Deadly Games

First Roll

It was only a game till it became all too real! What happens when a simple board game becomes real life? D/H Hr/B G/K

She sent out 7 letters to six unsuspecting Players of a little game it was harmless just for fun.

She smirked as her silver hair fell upon her face and covered her steel gray eyes.

Dear Player

You have been selected to play Deadly a game come if you dare but tell no one! meet me at the Astromany Tower.

Deadly Beauty.

The players made there way and she smiled as they all gathered around a circle.

"Hello everyone my name is Karissa but you will now call me Deadly Beauty" smiled Karissa.

Everyone looked shifty.

"Karissa what are you doing!" demanded her brother.

"Hello Draco" she smiled.

He gulped she was up to no good.

"Now we play the game but first we must each say our names and make up a new one with the word deadly in it" smiled Karissa.

"I am Draco Malfoy and my new name is Deadly Hate"

"I am Blaise Zambini and my new name is Deadly Whisper"

"My name is Pansy Parkinson and my new name is Deadly Hope"

"My name is Ginny Weasley and my new name is Deadly Love"

"Ginny no" yelled a male voice.

"It's a harmless Game" smiled Ginny.

"My name is Hermione Granger and my name is Deadly Sin"

"Hermione" snapped a male voice.

"It's a game plus I'd like to see how this ends up" she smiled.

"My name is Harry Potter and my name is Deadly Wish"

"Fine you win" said the male voice.

"My name is Ronald Weasley and my name is Deadly Luck"

"Now we begin" smiled Karissa.

"Pick a man and play it for your life" she smiled.

Everyone picked a man the girls were pink the guys blue.

"The rule of the game is don't land on the colored squares or you'll have to perform what ever shows up on the card" she smiled "Thou it's only a game so it wont be that bad now we'll all roll the dice once each night till we reach the end" she smiled.

She drew a card.

"That's weird it says the order of who will go" she said shocked.

"Deadly Sin, Deadly Hate, Deadly Whisper, Deadly Hope, Deadly Love, Deadly Wish, Deadly Luck then Deadly Beauty"

Hermione picked up the dice and rolled it she got 2

She looked at the board she landed on a white square and she let out a breath.

Draco rolled it and got 6 he landed on a yellow square.

He gulped and picked up a yellow card.

"You want something you don't have" he read aloud.

He scoffed and placed it down.

Blaise Rolled the dice and it came up a 2.

He let out a sigh.

Pansy rolled and got a 3 she sighed as she landed on a white.

Ginny rolled and got a 4 she gulped as she landed on a light blue square.

She picked up her card and read it aloud.

"You will not go to your classes for a week for you will be to tiered"

She shrugged and put it down.

Harry rolled and got a 3 he sighed as she landed on a white square.

Ron rolled and got a 6 the same as Draco he gulped.

"You will try to steel one of Player sixes possessions for your own"

He laughed "Like I'd want anything of yours"

Karissa rolled the dice 3 she smiled as she was on a white.

"Now that we started it says that we can't back out I wonder what that means"

Everyone shrugged.

"Same time tomorrow night Deadly Beauty out" said Karissa.

"Deadly Luck out" said Ron.

"Deadly Wish out" said Harry.

"Deadly Love out" said Ginny.

"Deadly Hope out" said Pansy.

"Deadly Whisper out" said Blaise.

"Deadly Hate out" said Draco.

"Deadly Sin out" said Hermione.

And they all left not know what awaits them.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wounder whats going to happen evil laughter sorry about that ya i hoped you liked this first chapter cuz i think i will have fun writting this one oh yes more fun then writting any others!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deadly Faith out