Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.

A/N: Bonjour! I have come to say that this fanfic is not mine, but a good friend of mine of deviantart. She had asked me to post her story on my account so she can get some reviews, critque etc. So, credit her for the story and not me. If you have a deviantart account please review from there. Her dA name is 'AyJaySama', please visit her! Thank you!




The cold morning air woke him up with a start but what forced him out from bed was his stomach. It was hurling so badly and made his head felt as if it would explode from the nauseating feeling.

He made a quick dash to the bathroom and knelt in front of the toilet bowl, emptying his stomach. Hot tears ran down his face as his stomach kept on pushing out all of his supper from last night. Soon enough it stopped. He quickly flushed and washed his mouth before lying on the small bed of his, exhausted.

A soft knock on the door startled him. He quickly got up and answered the door and to his relief it was only his cousin, Hinata.

"Are you okay?? "She asked "You don't sound very well just now"

"I'm alright. Nothing to worry about," he informed "Thanks for worrying anyway"

After trying to convince her for two minutes, Hinata finally left with a threat that she would drag him to the hospital if he isn't recovering. Neji smiled upon the threat. Typical Hinata, he thought. He shut the door as soon as his cousin left. Leaning on the wooden door, he rested his throbbing head with his eyes shut. His sickness had worsened for the past two weeks.

Vomiting is like a normal routine every morning. He lost his appetite every time he sat for a meal and he even craved for the weirdest food he could ever think of. Luckily for him, he kept it for himself and managed to get hold for the food that he craved once in a while.

The young Hyuuga was deep in thoughts when he was interrupted with another knock on the door. It was one of their maids calling him for breakfast. With that, he quickly changed his pyjamas and headed down to the breakfast table in the kitchen.

During breakfast, everyone was at their normal self. Hiashi, Neji's uncle was hiding himself behind the black and white paper which contains about the latest issue, Hanabi, his other cousin scavenging her hands inside a cereal box for the free gift and Hinata making some pancakes for herself since she prefer not to bother others for her own needs.

Neji in the other hand is trying so hard not to show his nauseating expression on the table. His stomach was hurling again when he forced the pancake down his throat. Nobody noticed his effort except for Hinata who just sat across him. She could see it by the way how he chews his food.

"Neji, are you okay? You looked like as if you couldn't chew the pancake properly," Hinata asked with concern as she poured some syrup on her pancake.

Neji was a bout to answer when his eyes was distracted by the thick, dark syrup. The sound of it moving and splatting on Hinata's pancake make him feel more nauseated. That's when he couldn't hold it back no more. With a hand over his mouth, he dashed towards the kitchen and with that everyone who was having breakfast almost lost their appetite.

Among of all the family, it was Hiashi who suddenly spoke which startled everyone. "In my office, now!" He commands.

