A/N: This contains slash of the twincest kind. Don't read if you don't like.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything. Duh.


Fred watched as George shifted slowly in his sleep. It was how they'd always been, same body, same mind, same bed, ever since they'd been born. Apparently Fred would cry constantly if George was taken away and even now, after seventeen years he felt tears well up whenever George left him. A small smile tugged at Fred's lips as George turned over in his sleep and slipped his thumb into his mouth. That was another thing they used to do together. George would wrap his arm round Fred's and they'd suck their thumbs. Sometimes there own, sometimes each others. They didn't know whose was whose and they didn't care. Fred had loved those times, just lying there, eyes locked until they fell asleep.

They didn't do that any more but that was okay. They had new ways of being one. Finishing each other's sentences, dressing the same, fooling other people as to which one of them was which and sometimes forgetting themselves. But some things never changed. They always slept in the same bed. It was their way of showing that they'd be together forever. The Wesley twins, mischief makers extraordinaire, you didn't get one without the other, the strongest brotherly love in the world. But was it just brotherly love? Fred felt a sick feeling in the bottom as this question found its way into his mind again.

You are sick, he told himself, he's your brother, your twin. It'd be incest. It'd be twincest. Fred pulled his arm out from beneath George and slipped out of the bed, heading for the bathroom.

"Fred?" whispered a voice from the bed.

Fred turned round and saw the George's eyes were still closed. He was talking in his sleep again! Unable to do anything but, Fred went back to the bed and knelt at George's side.

"I love you." he whispered, needing to say it at least once.

Fred stood up again and made to leave but a hand suddenly grasping his wrist stopped him. Turning back he saw George staring at him, wide eyed. His insides screamed at him to break George's grip and run but his legs wouldn't follow. He could only watch George's face as he pulled him down towards. And then their lips met and he couldn't even do that. Fred shuddered slightly as George's teeth nibbled at his lower lip. After a moment they broke apart, watching each other wearily. After a moment of silence, George spoke, a grin spreading across his face.

"Guess I love you too."

Their lips met again in a much more heated, passionate kiss, George pulling Fred down onto the bed with him.


It was later, much later as they lay, staring at the ceiling, wrapped around each other when they spoke again.

"This is wrong." stated Fred, trailing his fingers through George's hair.

"No it's not." George whispered against his chest, drawing circles in his pink flesh.

"Then what is it, cos it's definitely not right?"

"It's a twin thing."


A/N: Corny ending I know. What did you think?