Tony heads back through the cockpit door and starts kicking and punching the windshield...he finally opens the bullet hole up some more, then he grabs and starts pulling it back with his hands, cutting them in the progress until he can fit through...he slides through and floats to the surface.

He then blacks out

The Coast guard chopper is now on the scene...

"They say no survivors, Boss."

Ziva starts crying..."No, please"

Gibbs hugs Ziva..."He promised, Gibbs...he promised!"

Ziva, Gibbs, McGee and Mi stand on the beach looking into the ocean.

"I can't believe he's gone." McGee kneels picking up some sand and letting it slip through his fingers

Gibbs continues to console Ziva

"If you need anything, Ziva."

"Thank you, McGee."

Tony walks up behind them..."Anyone else feel like crap?"

Ziva turns around..."TONY!"...she runs over to him...then slaps him so hard she knocks him down

Tony looks up at her...then lays back..."I should've stayed on the boat."

Ziva jumps on him, kneeing him the groin.

Tony moans..."What's wrong, Tony?"

Tony continues moaning...

Ziva looks down..."Oh my...I just kneed your boys, didn't I?"

Ziva gets up..."What boat?"

20 minutes earlier

Everything is black...water gushes out of Tony's mouth...his vision slowly comes back...19 women in bikinis surround him

"Am I in heaven?"


"Am I dead?"

"Are you ok?"


"We pulled you out of the water."

Tony turns his head and sees that he's on a boat..."Hawaiian Tropics? God does like me."

"Are you ok? You weren't breathing. Rob gave you CPR."

"Wait, of all the people on a boat full of bikini models and a dude gives me a CPR?"

"No, Rob did...short for Robin."

"Oh, thank god!"

"You're bleeding."

"Heh…hazard of the job."

"What exactly do you do?"

"Would you believe bikini inspector?"

Tony sits up..."I didn't think so...I'm kind of like a cop."

"Do you have a uniform? I love a man in uniform!"

"He's got a ring, ladies...he's taken."

"Aww, that's too bad."

"Hey, I can't eat, but I can look at the menu, can't I?"

Robin helps him up..."We're heading to shore now, the cuts aren't as bad as I thought. I bandaged them up. I don't think they need stitches, but you might need a second opinion."

" a nurse or something?"

"Nope, I'm in veterinarian school."

The boat arrives at shore, Tony says goodbye to everyone, then tries to step up onto the dock and fall head first. "I think I'm gonna lie here for a minute."

"Bye, Tony!"

"Bye, ladies!" Tony says in a muffled voice

A man walks over..."You ok, man?"

"Yeah...could you help me up?"

He helps up Tony and he walks down the pier..."Hey, I think I know them people."

Tony walks over towards them..."Anyone else feel like crap?"

Tony still lies on the sand….Ziva holds out her hand..."Come on, kept your promise."

"Ziva, I feel like crap...I just can't get THAT done right now."...Tony pauses..."All right, give me minute, I think I can do it."

"What are you talking about?"

"I dunno, what are you talking about?"

"Going home."

"Oh, I thought you wanted sex."

"In your condition?"

"I could do it...I think."


"You two do know we're here, don't you?"

Ziva turns..."I'm emotional right now...and when I'm emotional, I get horny."

Gibbs starts to walk away..."Good luck,'re gonna need it."

McGee and Mi follow him

"Boss? McGee? Mi? Help? Hello?"


Tony gulps..."I'm so screwed."