Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto ...!

Most Author's notes will be at the end

Hope you Read and Enjoy...R&R!

Life In Your Ninja Gear

Chapter One: Mind Transfer Jutsu

"This is what I want you to do. We've been working on the basics of the mind-transfer jutsu for a while now, and I think it's time for the real thing. This jutsu will be vital in some of your A and B-rank missions when you get to them, so try hard. I want each of you to perform the mind transfer jutsu at the same time on eachother. Understand?" These were Kakashi's orders. Each Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto took their stances and formed the hand sign. "In sync now. One, two, three-go"
"Mind Transfer Jutsu!" the three chorused and the air densed with the presence of their spirits flying into eachothers bodies. Their bodies had hardly dropped half an inch when they were again possessed by the another spirit. Sakura's spirit overtook Sasuke. Sasuke's spirit took Naruto's, and Naruto took Sakura. Kakashi watched them keenly to see if the transfer was sucessful. Each of their bodies rose. Immediatly he could tell the result. Sasuke's stance was light and delicate, while Naruto's was strong and arrongant. And Sakura definetly didn't carry herself like that.
"Great job!" Kakashi praised them, pleased at the success. Naruto, in Sakura's body, grinned and laughed loudly.
"I knew I could do it!" she' shouted.
"Naruto! Shut up! You're making me look like fool!" Sakura in Sasuke's body chided. Suddenly, all three of them tensed as they felt the presence of another Shinobi. The wind picked up ferociously so that they had to shield their eyes. Naruto, still in Sakura's body lifted his eyes and saw an ANBU with a wolf mask appeared beside Kakashi. He, or she, whispered something in his ear and his expression turned grave. "Right," they heard Kakashi mutter. Then, he turned to his students and brightly said, "You guys have the rest of the day off. Good job today. Be ready to meet tommorow, same time same place." Before they could question him, he vanished.
"Where was he off to in such a hurry?" Sakura asked the others.
"Who cares. If we want our own bodies back, we all have to release at the same time." Sasuke pointed out, and Naruto frowned.
"What was the words again?" He questioned. Sakura recalled Ino when she did her jutsu.
"It was 'release!" Sakura said, but it sounded odd in Sasuke's voice. It made the real Sasuke cringe.
"Okay, let's hurry up and do this!" He said. "One...two...three"
Several moments passed.
"Am I...me?" Sakura's body asked. Sasuke turned to her voice. Sasuke's body did, too.
"NARUTO! GET OUT OF MY BODY!" Sasuke looked down at his own hands and realised they were not his own. They were still Naruto's.
"It didn't work!" Naruto said. "Okay...let's do it again." They did. More suspense. Same body.

"Are...you kidding me!" Sakura exploded. In Sasuke's body her rage seemed comical to Naruto. "We can't get back and Kakashi's long gone! I knew this would happen! We don't have enough chakra to do it properly, and now we're stuck! Little by little out chakra is going to drain until we're totally exhausted"
"You don't mean...we're permanently stuck like this until Kakashi comes back?" Sasuke growled dangerously. Five seconds ago Naruto was busy sniffing the cherry blossom scent that was coming from his host but then, an actualy good idea clicked in his head.
"What about Ino, or her dad"
"Grrrr! Ino's whole family is on VACATION! What are we going to do?" Sakura yelled.

Sakura, is in Sasuke's body. Sasuke, is in Naruto's. Naruto is in Sakura's. What possible disaster could become of this?

Oh my God! I'm in Sasuke's body... Sasuke's actual body... I'm so...cute! Sakura was checking herself out. Earlier they decided they would have to remain in eachother's bodies until the next day when they met Kakashi. sakura snuck into her house in the form of Sasuke amd was now flaunting her looks in the mirror.
And so this is what it feels like to be a guy. Man, I'm so HOT! CHA! Even thought she took over Sasuke's body, her inner still remained. After a while she decided she would milk this for what it was worth and take a walk outside.

I look like a complete dobe, Sasuke scowled as he looked in the mirror and saw Naruto scowling back at him. And I feel weaker, he added as a smug after thought. Suddenly his stomach startled to rumble loudly causing him to double over.
"Ahh...!" He put a hand on his stomach. "So...hungry. Why... do I have an urge for ramen? I hate ramen." The urge was unresistable. Sasuke had no choice but to go to Ichiraku's since there wasn't a single Instant Ramen cup in his cabinets.

Ah! I'm a...girl! A girl! Hehehehehe! And what's better-I'm Sakura! Hehehehe! I'm cute, too. Naruto was dancing around in his house. I'm Sakura, I'm Sakura, I'm Sakura! He danced around his kitchen and right out the door to see the world from his teammates eyes. I know just what to do, now. Celebrate at Ichiraku's!

Naruto fell into his regular seat at his favorite ramen stand.
"The usual, please!" He said cheerily as the old man asked him for his order.
"The usual...? Miss, you don't come here that often, do you? Does she, Ayama?" Ayame peeked over from an oven and shook her head, puzzled.
"Oh yeah!" Naruto quietly cursed himself and tunred red. "Um, sorry. I'll have 3 bowls of Miso Ramen, please!" The old man looked surprised.
"Hehe, you sure have an apetite," he chuckled, and shifted his attention to a new customer. "Ah! Naruto! How are you? The usual"
"Yeah, whatever," Naruto responded. The real Naruto alomst fell out of his seat. He turned on Sasuke and growled,
"What are YOU ding here." Sasuke, still in Naruto's body, shrugged. "I'm hungry, teme." Soon two similar bowls of ramen were set in front of them and in a few minutes they were both empty. They glanced at eachother with pained expressions.

"I'm still hungry," Sasuke groaned.
"Arrrrggh, I shouldn't have eaten so much!" Naruto moaned, holding Sakura's stomach. "Ohhh..." Sasuke gulped down two more bowls of ramen while Naruto rested, hunched over in agony.
"Uhhh, I'm going to go," Naruto said. Sasuke was worried that he might not make it home and damage Sakura's body. Not that he cared for his or her health, but if they were too hurt to finish the Mind Transfer jutsu... More than a day in Naruto's body was enough to make him go crazy.

This is how Naruto and Sakura appeared to be walking down the street together, Naruto half supporting Sakura. Before long they were stopped by a grinning KIba.
"Yo!" he called, winking and waving his hand. "Naruto, what's up"
"Nothing..." Sasuke muttered, not playing his character very well. Kiba laughed and gave him the thumbs up.
"I saw Sakura walking in your house earlier. What were you guys doing? Are you together now?" Sasuke twitched and suddenly 'Sakura' came alive again.
"Oh Naruto, I love you!" Naruto said with a sly smile on his face. He threw his arms around Sasuke and put on a swwet smile.
"Naru-Sakura! What do you think you're doing? Get-off-me!" Kiba's became very confused.
"Woah. Naruto, did you switch bodies with Sasuke or something?" He laughed. "I've leave you two alone. See ya." At that moment Sasuke realised it was not wise for them to sleep at their own houses.