Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of its characters, I only own the plot of this story

Full Summary: Everybody in her life is gone, and Hermione is being hunted by death eaters. As she runs for her life, she realizes that there is only one place to go, a place she never thought she would turn

Rated T for slightly graphical rape and language

Hermione ran through the rain, hugging her cloak tightly against her. She hated herself for what she was doing, but she really had no choice.

Everyone in her life was gone, and this was the only place left to turn.

Harry and Ron had been in St Mungo's for the past 2 months, stuck in comas from their battle with Voldemort, Ginny and the other Weaslys were dead, along with Luna, Neville and Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan was missing, god knows where Order was and her family had been killed by Death Eaters.

There were few people on the side of good left, and they were all being hunted, tortured and killed.

But because of Hermione's accociations with "the boy who lived" aka the Dark Lord's worst enemy, she was public enemy number 1.

And they had found her, hardly 20 minutes ago.

Hermione had been sitting in her flat, reading a book after visiting Ron and Harry in the hospital. She could tell that there was a storm picking up because of the howling winds and reaccuring thunder.

As she began to feel her eyes droop, her door thrust open revealing 4 looming shadows, death eaters.

Before she knew what has happening, Hermione was twisting on the floor screaming in pain.

"We've been trying to get our hands on you for quite some time now you little witch" one of the hooded figures hissed in her ear as she panted for breath after being released of her pain, momentarily.

Hermione had hardly been able to guess what was in store next. She was shoved on the floor by a large body, pinning her there as his hands explored her body and his lips smashed violently against hers.

The man ripped off her shirt and bra as his lips dived onto her chest allowing her to scream her lungs out, which the death eater was obviously enjoying.

She had always told herself that she would keep her cool whenever the death eaters came, but she couldn't do it.

Her jeans came off next, closely followed by her last article of clothing and he began to violently abuse her.

Each of the death eaters took their turn and continued biting her, kissing her and washing their tounges and lips across her as she screamed out for help that she knew would never come

Finally the last one was finished with her and they loomed above her as she knew what was coming next. Hermione was able to gain her composure as she did her best to return her tattered clothing to her beaten and bruised body.

Just as they began to raise their wands to strike, Hermione reached into her back pocket relieved to find her wand as she wheezed a spell that flashed a white light across the dark room, blinding her attackers.

She took her opportunity to grab her cloak from the coat hook next to the door and bolt out of there like a flash of lightning.

Hermione ran, not knowing where she was going, not knowing where she could go until and idea hit her, which she knew she would regret later, but what choice did she have? The death eaters would come back after her, she was sure of that.

As she reached her destination, she breathed deeply as she walked towards the door. She had no time to think about what she was about to do, she was tired, and crucially wounded, it was this, or death.

Hermione reached her hand to the door and knocked a timid fist against it, as loud as she could.

It swung open to reviel a very agitated face,

"Granger? What the bloody hell are you doing here?"