AN: Now our little horror story comes to an end. We are really going to miss this because we enjoyed writing it so much. We've been thinking about other crossover possibilities and it is very possible that you guys will be seeing another story from us. Writing a story together has been oodles of fun and a lot of you should try it if you have close connections with another writer on here. You really grow as a writer when you work so closely with another person.

So, I guess you guys have noticed we didn't kill anyone else. In our planning process a long, long time ago, we decided that it would just be too sad if we killed any of the gang, Laurie included, because we like Laurie! So for those of you who were looking forward to more blood and gore, sorry. You did get 4 awesome murder scenes though :P.

I know we say it a lot, but you guys have been really amazing. We hope that this epilogue is satisfying enough.

Disclaimer: Zenkindoflove and elphabachan do not claim to own any of these characters or the show/movie they have come from. But if you do decide to sue us, you might have to go through Jason first. We think he really likes Jackie. :P


Jason burst from the water like he always did and always would, gasping for breaths of air. His dark blue jacket clung heavily to his reaching arms as he grabbed at the rough soil of the bank. He pulled himself up on shore, reborn by some horrible curse or unearthly anomaly or maybe just a bad joke. Jason turned over on his back and stared up at the starry sky. She was gone. They were all gone, and would never return. It wouldn't be worth it to find them either, even if it was Her. Not only did he not know where to look, but he didn't know if he wanted to mess with Her again. She put up a fight that he didn't have the time for, or the energy. There was only so much a reanimating a man could take.

He sat up and made the walk back to his cabin. His solitude. Even if she would never come back, others would. While he may never have Her, others would come. And though they wouldn't be like his Brunette, those would be big shoes to fill anyway. He couldn't expect anyone like Her to return, for She gave him something more than just a screaming mindless teenager: on some level, She understood him. And he while he could appreciate that, he couldn't handle it.

The dense forest felt a little lonelier than it used to, a lot like the first night that he emerged from the slimy depths of Camp Crystal Lake. It was strange waking up at the bottom of the lake, feeling his lungs on the edge of exploding while begging for air. That night he searched the camp grounds for the horrible kids that pushed him in and left him to die. He found no one. The entire place was deserted. He ran through the kids cabins, searching bunks and closets. When he realized that everyone must have gone home for the end of camp session, he made his way to the main cabin. He picked up the phone and tried to contact the operator. It didn't even work. He was stranded and had no way of communicating with anyone.

Jason touched his mask that hid his face from a world that would still never see it. Even when he was slaying his victims, their dying screams echoing through the forest and their warm blooded splashing on him, he still didn't have the courage to show them. No matter how much his mother used to tell him differently, he was a monster. It had always been his destiny. Sometimes, when he wondered what would happen if he just tried to end things for himself, she came to him. She'd remind him of all the reasons why these teenagers should be punish because of what they did to her and what they did to him.

His Brunette made him feel differently. Killing her wasn't about a cosmic punishment written in the stars as his fate. He had to kill her because he had to have her. Seeing her made him forget about the whys. He knew immediately that because of her impact on him, she had to be special. With her and only her, he was both the man and the monster, and that was what truly gave him a purpose.

Jackie paddled her way through the dark water in the tiny tin boat she sat in. The sun shone through the clear sky with warming rays of serenity. The lake was beautiful this afternoon. The trees lining the bank of the water reflected beautiful shades of green, and the shadows cast by their tall, intertwining limbs weren't as scary as they once were. The sleepy wind lulled Jackie into a peaceful place, a type of feeling she once read that true zen felt like. It made her laugh that Steven would use a word that meant being at harmony with everything to symbolize being shielded and cool. Jackie shook her head feeling her hair blow up wards off her back. She had never felt so at peace.

Tiny, slimy hands gripped onto Jackie's forearm. Jackie shot her eyes down to the creature pulling her out of the boat. It was Jason, but he wasn't in his usual monstrous form. He was the deformed smiling boy in the picture, except he wasn't beaming a grin up at her. His mouth was opened wide, revealing gums and missing teeth, screaming at her. Jackie screeched back, trying her best to rip her arm away from his hold and not fall in, but he was just too strong for her. Jackie felt her body plummeting face first into the ice cold water, chilling her bones.

Jackie struggled beneath the weight of the boy's body, fighting her way back to the surface of the lake. She never knew that such a tiny, sick boy could overpower her this way. The air in Jackie's lungs started to deplete, burning her chest, begging for more oxygen. Just when she thought she'd certainly pass out for sure, she felt the weight on her shoulders let her loose, and she launched her body off of the lake floor.

Jackie gulped the air around her, trying to make up for the suffocation down below. She scanned the lake, looking for the little boy again but saw no one. Her heart was beating fast in her chest, keeping in rhythm with her heavy breathing. She had to get out of there. Jackie began to push her arms through the water, trying to swim away. But for some strange reason, she could swim at all. She was doing all the right motions, but it just wasn't working. She was going nowhere.

Jackie watched in horror as the water separated in front of her, Jason in his adult form breaking through the surface. His head slowly emerged, water pouring out of the holes in his mask. He stood before her, still as stone, making her feel weak and hollow inside. Jackie guarded her face as his hand rose above her, holding the machete high.

"I'm sorry!" She screamed.

However, Jason didn't care. He swung the blade down onto her body. Jackie felt the sting on her forearm as his power and rage crashed down on top of her.

Jackie kicked the sheets and her bedspread off of her, holding her arms above her head in protection. She felt strong hands shaking her body awake. She screamed as she tore her eyes open, only to find Hyde's concerned baby blues staring back at her.

"Jackie!" He yelled, trying to get her to wake up and realize it was just him. "Jackie, it's just me. It's okay."

Jackie stilled her fighting limbs and embraced Hyde with all of her strength. "Oh Steven." She cried. "I had another dream again."

"I know." Hyde patted her back, trying his best to soothe her fears. "Everything's okay now. It was just a dream."

Jackie sobbed on his shoulder. She was so happy that she was just in her safety of her bed instead of the terrifying waters of Camp Crystal Lake, but she hated having those dreams all the time. Each time felt more and more real to her.

"He's still out there, Steven." Jackie moaned. "I just know it!"

Hyde didn't respond. The truth was that he wasn't sure if Jason wasn't out there. The cops didn't find his body just like they hadn't when he drowned as a child. For all he knew, Jackie could have been right to begin with. Jason was no man. He never was and never would be.

"I know," he said. "But he's not here. And he won't come for you." She nodded, shaking violently, knowing it to be true. But while he would never come for her, he would always have part of her, just as she would always have part of him.

As Jackie wept, Jason stared at the moon. True, he'd never have Her, but what time they had shared. He wondered if she even knew the impact it had on him, and what impact he had on her.

As he stared up at the sky, he saw a new pair of headlights coming up the old camp road. He laid in wait and watched as two different teenagers climbed out of their car, pawing at each other and looking for some privacy.

One could never find privacy at Camp Crystal Lake.