Since I was two years old, Beauty and the Beast has been my favorite Disney movie and is now my favorite Broadway play. This is my tribute to the characters who will be leaving New York City's famous theater on July 29, 2007.

You came into my life

when I was still very young.

Yet I knew every word that you spoke,

and every song that you sung.

Throughout my whole life

I knew that should I fall,

it would be you who would catch me

and stand me up tall.

We came together

two wintdertides ago.

You were as wonderful as ever,

and I was aglow.

Now you are leaving

your old stage behind.

No longer allowed to bring light

to frightened hearts like mine.

Yet you took the news bravely

and did not cry.

I was not so strong

and felt as though I would die.

But though I will no longer see you,

I know you are there.

For this is the foundation

of Faith and of Care.

We cannot see love,

yet we feel its soft touch.

And I can say truly

that I love you so much.

I won't say goodbye,

for we are never apart.

I carry you with me

each day in my heart.