An End and Beginning

A/N: This is what I wish would happen in the last episode of Gilmore Girls (really short)

"So kid, you did it" Lorelei told her daughter.

"Yeah, and I got a call…" Rory replied.

"From a newspaper? I bet it's from a newspaper." Gushed Lorelei.

"Yeah it's from a newspaper."

"Well? Don't leave mommy wanting, it's mean."

"It's in Philadelphia." She paused wanting for her mom to responding, she knew who was in Philadelphia.

"Are you happy?"

"So, I just hope I'm not too late."

"Then I'm happy too."

They hugged and giggled.

"And it's not to far from home."

"Go be happy then."

He opened the door wary. He knew who was behind it, the glass front did little hide the fact, and he wondered what she would say this time.

"Hi." She told him, a little scared of what his reaction would be when he saw who it was.

He replied with a 'what are you doing here' and thought about how much he tried not to wait for her, but still did. He had of course dated, but never seriously, and had wondered if she would ever enter his life again.

"I came for The Philadelphia Times," his heart dropped. "And for you."

He was shocked, but moved back to let her in.

"I know I don't really deserve a second chance, and you could be in love with someone else already, but I'm sorry I have to try. I'm ready now, Logan's gone, I have a job for a newspaper, and I graduated Yale. And you, you have everything, a bookstore, a book, a life and I know you were ready forever ago, but I wasn't and know-"

He kissed her. He didn't really know what he was doing, but he knew it was right. They had both made mistakes, neither ready when the other was, but they were both here now and if she wanted to be with him, he wasn't ready to turn her down.

"I've missed you so much," she told him when they broke for a kiss.

"I'm glad you're here," he told her and she smiled.

"So, I think we're long overdue for a tour of your apartment," she said smirking.

"Oh, you do, do you? Well then lets go take a look."

He pulled her up the stairs, both thinking that they had so much to say, but why not wait just a little longer.
