Title: If Only..

Summary: Elena loves Tseng, she loved him enough to safe his life, but her actions will forever change the lives of the Turks.

Author's note:

1 Year later..

"Did you find him?"

"I'm sorry sir, he wasn't in Wutai."

"..try Junon, he has to be somewhere, people don't just dissapear."

"Yes sir."

Rufus sat back in his chair and sighed deeply, where had Tseng gone? When was he coming back? How was he doing?

He shook his head, he promised him to not come looking for him, nine months ago..but he knew he couldn't keep that promise..

"Tseng! Where are you going?" Rufus ran down the street, he had to stop Tseng before he got in his car.

"I'm leaving." Tseng said calmly, as he placed his suitcase in the back of the car.

"Listen, I know you need some time off but.." Rufus frowned slightly, he had to see this coming..Tseng had been down ever since Elena died.."You're leaving for good, aren't you?"

Tseng was silent for a moment, before continuing his work "Yes.."

"Why?" Rufus asked sadly.

"I can't do it anymore..this job, Reno, Rude..it's too much..everything reminds me of her.."

"Do you honestly think that leaving will solve anything?"

"I know that leaving won't solve anything..but staying isn't an option."


"I'm sorry Rufus..I'm going."

"Reno and Rude..do they know?"

"I told them, don't be mad at them, I asked them to keep quiet." Tseng reached in his pocket and handed his gun and his special personal pass to Rufus, "Goodbye."

Rufus took the gun and the pass, this was it..Tseng was really leaving, he was leaving the Turks, and this city, and Rufus had just accepted it.

"Tseng." he said as Tseng sat down in his car, "I hope you find peace."

Tseng nodded, "Thank you." he stared at the steering wheel for a moment, "Don't come looking for me.."

"Tseng, I-"

"Promise me."


Tseng smiled slightly, "Farewell Rufus, you have been a great friend to me.."

"Same here." Rufus smiled back as the car began to drive off.

"Reno, there's someone here to see you." the nurse said, smiling gently as always, "Can I tell him to come?"

Reno sat up in his bed, "I'm not feeling too well.."

"That doesn't suprise me! Your body wants alcohol." she said opening the curtains.

"Why not be nice and give my body what it wants?" Reno asked sweetly.

"You know I'm not falling for that!" the nurse laughed, "But don't worry, you'll feel better eventually."

"I doubt it." Reno frowned slightly and laid back down on his bed, this headache was killing him.

"Oh, but you're doing so well!" the nurse called cheerfully, "You've been off alcohol for a while now, you've had the worst part of your rehab, now, it's just a matter of time."

"Says the saint who never drank a single drop of alcohol." Reno said, slightly annoyed..this nurse was way too loud.

"Jealous?" she grinned before walking back to the door, "Are you sure you don't want any company? The man said he knows you very well."

Reno shrugged, "Fine.."

The nurse shrugged and opened the door, just as she left, a man walked into the room.

"You've got some nerve to keep me waiting like that."

Reno sat up again and blinked, "Rude?" his frown turned into a smile, Rude was finally allowed to visit him?

"How are you feeling?" Rude asked as he sat beside Reno on the bed.

"Like shit yo.." Reno said holding a hand against his forehead, "Anyway..how's the new job?"

"It's very...different.." Rude shrugged slightly, "I never knew Turk Trainee's could be so stupid at times.."

"Hey, they're called 'Trainee's' for a reason." Reno grinned, "I don't know who to feel sorry for..you for having to train those kids, or those kids for having you as their teacher."

Rude glared at him, "Don't make me hurt you."

"I may be stuck in here for a while, but if you think you can beat me, you're crazy!" Reno said.

Rude smiled, "It's good to see you back Reno.."

Reno shrugged, "It's only been a month man..don't get all emotional on me.."

"You don't realise how long you've been gone." Reno had been so different after Elena's death..he looked like a shell of what he once was, but now, that shell was starting to break down piece by piece..

Juna sat back in her chair, "Any questions?"

All the Turks in the room shook their head, "No ma'am."

"Good, then go, and make me proud." she said as she turned her chair around, "You are dismissed."

Juna had Tseng's job now..everything in the company had changed with Elena's death..Tseng left, Reno's drinking had turned into a serious problem and he went into rehab, Rude couldn't do his job on his own, so he was assigned to train the new Turks.

She stood up and looked out of the window, the weather was quite nice tonight..

Juna turned her gaze at the phone when it started ringing.

"Juna speaking."

"Juna, have you send them yet?"

"Yes Mr President, I have sent the Turks over to Junon just now."

"Keep me informed."

"Yes sir, you will get a full report tommorow."

She closed her phone again and looked out of the window.

Rude walked through the door again, "The nurse said it's okay."

Reno smiled and got up, "Maybe I shouldn't ignore my doctor's orders.." his doctor had told him to stay in bed if he felt sick.

"Maybe you shouldn't." Rude said, leaning against the wall.

"You kidding?! I always ignore direct orders!" Reno said, walking out of his room and through another door to get to the balcony.

Rude stood beside Reno and looked over the forest in front of them, "Nice view."

"Yeah.." Reno said softly, "I've missed this.."


"Being outside, in the fresh air..that room is killing me."

Rude chuckled slightly, "Well, if you keep the good attitude up, maybe you get to leave this place for good."

Reno smiled, "I hope so.."

"Hey Rude."


"When I get out of here, and we both get back to work..things will be just like the good old times.."

Rude grinned, Reno really was getting back the way he was.

"Hey, you think I can leave for a while?"

"Why would you want to leave?"

"I wanna go see Laney."

Rude was silent, it had been a while since they last visited Elena's grave.

"Lets go." Rude said.

Reno blinked, "Won't they stop us?"

Rude smirked,

"No one stops the Turks."

Rufus put down the phone again.

"Where are you Tseng?" he asked himself as he looked over to the cornor of the room, where the small shrine, dedicated to Elena, stood.

Rufus stared at it for a while, he realised something..something he should've realised a long time ago..

He silently reached for his phone yet again..

"Yes? Juna speaking?"

"Juna, cut off the mission."

"But..they haven't found him yet!"

"He's fine."


Rufus closed his eyes and smiled.

"Elena is watching over him."

Well, That's the end of it!

I hope you liked it.

Sorry to just stop it like that, but it has to end somewhere, right?

And I didn't want to make it too depressing. :P

Anyways, please review:)