Disclaimer: I don't own anything of the Lord of the Rings.

Note: Thanks for the reviews. This is the last chapter and it will be written from a third view point. Sex in this chapter but nothing to explicit. Let's begin.

Laughing Glorfindel drew Erestor along with him to his own chamber. The councillor was flushed with the alcohol he had consumed but his eyes were bright. Making sure that there was nobody in the hallway, he stopped Glorfindel and as the older elf turned around, he locked his arms around Glorfindel's waist to kiss the elf soundly.

Glorfindel melted against him, hands worked on the robe Erestor was wearing. "Take it off." He ordered softly as he freed himself from Erestor's arms.

"Oh should I comply with my husband's wishes and take off my robe? What a dilemma. I think you will need to prove to me how much you want me." Erestor danced just short out of his reach as Glorfindel stared after the councillor wide eyed as Erestor finally took off, sprinting towards Glorfindel's private chambers.

Glorfindel grinned before rushing after Erestor. He rounded the corner and growled at finding himself locked out. He pounded on the door, calling. "Erestor let me in! You will regret it otherwise." The door soon opened but Erestor was nowhere in view.

Cautiously stepping inside, Glorfindel closed the door until he heard a satisfying click as the door slid in the lock. "Oh come out, Erestor." He softly called out. He could feel his mate's presence close by but could not pinpoint the other elf's exact location.

Finally Erestor came out of the bathing chamber, hair wet and looking once more like his usual self. "I see you finally made." He purred, leaning against the doorframe.

Glorfindel allowed his eyes to drift hungrily over the other elf's still clothed form. "Well I could not keep you waiting." He brought his eyes up to Erestor's eyes and saw them sparkle with mischief. He then walked closer with a confident stride that he used on the battle field.

Erestor pretended to cower in fear until Glorfindel had strong arms wrapped around him and the smaller elf melted against his chest. "I love you." He said softly as Erestor looked up with a beautiful smile.

"I love you as well." The soft murmured reply was all he needed as he finally locked his mouth with Erestor's. His hands worked on the clasping of Erestor's robe and finally he drew the fabric away. Yet his triumph was short lived as he realized the elf was wearing a tunic and breeches underneath it.

"Were you never told that you are not supposed to be wearing anything underneath your robe?" He asked, slightly stunned. Erestor gave him a mystified smile and turned to the bed, saying. "And I should realize then that you are naked underneath yours."

Glorfindel raised a delicate eyebrow and he unbuttoned his own robe, saying. "Then you are correct." Erestor's eyes widen slightly as he saw the muscular body coming into view that had been hidden by the clothes.

The elf took a deep breath, swallowing tickly as a fresh wave of desire assailed him. Glorfindel walked to him with only his robe trailing behind him. Erestor felt a moment stab of fear deep inside of him and Glorfindel stopped his movements, stopping just short of touching him.

"Are you afraid, meleth nin?" The deep baritone made him look at the compasionate gaze as Glorfindel locked his gaze with his own. Not able to make a sound, Erestor shook his head.

"It is alright to be afraid, my love but I promise I will never ever harm you. I would rather die then allow any harm to come to you." Glorfindel reached out to trace his cheek with his palm and Erestor found his voice again. "I cannot be afraid. Else how are we going to be able to bond?"

"We can wait. We are married, meleth nin so there is no hurry." Glorfindel drew even closer and Erestor swallowed away the fear as he smiled. He very gently leaned forward to kiss Glorfindel while his hands worked on the laces that held his tunic together.

Soon the tunic came off and Glorfindel gently helped him to undo his pants at the very same time whispering. "You are gorgeous, Erestor." The elf before him blushed deeply red at this and Glorfindel grinned. "You really are. I do not know why so many people think that you are cold for the very sight of your turns my blood into liquid fire."

"Then you know what you do to me as well." Erestor said, surprising himself with his sudden boldness. Glorfindel smiled warmly as he pulled the younger elf into his arms. "And you are a tease. Do you care to finish what we started this afternoon before we were so rudely interrupted?"

"I suppose so. If we must." The soft tease earned Erestor a heated kiss to his lips as he was picked up and dumped unceremoniously on the bed. Before Erestor had a change to move, Glorfindel had pinned him to the bed, smiling all the while.

Their lovemaking was slow and passionate as Glorfindel took complete charge. Erestor was not educated in the ways of the body through not completely ignorant but bedding Glorfindel proved greater stamina then the councillor had ever done before, save maybe fight on a battlefield.

Glorfindel was physically broader and taller and thus heavier then he was and while their desire fumed a new fire in Erestor, it was also a whole new experience for him.

In the end Erestor could barely keep his eyes open as his body ached. Glorfindel had drawn the coverlet over them and tucked it around Erestor, kissing the elf on the top of the head. "Meleth nin, I do hope that you are satisfied." He whispered softly, his hand seeking out Erestor's.

The elf murmured softly in reply but it was too low for Glorfindel to catch. The elf shuffled closer and as Erestor wrapped his own arms around Glorfindel, they were both happy.

It was only the beginning of their relationship and it lasted them through decades that eventually turned to centuries. Their love survived the destruction of the One Ring and together they saw many new additions coming to Imlandris, like Arwen Undomiel as she was born to their lord and lady.

But now they stood before the sea, to watch the last ship that would take them forever beyond the sea. "Are you ready to sail, meleth nin?" Erestor's voice was soft and it had not changed over the centuries, still the same voice that he loved.

"No, but we cannot remain. Our time is ending and we must take the last ship to leave Middle Earth. We have taken a vow and we have seen in through and now it time to return home." Glorfindel answered just a softly, his hand seeking out Erestor's.

"Yes, then let us return home." Together they walked up the plank and into the ship. It was not long to sail but the days blended together and Glorfindel stood alone on the brow of the ship, to stare at the green land that came ever closer.

Slipping his arms around Glorfindel's waist, Erestor was immediately drawn to the elf's side as Glorfindel's arm encircled his shoulder. "We are nearly home, meleth nin." The elf only said. Erestor smiled and while meeting Glorfindel's lips for a soaring kiss, he knew what the answer to his question would be for how long Glorfindel had been in love with him, for eternity.

The end.

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