Chapter 11: Gone

12:30 a.m.

Xavier rode home in a hurry to find Garfield, Rachel, and Victor sleeping on the couch. He slammed the door shut and they all jumped up, ready to fight.

"Calm down, it's just me," Xavier said sitting down next to Rachel and Victor.

"Where is Kori?" Garfield asked. As soon as he did Xavier slammed his fists against the wall breaking through. Rachel then punched Garfield in the arm.

"What was that for?" he asked, looking at Rachel.

"He took her," Xavier managed to tell them.

"Who took her?" Garfield asked.

"Richard!" Xavier yelled clenching his fists. He stood up and threw a glass vase across the room and into the kitchen.

"That bastard took my god damn wife!" Xavier yelled throwing yet another vase. He heard a cry and then Alexis came out from behind the hall. (She wasn't hit by the vase)

"Daddy where did mommy go?"

With Kori:

I lit a starbolt in my hand and the room was illuminated with a bright green color. I walked over to the food and looked down at it.

"So now you're trying to drug me?" I said out loud. I knew Richard was listening, I could feel his presence. I threw the tray of food to the ground and it landed with a crash. I lowered my fist just before the door opened. I looked up and a shadow flashed across the light, but there was nobody left after.

I quickly got up and sprinted out the door. I started running down a stone wall and soon came to a steel door. I kicked it open (Jake Baured it open. Inside joke, don't try to understand. You might hurt yourself) and continued running. I finally stopped when I heard foot steps. I started running towards them, but stopped when I could tell they were just around the corner.

I kicked them and I heard them fall to the floor. I didn't wait to see who it was, I just kept running. Soon I heard foot steps running after me again, so I started to run faster. I stopped at a door that had light coming in through the bottom of it. I opened the door and was looking at the main room in the Titan Tower. Strong arms rapped around me and I was forced into the darkness, losing site of all hope.

With Xavier and Alexis:

"Alexis come with me," Xavier said, taking her hand and leading her upstairs.

"Why did you break the vases? Did somebody hurt you?" Alexis asked in a caring voice. Xavier looked down upon his beautiful daughter. Her black hair was about 3 inches below her shoulders and red streaks stood out in the small waves that cascaded down her face. Her deep red eyes looked up at him longing for an answer.

"Mommy isn't coming back anytime soon," Xavier said, stroking Alexis's hair.

"Where is she?" Alexis asked looking up at Xavier. Xavier could now see fear and sadness in her eyes.

"She was token from us," Xavier said before Alexis started to cry. Xavier picked Alexis up and held her in his arms. He then started to slowly rock back and forth, trying to calm her.

"I'm going to get her back. I'm going to fight till the death if it means she gets free," Xavier said, looking out into the blazing stars above.

Back with Kori:

I was thrown down to the wet ground. Water was dripping down on my face. I took a deep breathe and a sharp pain when through my spine and stomach. I slowly sat up and looked up at Richard. He was looking down at me, blood trailing from his lip. It must have been from when I hit him while trying to get out.

"I'm in the Tower?" I asked, looking up at him.

"So you saw too much. Yes you're in the Tower. Isn't it great to be home?" Richard asked coldly.

"You sick bastard!" I yelled, lunging at him. He grabbed me and threw me back to the ground. I grabbed my stomach, biting my tongue trying to stop the pain. He walked over to me and looked down into my pained eyes.

"Are you ok?" Richard asked smirking.

"Richard I'm about to have this baby!" I screamed at him, still in pain.

"Good," was all Richard said before he dragged me down the hall. He pulled me into a white room with a doctor waiting inside. Before I knew it the doctor was holding Alex in his hands. He was about to give Alex to me when Richard took him.

"He has your eyes," Richard said looking down upon Alex.

"Let me hold him," I said holding out my hands. Richard ignored me and kept Alex in his arms.

"Let me hold him!" I yelled. Richard finally handed him to me. Richard was right about on thing, Alex did have my bright emerald eyes. He had some brown hair sticking up on his head and the cutest smile. He took my finger in his hands and kissed it. My vision started to blur as tears of joy filled my eyes.

"Too bad I have to kill him," Richard said, taking Alex away from me. Alex started crying and screaming as he was ripped away from me.

"No!" I screamed, trying to get out of the bed, but I was stuck. Metal locks where around my ankles and wrists.

"Please don't!" I screamed crying. Richard had a gun and was now pointing it at Alex's forehead.

"You killed my wife… I kill you son," Richard said before he pulled the trigger. Alex stopped crying, screaming, breathing, and living. He was dead.

"No!!" I screamed, tears running down my face. My anger started to grow as Richard threw my dead baby at the wall and laughed as its head cracked open. The metal locks holding me still, broke and I lunged out and tackled Richard to the ground.

"You bastard!" I screamed, punching him. His eye was swollen, lip was bleeding, and he had bruises covering his face. His arm was broken and his leg was cut and bleeding badly. I grabbed my clothes and ran. Soon I was at the door with light coming out from the bottom of it. I kicked the door open and started to run. (Now she's in her clothes) I ran around the tower trying to find a way out.

With Xavier:

Xavier woke up the next day to an empty bed. He looked at my empty spot and a single tear ran down his cheek. Xavier got up and walked out into the living room. Alexis was laying on the couch holding the Teddy Bear I had gotten her. Her face was still stained with tears. Xavier went over to her and stoked her hair. She stirred, but quickly fell back asleep.

With Richard:

Richard slowly got up and made his way to the phone.

"She got away… you know what to do," Richard said in a weak voice before he fell to the ground dead.

With Kori:

I flew through the air and stopped at my house.

"Xavier!" I screamed running into the house. I stopped when I saw what had happened.

"NO!" I screamed falling to my knees crying. There on the couch was Alexis… dead. Her throat had been slit while she was sleeping. Blood now stained the white carpet and her teddy bear… who was missing its head. I quickly got up and rushed to my room, but before I left I saw a note.

"I killed them all. Your family and your friends. See you in hell, Richard"

"Xavier!" I yelled rushing over to him. He was lying on the bed with a knife in his chest, but he was still alive.

"Kori," he said looking up at me.

"I'm here, I'm safe," I said, looking down at him still crying.

"I was afraid I wouldn't be able to see you again. I love you," he said wiping away my tears. (yes I know, cheesy)

"Don't say good bye. You're going to be ok," I said taking his hand. (again with the cheesiness. Sorry for the cheesiness.)

"I love you," Xavier said smiling. I kissed him and when I looked back down at him after I pulled away and he was dead. I went over to his dresser and pulled out his other gun. (don't forget Richard had the other gun) I put the gun to my head.

"I love you too," I said before I pulled the trigger.


That is the end of the story! The last chapter! Thanks to everybody that reviewed and guessed how this story would end. I already have another idea for a story so plz review once I post that story!

Also!!! I really, really, really hope that RoseFire loved her birthday story!!!! And that everybody else that read it loved it to. Also! A little announcement. I'll be leaving on the second of July, a Monday. I'll be gone for most of July and when I finally do return I'll type up the forth chapter of Whispers and post it. I'll be posting the third chapter of Whispers a little bit before I leave... maybe tomorrow. Please review!

The one and ONLY, I Laugh at ur Pain