A/N- Hey everybody I'm back! I haven't updated in forever and I decided that since this story seems to be doing the best I'd update it first. I swear I had every intention of updating this on Christmas as a little present but things sort of got out of hand and I wasn't able too. I was still recovering from Christmas Day yesterday. Today everything is bright and sunny. Anyway I have a feeling that you guys will enjoy this chapter. I had to cut it in half too so it might now be that long.

Last time we left off with Round 2 Part 1 of Truth or Dare. It is the all-random category. You might want to read the last couple paragraphs of the last chapter to refresh your memory.

Everyone had taken a little break to recover from the last round.

"Okay I'm starting it off again as always," Brandon, said, "I got a truth. It says raise both hands over your head until your next turn, then select date. DO NOT DROP HANDS!"

"I thought you said it was a truth," Gabriella chuckled.

"I know Sharpay this game isn't fair. It is weird and stupid. How is it going to say truth and then tell me to do a dare and then say select dare on my next turn?"

"Brandon, just shut up and put your damn hands over your head," Sharpay demanded.

Brandon sighed but did as she said after passing the laptop over to Chad.

"Okay, I got a truth too. Instead of telling what your biggest secret is, instead truthfully explain WHY you keep this secret."

"Chad you are to tell us why you kept the secret not why," Sharpay informed him.

"Sharpay duh I'm stupid!" Chad puffed.

"Kind of hard to believe," Erico commented.

"Dude stay out of it. Chad just answer the question," Troy chimed in.

Erico gave him a death glare but Troy ignored it.

"The reason why I kept the secret was because it would hurt a lot of people."

"He's probably a serial rapist or something," Erico joked.

"Shut the fuck up!" Gabriella screamed at him.

"You know what you little bitch! You shut the fuck up!" Erico yelled at her.

"Hey don't talk to her like that!" Brandon and Troy said at the same time.

"Okay everyone calm down and Erico go on with your turn," Zeke tried to calm everyone.

"Shit and I got a dare! It says if you are a male, don a pair of briefs or boxers and let a group member soak it down with cold water while the group watches. Nothing may be worn underneath."

Jason laughed, "His balls are going to freeze."

Taylor came back with a cup of ice-cold water. The water actually had ice cubes in it! She did as the dare said and poured it all over his lower section. Everyone burst out in hysterical laughter as he shivered and shook because of the coldness of the water on his most sensitive area. Even Taylor couldn't keep herself from laughing.

"Man that was funny. His balls probably shriveled up to the size of tiny little pebbles," Rathsany said.

"Okay! Okay! Funny times now my arms are killing me can we get on with the game!" Brandon screeched.

"Yeah we better. Brandon is bright red and we don't want his arms to fall off," Gabriella laughed, "I got a truth. What did you do to someone in your family that hurt them deeply? Okay well one time I was at my cousins house and he was getting on my nerves so I stabbed him in his hand with a pencil."

"That's the worst thing you can think of?" Ryan questioned.

"Oh dude get stabbed in the hand with a pencil. You won't take it lightly!" Zeke added.

As soon as Gabriella finished answering the questioned Erico got up and ran to his room to change.

"Jason's turn."

"I got truth too. It says if you could have a romantic fling with any celebrity who would it be? What is it about this person that you like so much? It would probably have to be Jennifer Lopez because she is so hot."

Kelsi rolled her eyes before snatching the laptop from him, "Shit dare. Pick two other players, one of each sex. Now take them into a private room and tell them how to make out. They must do whatever you say, within the rating of this game. After one minute return to the group. Now randomly choose one of the people who just made out. This person gets to pick a player that YOU must make out with, while the other person gets to direct YOU for one minute and while the rest of the group watches."

Everyone had a confused look on their face.

"So basically what you do is choose to people you want to see kiss and they are going to go in that room over there and you tell them how to make out. Then once they get finished one of those people is going to pick someone for you to make out with a direct you. Got it," Sharpay explained.

"Yeah I guess I want to see Troy and Gabriella make out."

Shakeela's face dropped and a bunch of oohs came from everyone else. All three of them went into the room Sharpay pointed to.

"Okay everyone direct your attention to the laptop. Little do they know but there is a hidden camera in that room," Sharpay whispered.

They all gathered around and watched as Troy and Gabriella started to kiss. Gabriella wrapped her arms around Troy's neck and his moved his hands and placed them firmly on her lower back. Troy started to take Gabriella's shirt off and Gabriella loosed his belt buckle. Troy moved his lips to his neck and Gabriella slid his pants down as her shirt came off.

Shakeela screamed, "No! They can't do that! It said within the rating of the game! Somebody needs to go stop them before they go to far!"

"Okay yeah she's right Zeke go knock on the door and tell them to come out," Sharpay said.

The three of them came out of the room Kelsi smiling but Troy and Gabriella with blank expressions on their face secretly wanting it to have gone further.

The group reformed their circle and Shakeela burst into tears.

"Kelsi do you want Gabriella or Troy to choose someone for you to kiss and direct?"


"Girl, you already know you are kissing Jason so just both of you be prepared," Gabriella smiled.

Jason perked up while Kelsi perked down. They stood in the middle and Gabriella made them do the exact same thing as her and Troy.

Kelsi made sure she pulled away not a second later than she was supposed to. Jason had a silly little grin on his face while Kelsi was acting like she wanted to throw up.

