It had been 15 minutes after he had rang the door bell for the fourth time. If he had not driven to the place, he had fled the ground without hesitation. It took a lot of patience from him to wait for someone t answer the door or at least command him to do so from a speaker. After all, the Uchihas are far richer than the Hyuugas. They could at least have a high tech security system to see who's at the door.

After waiting for more than 30 minutes, the door finally opened with a pink haired lady behind it. She smiled so sweet, Neji had second thoughts that it maybe plastic. She greeted him politely and took the smallest luggage from the welcome mat before leading him inside.

They walked through the vast corridors with luxurious items hanging on the wall and a few vases imported from Italy and Egypt to fill in the blanks. Everything looked way expensive to Neji's eyes. He hates it because he never had the chance to have such money in his pockets. Even if his uncle is a rich man, he didn't ask any money from him because he doesn't feel its right. He was taught not to ask from others by his mother. So he never feels the luxury except his bedroom back at his uncle's mansion.

A sudden curiosity lurked into his him when his eyes were fixed to the pinked haired lady. He remembered that Uchihas are born with dark hair and dark eyes. The lady seemed to have pink hair and green eyes!

"Excuse me, I don't want to sound rude but I thought Uchihas had dark features?" he bravely asked.

The lady suddenly stopped in her tracks which made Neji halt his pace in a very safe distance. He doesn't want any physical contact on the first day at the Uchiha's estate. Plus, he doesn't like people touching him especially his hair.

"Oh, Dear! I must have forgotten to introduce myself! Haruno Sakura. I'm Itachi's personal assistant and fiancée," she apologized and smiled.

Neji just nodded and followed Sakura around the mansion. He was clueless where she's taking him until they reached at a white door with yellow tapes screaming "Stay Out!" and "Private Area" in bold letters. It should caught the attention to who ever came across the door but to the young Hyuuga, it wasn't the yellow tapes that made him stared amusingly at the door, it was the voices coming from behind the door. It seems like there are someone behind the door arguing.

"The guy is a pain in the ass!! He is a clean freak!"

"Not my problem to deal with"

"Well, why don't you say to the person himself?" Sakura suddenly cut into the conversation and alarmed the two of them.

The argument between the two brothers stopped. The presence of a new member in the room had their attention. Their dark eyes were glued to the young Hyuuga who began to feel very uneasy with the attention he got from the two strangers.


The sound of a paper fan made out of cardboard hitting square on the human head echoed through the room.

"At least say something about you before starting a staring competition…duhhhh," Sakura rolled her eyes before tucking the fan away.

"Ah, right! Uchiha Itachi, I'm your doctor for this two years period experiment" Itachi introduced himself with a no-worries-I'm-the-best-in-town tone in his voice.

"Sasuke," the other spoke with a snobbish look on his face.

"Sasuke? You mean Throne-D Down?" Neji asked in disbelieve. He heard their names but never seen the faces of Throne-D Down group members. They never show their faces in public because of several reasons.

"You have a problem with that?"

Neji shook his head. It would not be wise to pick up a fight on the first day at the first day in the Uchiha household especially with a rock star. Throne-D Down is a new band and a hit among the teenagers. He wouldn't want to be chased with the band's fan club and to be clobbered to death by the angry mob.

"Okay, looks like you two can go along with each other. Me and Sakura had work to TTFN!!" Itachi bid the two goodbye.


That was the only word that came through the arrogant Uchiha Sasuke's head. He hate being awkward in front of some one and hate strangers who don't know anything about him except his name. He just doesn't know how to act in front of new faces. Blame his social skills. He lacked a lot since he grew up in high status family with high quality bodyguards. They did a very good job shunning away the media and crazy die-hard fans.

"So, we're housemates huh?" Neji tried to break the ice between them.

Sasuke gave a small shrug. He is in no mood to speak with the brunette. He knew how hard his mother would pull his ears but he is not a polite person like his lunatic, mad scientist brother. He loves doing his way when it comes to greeting visitors. If he likes them, he'll at least shake hands with them and disappeared into his sanctuary. If he loves them, he'll take them to his bed, man or woman. If he hates them, he'll give them his cold shoulders.

Neji could feel the muscle underneath his eyes twitched. He balled up his fist to prevent them from reaching out to the other male's neck. It itched badly to strangle the arrogant young celebrity. He would like to chew off Sasuke's head too. The annoying parrot butt hairstyle is a pain to Neji's eyes. Sensing that he had built enough hatred into his new housemate, Sasuke finally took Neji to his room in silence.

After Sasuke left Neji alone to his new room, Neji dropped his bags and slammed himself onto his new queen-sized bed. 'This is going to be a really 'good' stay'. He rolled his eyes. He pushed himself up and gazed around the room. A plasma TV, a fireplace, a personal bathroom and a laptop. Wow, at least the room is great.

" You're late!" Sakon hissed when Sasuke entered the studio.

"Family business," Sasuke answered without an apologetic tone in his voice.

"Drop it dickhead. It was his first, so shut the fuck up and go back to your keyboard," Tayuya shot a sharp glare at Marilyn Manson's twin to be.. only with a platinum blond hair.

