Chapter 1:

It was their one year anniversary. She and Jackson had already been dating for a whole year. It seemed like only yesterday that they had admitted their feelings for each other.

She had been sitting at the Stewart's kitchen counter for 20 minutes in her Lola wig waiting for Miley to finish getting ready. Who knew pop stars could be such divas? You know what, never mind. Jackson was sitting across from her eating cereal, Captain Crunch I think. Like it matters, right, wait a minute, or was it Honeycombs? No it was Captain Crunch, I just though Jackson kind of looked like the guy from the Honeycomb commercials, anyway…

She and Jackson were talking about the basis of the political spectrum, haha fooled ya, they were talking about the impact of cheese on food. They were in the middle of a heated debate on the differences between American and Cheddar cheese when they started playing eye tag.

First Lilly looked up at Jackson, then he looked at her, and they kept this going until they both realized what was happening and they started smiling.

"Why were you looking at me?" they both asked at the same time.

"I don't know" they did it again.

"Fine, then look away", Lilly suggested. Instead, they looked each other right in the eyes.

Slowly Jackson leaned across the counter and Lilly closed her eyes as their lips touched. She threw her arms around his neck and just kept kissing him.

Tonight he was taking her out to celebrate. She was all dressed up in a sexy outfit Miley had let her steal out of the Hannah closet. Her hair was done up and she had actually put on more than lip gloss.

She heard the doorbell ring downstairs as her brother let Jackson in. She had to hurry, she didn't want to keep him waiting. Now where was that pesky earring…

Suddenly two hands covered her eyes. "Guess who?"

"I have no idea!" she said smiling, this was a game they played.

"How about now?" he said as he kissed her.

"Chad Michael Murray?"


"Teddy Geiger?"



"Eww, most definitely hotter!"


"You win, now you get a prize!" he kissed her again.

"Where's that stupid earring?"

"You don't need it" he handed her a small box.

"Oh Jackson, you didn't!" inside were a set of diamond studs that were at least 2 cts.

"Of course I did. Come on, I've got reservations, we've got to go."

She kissed him, "You are the best boyfriend ever!"

"Only for the best girlfriend ever," he kissed her again.

They set out on the freeway for this French place Jackson said he had reservations for.

"Remember when we started dating?" he said as he looked at her.

"Not again! Jackson, watch the road!"

"Fine, then look away." But she couldn't then suddenly.

"Jackson, what does that guy think he's doing?"

"I don't know, but it looks like he learned to drive from Mario Kart."

"Jackson, he's coming right at us!"

"Hold on, Lilly!"

Suddenly all she could hear was a crash and the screeching of tearing metal. They were spinning and something hit her in the head. Finally, Jackson's SUV rolled over and stopped.

"Jackson? Are you okay?"

There was silence.

"Jackson, answer me!"

Still, she heard nothing.


Then came the Onstar. "We have detected the deployment of you're airbags. Are you alright?"

"No, my head is bleeding and my boyfriend isn't answering me. We're upside down, I…" she fainted.