"She know she liked it," Jason rolled his eyes.

"Meagan! We haven't heard much from you today. It's your turn!" Kelsi changed the subject.

Meagan sent a silent pray and grabbed the laptop, "Oh thank god I got a truth! Have you ever drank something other than alcohol, just to get a buzz? What was it? I really haven't but I've had too much coffee before if that counts for anything."

Rathsany proceeded with her turn, "Truth. What did you do to someone in your family that hurt them deeply? Oh my somebody just has this one. We need a better game because this just isn't working out."

"Would you answer the question and then shut up?" Sharpay snarled.

"The biggest thing I did was rip up my moms bills. Ryan baby it's your turn."

"Dare. Strip down to your undies and go jump in the pool for five seconds. Then dry off and get dressed."

Ryan did that and then came back and sat down like it was nothing. It was Shakeela's turn.

"I got a dare. Your hands and feet must be tied or handcuffed together, hand to hand and foot to foot. You must continue to play the game while tied up and remain like this until either the game is over or someone gets this same dare."

Troy smirked and got the ropes to tie her up, "There you go baby. You're tied up all tight."

Gabriella giggled and her and Troy's eyes connected for a second.

It was now the ice queen's turn. "Truth. You have at one time wished to trade lives with someone else. Who was it, and why did you make such a wish? I don't think anyone knows her but Ryan but it was this girl named Alissa. She was our next door neighbor and she lived the perfect life."

"Tay Tay your turn," Gabriella gave her a reassuring smile.

Taylor sent an unsure smile back, "Dare. Pay your penance by licking a bar of soap. You may not wash your tongue for one turn."

Chad got up and brought her a bar of soap. She relentlessly licked it and started spitting and gagging making it hilarious. Once she composed herself it was Troy's turn.

"I always seem to be the one doing all the dumb stuff. Dang, remove clothing except for underwear, now go somewhere dirty of the groups choice. You must lay down and roll around in filth for 30 seconds. When finished, do not clean yourself but get redressed."

"Troy we're going to send you in the dirt outside right next to the driveway," Sharpay pointed him to his destination.

He came back covered in dirt, mud, dead bugs, and some live ones. He put back on his clothes pissed and sat back down like he was going to throw a tantrum.

"Okay I got a dare too. Lick every single computer or laptop in the house." Zeke made gagging noises as he got up to find all the computers and laptops in the house.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much I can put my arms down now!" Brandon screamed holding his arms like they were on fire.

"I got another dare. You buy pizza for the group if they want it, even if food is already available. Thank god. Does anybody want pizza?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah," everyone said. Brandon got up and went to order a pizza not caring what toppings.

"Chadster. Okay dare, you must stand, hands down to your sides, The group now selects a player to get two eggs, crush them on either side of your head, and smear the contents into your hair, face, clothes, or anywhere they wish on you. Stand and drip until your next turn, but don't move."

Meagan hopped up before anybody choose anyone and got the eggs. She cracked them all over his head and smeared it in his face. Chad got mad and started wiping eggs all over her. Sharpay had to get up and break it up between the two and their egg fight.

"Why are you fighting a girl?" Erico questioned him.

"Chad don't even say anything just leave it alone," Troy said.

"Erico go it's your turn," Gabriella said impatiently.

"Okay lay on your back, hands at your sides. Your partner should now kneel next to you, covering your nose and mouth with one hand while masturbating you with their other. Remain perfectly still, but do not breathe when you feel yourself needing air, struggle to inhale. Your partner should ensure that you cannot breathe until you are absolutely desperate. At the point of desperation, your partner should give you a quick breath, then increase the intensity of your stimulation. Do this until you orgasm."

"Now that is just freaky," Rathsany said.

The group watched in horror as Taylor and Erico performed this dare. Chad and Troy wanted to throw up and Gabriella couldn't do anything but look away.

They finished with Erico aroused and Taylor slightly embarrassed. It was an awkward pause in the game before the doorbell rang with the pizza.

There is enough for everyone to have one piece. Troy has to feed Shakeela hers since she is tied up and Chad can't have any because he isn't supposed to move.

It was Gabriella's turn, "Dare. Pay your penance by licking a bar of soap. You may not wash you tongue for one turn." She performed her dare and thought it was disgusting.

Jason grabbed the laptop eager for a fun dare. "Yes dare okay read this dare aloud. By the time you finish reading the dare, you have 30 seconds to tag any other players in the game. Each player you tag must make out with you for 30 seconds. If you don't tag anyone the group gets to give you a dare of their choice."

As soon as he finished reading everyone dipped out of the room except for Chad who couldn't move and Shakeela who was tied up. Jason didn't want to kiss Chad so he left him alone so the only other person was Shakeela. They made out and Troy didn't even flinch.

Kelsi was ready for her turn because she was ready to get it over with, "If you could clone yourself would you like to have sex with your clone? Why or why not? No because I'm not into myself that much."

"Okay what's something that a guy or girl wanted to do with you, but you wouldn't let them. Probably something like sex," Meagan answered.

A/N- So I'll leave off right there. So leave lot's of reviews! I'm almost up to 100! You can yell at me for not updating in forever. I would love to know what it is that you guys love about this story so much. Also any ideas or things you want to see happen in the story would be too.

Happy Holidays!