I don't care

Squish me

tear me

break me

pull me

I don't care what you do

this wouldn't have been so bad

if it hadn't been for you

you don't care about me

you never did

and I don't really mind that

cause even if ya did I wouldn't want you

no matter if you gave me everything you had

in fact you can't keep everything you have from me

cause I can access it so easily

my father owns everything you temporarily control

why don't you just crawl into a whole?

oh, I forgot, you're too busy making everyone's lives so miserable

getting your revenge on God for a punishment that you truly deserve

get a life

oh, I forgot, you had one

a really good one

but you gave it up for this temporary rein

too bad for you it's almost over


besides, you're the one losing this battle

oh, I forgot, you have way too much pride for that

well, maybe after when you're finally burning in hell you'll have a change to think things over

so again, I don't really care what you try to do to me

cause you're nothing anyway

just a pit of slime in my eyes

oh wait, no, that's giving you too much credit

so go ahead

give me your best shot!

just try and get past the One who loves and protects me

Jesus Christ is his name

he defeated everything

even death itself!

by his blood he washed away my sins so that I now have a great future with him

far away from you!

so again, I don't really care what you try to pull

go ahead

I'll be standing next to my redeemer

he lives forever in my soul

now try and beat that!