Learning To Talk
A/N I don't think I've ever written a fic based on something that could happen, either in Grey's or anything else. However, I was inspired enough by the situation with Meredith and Derek and a picture I saw that looks like it could be from after Christina's wedding (whether it takes place or not) to write something that resolves the issue. I've certainly never written a fic without planning it on paper first, so this is new. Feel free to tell me if it's rubbish, but please do so in a review!
Disclaimer: Repeat after me, 'I don't own Grey's Anatomy'.
The noise was deafening. The waves of sound reaching a mad crescendo that Meredith Grey was certain would burst her eardrums any second.
Meredith still wasn't sure exactly what had happened. One minute she was following her friend, her 'person', down the aisle as her Maid of Honour. Everything was going fine, even Christina, the bride, who'd resisted the idea of a traditional wedding as if it would give her the Ebola virus, looked radiant and, Meredith had to admit, gorgeous in her wedding outfit, a simple dress that made her look so feminine it was scary.
The wedding began and Meredith risked a glance to the Groom's right to the Best Man. Meredith felt a familiar warmth rush over her at the sight of him, standing tall and handsome in a black suit. There was something just so….Derek… about him that it sent Meredith's heart into overdrive. Derek must have sensed her watching him because he suddenly turned his head, just ever so slightly and looked into her eyes. He stared at her for at least 5 seconds, his eyes full of something that she couldn't fathom. The only thing she knew was that he wasn't staring at her the way he usually did. He wasn't giving her the McDreamy look, as Christina had called it since the beginning of their Internship, the look that reminded her all to clearly that he had seen her naked….more than once…The look that reduced Meredith to a lust-filled puddle of mush. No, this time Derek Shepherd's eyes were cold, dark, and, Meredith saw, filled with barely suppressed anger.
Meredith flinched at the intensity of Derek's gaze on her. She wanted to run, but she knew she couldn't. She knew, damn it, that if she ran off now Christina would run after her and the wedding would be ruined….and it would be her fault. So she stayed. Stayed and watched Derek stare, reminded of another time when he'd stared at her.
That time he'd been dancing with his wife at a prom night for the Chief's niece at the hospital…Ex-wife, Meredith reminded herself….and he watched Meredith dancing with Finn, the vet for the dog they'd had to put down that day, the dog Meredith had bought and then ended up having to give to Derek and Addison. Meredith had run that time, intimidated by the look in Derek's eyes, a passionate heavy-lidded gaze that he knew perfectly well made her ache for him, despite the fact that she was in another man's arms, a man who was good and sweet and probably good for her…too good. He had plans, lots of plans, but Meredith knew in her heart she would never really want him. No, the man she wanted was another woman's husband, world renowned Neurosurgeon Derek Shepherd. So Meredith ran and Derek, being as hot-headed and stubborn as her, followed. They fought in an empty exam room before suddenly Meredith found herself in Derek's arms, his lips on hers. The world seemed to stop. All that existed in the world was them. Meredith knew it was wrong. Before she hadn't known Derek was married, but now, on prom night, she did, but she was doing it anyway. As Derek tugged on her hair, tilting her head back almost painfully to kiss her collarbone, all Meredith knew was that she wanted him.
Meredith was dragged out of her memories abruptly. She started and flushed when she realised she'd been thinking of having sex with Derek whilst Christina was getting married! Without even thinking about it she glanced over towards Derek again, but now he was looking at Burke who was gesturing wildly, seemingly at nothing. Christina turned to face Meredith, her face pale and her eyes filled with confusion. Then, without even glancing back at his bride, Burke fled.
Christina watched him go, making no attempt to stop him, her mouth open slightly as if she was holding back a sound that was desperate to find an escape route, the rest of her body locked, as if she couldn't move even if she wanted to. Suddenly she seemed to recover from her momentary loss of function. She shook her head resignedly at Meredith, almost automatically, as if auto-pilot had flicked on in her brain and she couldn't bring herself to switch it off. She pushed passed Meredith who took in what was happening with wide eyes, whilst her mind tried feverishly to process it. Meredith didn't understand what was happening. All she could see was Christina Yang's retreating form as she swept back down the aisle. When she reached the doors she'd come through just moments before, Christina looked back at the rows of seats occupied by guests both her and Burke's mother's had sent invitations to, some she knew from the hospital, some were friends, but mostly, people she had never met before and hoped she would never have to meet again in this lifetime. She locked gazes with Meredith again, who stared back, her eyes glowing with confusion. 'I think the wedding is off', Christina said loudly enough for the whole gathering to hear, and then she fled.
There were a few short seconds of silence where everyone just sat, as if transfixed by whatever it was that had taken place. Then there were murmurs of sound, whispers that went from person to person, first at a snails pace, then gradually becoming faster and faster and louder and louder, until the large room was filled with what seemed like a million voices.
Meredith turned towards the seated gathering and, under her breath said the first thing she could think of.
A/N Now then, I didn't say it was a one-shot did I? It was supposed to be, but never mind. Please review, you'll make me happy, and I, like Meredith and Derek, deserve to be happy. More soon, I want this finished by Thursday.