Here are the other 50. Like them?

51. Sport:

Tseng nearly died when Reno got his hands on a yearbook from his freshman year in high school. His growing up had not been particularly graceful, and a little over six feet of stork-like arms and legs are not hard to pick out in the swim-team group photo.

52. Deep in Thought:

There are advantages to being an intellectual. When he sits quietly by himself, apparently contemplating something, he is usually asleep behind his sunglasses.

53. Keeping a Secret:

Of course he can keep a secret. He is a Turk, isn't he? However…if the secret involves blackmail within the Turks…

54. Tower:

Tseng is quite skilled at building card towers. Reno is quite skilled at knocking them over.

55. Waiting:

The most exciting moments he can think of involve waiting for the timer to go off when there is something sweet and full of chocolate in the oven.

56. Danger Ahead:

Reno has a passion for making signs. There is one on nearly every door Reno has access to. The one on Tseng's says 'Danger Ahead'.

57. Sacrifice:

He knows the meaning of sacrifice. It means giving up something for a reason. To him, it means being willing to take a bullet for any one of his Turks.

58. Kick in the Head:

When Reno asks a stupid question, drops a pot of coffee, nearly strangles himself with his tie, or answers the phone with a cheery 'City Morgue!', Tseng honestly believes that a swift kick in the head would do Reno a world of good.

59. No Way Out

His greatest fear is to be locked in a glass box with no way out while everyone he holds dear is slaughtered.

60. Rejection:

Tseng has memorized the signs of rejection: Reno will walk in even scruffier than usual (or immaculately groomed, if it was really bad), drop into his chair, and begin to methodically bang his forehead against his desktop until Tseng comes over with a cup of hot coffee and a good lecture.

61. Fairy Tale:

Tseng hates the codenames they have to use from time to time. After being dubbed Tinkerbell for reasons unknown, he also hates Reno's unparalleled memory for fairy tales.

62. Magic:

Of course he believes in magic! What else would you call the blissful silence that accompanies Reno's naps?

63. Do Not Disturb:

Hanging such a sign is pointless. Reno will always come to see why Tseng must not be disturbed.

64. Multitasking:

Another one of Tseng's numerous talents is multitasking; he can sort mail, drink coffee, kick Reno in the shins, and pray for lightning to strike at the same time.

65. Horror:

He hates horror movies. Life is scary enough, and he has a disturbing tendency to reach for his gun whenever the killer appears.

66. Traps:

He will never forget the day Reno learned how to tie a snare knot. Tseng was continually walking into ankle-grabbing traps of the sort usually used to capture small rabbits.

67. Playing the Melody:

One of the things Tseng cannot do is carry a tune. Even if he tries. With a bucket. The only remotely musical thing he can do is sing in the shower, and Reno says even that is terrible.

68. Hero:

Reno is Tseng's hero. There is something to admire about a man who can work at what Reno does and still be that happy.

69. Annoyance:

Tape recorder: $15. Background music soundtrack: $20. Reprogramming Reno's cell phone: $5 and 2 hours. Seeing the look on Reno's face when his ringtone is Tseng singing 'Kiss the Girl': Priceless. Listening to Reno screaming about 'that disgustingly annoying example of bad shower singing': Even better.

70. 67:

There are currently four Turks and one ShinRa president in the Turks' office. Tseng still doesn't understand how Reno can be causing only 67 of the noise, chaos, and general madness in the room.

71. Obsession:

Reno says Tseng is obsessed. Tseng says otherwise. He doesn't know every single RENT song by heart.

72. Mischief Managed:

If Tseng hears the words 'mischief managed' one more time, he is going to pack Reno into a very small box and ship him to JK Rowling. He's sure they will have a marvelous time coming up with other irritating ways of indicating that they are finished with something.

73. I Can't:

Tseng has always been a firm believer in never admitting defeat, but he has done so once. It was right after the tower went down and the Turks were saddled with the task of protecting and caring for a seriously injured Rufus Shinra, who fully accepted the fact that it was not what they'd signed up for. He was the first to say, "Sir, I can't leave now anymore than I could when you came into power."

74. Are you Challenging Me?

These are the words Reno never wants to hear on a Monday morning when he's in a bad mood and has said something he probably shouldn't have concerning Tseng's combat skills.

