Title: If Only..

Summary: Elena loves Tseng, she loved him enough to safe his life, but her actions will forever change the lives of the Turks.

Tseng silently walked through the busy streets..today had been horrible..he had to finish more than six huge packs of paperwork, he had to pick Reno up from some bar, and drive him home because he was too drunk to even know where he lived, and Rude had called in sick that day..and he had to work until very late..and on top of that, his car had broken down, which meant that he had to walk all the way home, in the pouring rain..without an umbrella, or even a coat for that matter.

But that wasn't what really bothered him..what really bothered him, was what happened after he was about to leave his office.

Of course he knew that the day would arrive sometime..but still, it had caught him completely off guard.

Elena had come to see him, he should've known when he saw how nervous she was, she had something very important to tell him.

He knew she loved him, it was hard not to notice, she acted so differently around him, and on top of that, he had overheard a conversation between Reno and Rude..which pretty much confirmed it.

After she had finally told him, he couldn't say anything..he couldn't tell her if he felt the same, or if he didn't feel the same..all he could say, was that it was against company policies to have relationships on the workingfloor, with that, he had left..not even giving her an answer, she didn't say anything after that, nor did she go after him..after all..he was her boss..she had no right to tell him what to do.

He wondered though..why he hadn't given her an answer..he hated to admit it, but he wasn't sure if he liked her or not, he had always had feelings for Aeris, even after Elena joined the Turks, and when the flower girl died, he had been too busy grieving to even notice any of his co-workers.

But..he knew that, after he and Elena were tortured by Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz, his feelings for her had grown, she had really showed how strong she was in there..day after day, they had been tortured, he thought Elena would've eventually opened her mouth and just spilled all usefull information, but..she didn't.

Even though she was being tortured, right in front of his eyes, and he was tortured in front of her eyes, she never broke..she stayed strong until the very end, until Vincent Valentine had saved them.

He didn't pay any attention to where he was going anymore..he was completely lost in his own thoughts.

He figured he was somewhere near his house..but he couldn't say for sure, and he wasn't really interested in finding out either, he had the day off tomorrow, so he could just do whatever he wanted all night.

Minutes passed by, but to Tseng, those minutes seemed like an eternity.

He couldn't get his mind off of this..did he like Elena? Or not? Why couldn't he figure his own feelings out? It was really frustrating, and for a moment, he envied Elena for being so sure about her feelings..though after tonight, her feelings towards him might've changed..

He didn't even notice the busy street he was about to cross, cars quickly drove over it, the drivers all wanting to get home as soon as possible to get at least one hour of sleep.

"Sir, look out!!" a panicking voice called at him, he turned slightly..only to see a large bus drive at him, it was too late..he hadn't payed attention, and now he was paying the prize, there was no way he would survive a crash with the bus.

But then...

He fell flat on his face on the road, he could hear the wheels of the bus, the driver desperately trying to stop the bus.

Finally, the bus had stopped..but the driver didn't get out..Tseng was confused..why didn't the driver get out to scold at him for not paying attention?

He slowly stood up, it seemed like something had happened..a crowd started to form in front of the bus, people gasping, people telling other people to quickly call an ambulance..

His eyes widened when he realised who's voice it was that called him, and he realised whose hands he had felt on his back..

Tseng slowly started walking..past the bus, past the driver, who sat in his seat, frozen in shock.

And then, he saw it..through the crowd of people, he saw a figure lying on the road..and that figure wasn't moving.

He quickly forced himself through the crowd..only to have his worst fear come true.

A young, blond haired girl was lying in front of him..wearing her work uniform, her hair covered her face.

"El..ena.." he dropped down on his knees and held the young Turk, slowly moving her hair out of her face..but the thing that replaced her hair, wasn't a good thing..it seemed like she had several cuts on her face, and most of those cuts were releasing alot of blood.

"Elena..wake up!" he called, she had to wake up..she just had to..she was a Turk after all..Turks always stood up..always..

"Elena..please..." he heard a man behind him tell his wife that the ambulance was on their way.

She still didn't move..she was still breathing..but her eyes remained shut.

But then, her eyes seemed to move slightly behind her eyelids..she slowly started opening her eyes, several times, they had closed again..but finally, she managed to keep them open.

"S..Sir.." she lifted her hand up a little, but she didn't have the strength to keep it up, and dropped it again..Tseng quickly grabbed her hand and squeezed

it slightly, "Elena, help is coming..just hang in there.."

Her eyeslids slowly dropped again, "Elena!" where was that ambulance? Why the hell did it take this long? Elena needed help!

After a struggle with her own eyelids, she opened her eyes again, "Sir.." she wanted to say something..but her breath was cut off..

"Elena, don't say anything..spare your energy." he whispered, slowly bending over her, so the rain would fall on him, and not on the fragile body he was holding.

"Sir..are you...alright..?" he could barely hear her voice..it was less than a whisper.

Tseng felt like he would cry, he managed to keep them in though.

Even though he had hurt her feelings tonight, even though he had told her that she should forget about her feelings for the sake of her job..she had pushed him out of the way..and she was the one ending up getting hit by the car..just because she loved him..she truly loved him..he saw that now.

Somehow..he had managed to nod at her question, a small smile spread on the girl's face.

"..good..." his eyes shot open in shock..she had released her grip on his hand, and she had hung her head..her eyes were shut too.

"Elena? Elena! Wake up! Open your eyes!" he shook her body..she couldn't do this! The ambulance was on it's way..she had to hang in there..

"Elena.." he placed two fingers on her neck..checking for a pulse..nothing..not even the smallest sign of a heartbeat.

He slowly shook his head..this wasn't happening..this was a dream..it..had to be.

He did his best to stay calm, but ended up reaching for his gun when he heard the sirens of the ambulance draw closer.

"Move!! Get out of the way!" he pointed the gun at the crowd..people quickly ran away, afraid that the young man was going to shoot them if they refused to listen.

Everything after that seemed like a dream..his vision began to blur..he couldn't keep his balance anymore..and without a warning, he passed out..only hearing faint whispers coming from the people who were desperately trying to save the young girl.

His vision slightly returned, as he saw people rush over to him to see if he was alright.

"Elena.." was the last word he could whisper before slipping back into unconsciousness.

Well, that's the end of this chapter! Sad chapter..I know.

More will follow too.

Anyways, if you liked the first chapter, please review, so I know if I should continue or not. :P It's all in my mind, so it's no problem for me if I have to stop writing this because people don't review. xD It's your own loss!

I want at least one review for me to continue:P

Okay, done rambling, please review, and I will add the next chapter as soon as I finish writing it.