Chapter Three: Recognition

It was strange. She was very sad about the fact that she wouldn't see Evan for at least another year, yet…she was still happier than she had been before she met him. And then it hit her. Excluding the times when she caught herself gazing at Evan, Hermione had not thought about Harry or his death at all. She was finally over it…she hoped.

Knowing that, Hermione reflected on the situation with Evan. She would send her parents post to give him, and would explain to him to give them any post he wanted sent to her. That way, he wouldn't be surprised by owl post. She would also probably see him at Christmas and Easter. That way, everything would work out.

As she walked from her parent's car to the entrance of the Leaky Cauldron, Hermione smiled, and felt her spirits rise to the point they had been at with Evan around. The same point in happiness as when Harry was around. She only had one worry on her mind, now. Voldemort.

"Yes, Hermione. I'll be back in a moment with it," the man, Davian Flourish, said as he turned and walked to the back of the shop, Flourish and Blotts.

Hermione had already found all of the books for school. She had also picked up the auto-shrinking Encyclopedia Infinitisma, something that she was surprised she had not found before. It would do for extra reading throughout the year. That and the newest edition of Hogwarts, a History.

Flourish returned, handed Hermione the book, and then accepted her money-a total charge of 23 Galleons, after her in-the-store-nearly-as-much-as-the-owners discount (she was the only member of that group, now that McGonagall was dead) was taken off the price.

Finished with her shopping at last (She had needed new robes and supplies. Apparently, being a seventh year at Hogwarts was hard.), Hermione headed back towards the Leaky Cauldron. The Weasleys should have arrived and finished by then as well.

She knew she had been correct the moment she entered the pub. It was filled with red hair. No one noticed Hermione as she came in, so Hermione sneaked up behind them. Ron was being berated by his mother. It was apparently over his hair, which he had allowed to grow out, much like his brother Bill's.

"You really should get it cut, Ronald! You look absolutely uncivilized!"

Ron laughed. "Bill has his hair like this, and the women love him. Look at who his girlfriend is!"

(A/N I am keeping some things from the sixth book in this one. For instance, Fleur is going out with Bill, though not yet engaged. As you will see next, her nickname has also been retained).

Ginny faked a cough and muttered, "Phlegm!"

Hermione knew that Mrs. Weasley knew perfectly well what Ginny had said but didn't berate her for it. It was well known that Mrs. Weasley felt the same way about Fleur.

"Besides," continued Ron. "I like it this way."

This was her opportunity. Hermione reached out and yanked on Ron's ponytail, pulling his head back to the point of painfulness. "You're right, Ron. It makes it so much easier to pull." She let go, expecting Ron to explode.

But he didn't. He just looked at her for a moment and then spoke hesitantly. "Hermione?"

"That's my name."

Ron goggled. "I almost didn't recognize you! I suppose you're finally over-" Ron stopped, probably not wanting to say the name, just in case she really wasn't over it.

Hermione nodded. "I won't be moping around anymore, trust me. It tired me out almost as much as it did everyone else."

Ron laughed. "I seriously doubt it. Hey, let's celebrate Hermione's newfound cheerfulness! Wanna go to Fortescue's?" (A/N That would be one thing I didn't keep the same as in HBP)

Hermione shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

Mrs. Weasley called after them as they left, "Be careful! This place may be protected by three-hundred Aurors, but that doesn't make it safe!"

Ron rolled his eyes. "She always goes on like that, especially with the recent attacks."

Hermione looked at Ron, puzzled. "Attacks?"

"Yeah," he replied. "They're not in the paper. Dad's told the press not to publish stories like that. They've been at places with large crowds and a lot of protection. Oddly enough, every one nearly succeeded, except that a wizard in a red cloak and hood always stops them. No one knows who he is…" Ron looked uncomfortable. "Let's talk about something else. That's just too somber for me."

Ginny agreed and Hermione nodded, but she knew that she would have to have a talk with Mr. Weasley at some point.

"So, we'll pretty much have the same classes-I just wont be in your Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and History of Magic classes, while you won't be in my Divination."

"Pretty much," Hermione agreed. "We still have Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, Herbology, Defense, and Care of Magical Creatures together."

"Good. You can help me with my homework, then."

Hermione's eyes glinted. "No, Ron, I will not be party to your cheating for yet another y-" Hermione stopped. She thought she had heard a scream. "Did you hear that, Ron?"

"Yeah, it sounded like a woman screaming."

Hermione, Ginny and Ron leapt up from the table outside Florean Fortescue's parlor and ran down Diagon Alley. Near the entrance to the pub were about three hundred Aurors, several members of the Order of the Phoenix, and at least five hundred Death Eaters.

Ron, Ginny, and Hermione exchanged quick glances, and then jumped into the battle that was ensuing. There was no way they could win, but they at least had to try.fx