75. Mirror:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall…who is the scariest Turk of them all?

76. Broken Pieces:

After the tower went down, Tseng took a deep breath, dusted himself off, and turned to help Rufus pick up the scattered pieces of his broken life.

77. Test:

One thing Reno can do that nobody else can: test Tseng's patience until he snaps and attempts to beat Reno with the nearest solid object, then live to tell the tale. Repeatedly.

78. Drink:

Reno, who can out-drink just about anyone, assumed that Tseng would at least put up a decent effort in a drinking contest. Imagine his surprise when he discovered that Tseng's favorite drink is pomegranate juice.

79. Starvation:

Tseng has never known true physical hunger, but there was a time in his life, before ShinRa, when he was starving for acceptance.

80. Words:

There are few words that will stop his heart and tighten his throat. The worst of them is 'suicide', and he prays he will never hear it in the same sentence as the name of anyone he holds dear.

81. Pen and Paper:

Ah, the standard weapons of the office…paper-airplanes that nose-dive into Tseng's coffee, and the pens he throws back that are almost guaranteed to go right through the head of one of the characters on the comics page Reno is reading.

82. Can you hear me?:

When he took a baseball bat to the skull, the first thing he remembers hearing afterwards was Reno's voice saying, "Can you hear me?" His response was: "Of course I can hear you, you moron." Tseng doesn't like having a headache. It makes him cranky.

83. Heal:

Everything takes time to heal, but he thought he'd die laughing before Reno got the cast off his leg and stopped hopping around the office.

84. Out Cold:

Tseng was utterly mortified when, during a lesson in hand-to-hand, one of Rufus' punches went wild and got him right in the side of the head. It knocked him off balance, he fell, and his head hit the floor. He was out cold for ten minutes, during which time Rufus panicked, equally worried about the extent of Tseng's injury and just how much trouble he was going to be in.

85. Spiral:

He is a secret fan of those wind-catchers shaped like a spiral. He can watch them spin for ages and never tire of it.

86. Seeing Red:

Tseng sees red every day. He does not, however, have anger issues. The red he sees is firmly rooted in Reno's skull. Reno definitely has issues. Just not of the anger-management kind.

87. Food:

Tseng will never admit it, but food fights are fun.

88. Pain:

There is such a thing as good pain. It's the kind that comes from a wound gotten defending a friend or loved one, and it reminds him just how much he loves being alive and having these people with him.

89. Through the Fire:

Tseng never would have believed it possible, but he was there when Reno ran through heavy fire from half a dozen mercenaries without cover and emerged alive, in one piece, and carrying the little girl that had been in the way.

90. Triangle:

Triangles have always annoyed him. They conjure up too many memories of elementary school music class, and the only instrument the teacher said he was any good at playing.

91. Drowning:

He will never forget the time he fell through the ice when Reno was teaching him how to skate. It is the closest he has ever come to drowning, and he hopes it never happens again.

92. All that I Have:

When he sat down and thought about it one day after the Jenova fiasco, he came up with only a handful of things he is truly attached to. All that I have, he thought, is my gun, my body, my cats, Patches, and my photo album.

93. Give Up:

He hates losing, and he hates giving up, but there isn't much he can do when he's being slaughtered in a game of poker.

94. Last Hope:

Although most people would be worried, he always knows that he is in good hands when Reno is his last hope.


He prefers to share his apartment and bed with his cats, but after an embarrassing night of being asked out by what seemed to be every eligible person of either sex at Reno's favorite club, he is trying to figure out what it is that a blue suit advertises to the general public, because it most certainly isn't what he thought.

In the Storm:

There are few things worse than being seasick when he can see the storm clouds building and he knows that it's only going to get worse when they are actually in the storm.

Safety First:

Yes, Reno, safety first. Stop a minute and think about what a gun or mag-rod could do if it went off on your belt.


Tseng loves puzzles. Even more so, he loves chasing his cats and occasionally Reno around the apartment when there is a serious danger of one of his puzzle pieces being eaten.


It is impossible to find this as long as there are people like Reno in the world, but locking himself in the third-floor broom closet comes pretty darn close.

100. Relaxation:

Rest and Relaxation…also known as Yoga and Sunbathing…but don't tell Reno that.