Sasuke gave a small taunting smirk at Sakon as he made his way through his seat between Tayuya, a redhead girl with a sharp razor tongue who plays the bass guitar and Sai, a quite fellow who loves to doodle. He plays the rhythm guitar and switch roles with Sasuke a few times to play the lead guitar.

"So, can we start?" Kidoumaru asked impatiently as he played with his drum sticks. "We have like a gig tomorrow night at Hard Rock Café'"

"Let's start a bit later, I don't fell like doing it," Sasuke shook his head.

The room filled with frustration sigh. They had waited for almost 30 minutes for their lead singer to show up. Knowing that venting out anger at Sasuke is a bad move, the other members move out from the room with an excuse to smoke. Everyone, except Sai. He doesn't smoke. Feeling bored with the silence, Sai grabbed his guitar and began strumming a few notes. Maybe if Sasuke hears some music, he'll have his mood back. It didn't took long before Sai noticed Sasuke had his foot tapping to the beat. He stopped playing and so did Sasuke.


" Yeah, thanks.." Sasuke smiled, leaned forward towards him and smacked his lips on Sai's.

Sai returned the small kiss and smiled. He knew very well what the kiss meant.. It's nothing more as a sign of gratitude. Sasuke is a person who would kiss anyone who turned him on to music. He had kissed all the band members but he never done it on stage. The media would go berserk and so will his fans.

"I'll go get the others," Sasuke pushed himself from the couch and exited from the room.

Sai bit his lower lips as he tried to remember the warmth on it. He likes it a lot and would do anything to get Sasuke to kiss him. He is crazy about Sasuke ever since he auditioned for a place in the band. Sadly, Sasuke had someone else on his mind and wouldn't go any further than just a simple peck on the lips. Sai shook his head. Maybe he'll get his chance soon.

Beep. Beep.

The digital alarm went off. Neji groaned by the irritating noise, pulled up his blanket up over his head and overlapped it with another pillow. He was feeling very sleepy after staying up all night due to the caffeine in his coffee. It was his first cup after he had graduated from college. Neji groaned again. He groped his hands all the way down to the floor and pulled the plug out. Finally, some peace….

"..and I thought Hyuugas are early risers," a husky voice whispered.

"What the fuck?!!" Neji jumped from underneath the sheets to the other side of the bed.

The sound of laughter brought Neji back to his calm and normal state. He knew the voice. It was the lunatic professor. He let out a relieving sigh and had a hand rubbing his chest. He could feel his heart throbbed in a very fast pace due to the sudden shock he had. After feeling a little calmer, he looked up at Itachi. The guy had been pulling out weird unidentified things out from an old fashion bag which were use by doctors during the Victorian era.

"Classic," Neji complimented

"Huh? Oh, thanks. I just love the shape. Down-to-earth and professional…. Don't you think?" Itachi smiled and gestured for the other male to come nearer. "I'm not going to bite you. Come on and let's get over with your check up"

"Okay" Neji nodded and obediently scooted towards Itachi.

After a few inhaling and exhaling, the check up was done. Neji was buttoning his pyjamas when Itachi pulled out a syringe with a needle. He cringed by the sight of that. He hates injection as much as he hate someone messing with his hair but maybe not as much as that. The last time he received an injection, the spot turned black and blue and not to mention itchy. The pain even lasted for a week!

"Before I do this, I need to ask you some questions. Do you suffer from any illness for the past few weeks?" Itachi asked as he flicked the syringe a few times.

"As a matter of fact, I do. I had been vomiting every morning and my tongue taste funny," Neji spoke as he stared at the sharp needle.

"Perfect! Looks like your body could take on the hormones" Itachi pulled up Neji's sleeve.

Neji clamped his lips tightly as he felt the sharp needle pierced into his flesh. He could even feel the movement of the liquid been transferred into his vein. He hissed when the needle was suddenly pulled out and blood began to seep out from the small hole. Knowing that the bleeding would stop soon, Neji just wiped the blood with a tissue which he pulled out from a tissue box by the nightstand.

"Hate the needles huh?"

"Yeah, this is going to hurt for a few weeks" Neji pulled down his pajamas sleeves. "What do you mean by 'Perfect' just now?"

"Owh … well you see. Your sickness perfectly tells me that you're suitable for my experiment. We're going to get you a baby," Itachi explained as he packed his stuff.

"The Hell??!! I'm a guy!! I can't have a kid in me!," Neji shook his head. The guy is crazy!

"Not anymore. With a genius like me, everything is possible" Itachi chuckled. "By the way, your next check up will be next week and it's your last before we start the experiment,"

Before Neji could protest another word, Itachi had already left the room. 'Great, this is really going to be a really good stay' the young Hyuuga cursed. Now he knows why he hates the bloody Uchihas. They want everything their way. And he means EVERYTHING!!!!


Comments would bring happiness to my Onee-chan. Remember, this isn't my story, so please don't say it's mine. And since the chapter of the original story are short(originally from Deviantart), I had to combine three chapter's in one, if that makes any sense.