Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice.
Chapter 1: Big, big news.
"Watch it, idiot!"
"I am not an idiot you moron!"
My name is Mikan Sakura, I'm 15 years old and I go to Alice High School. I am just your average ordinary girl, I know its cliché, but I really am. I do poorly in mathematics although I am always at my best when it comes to Physical Education. I do fail quizzes and pass some when I'm lucky. I live in an average sized house and my mom, grandpa and I are the ones making it a home.
"That's enough, you two." said Yuu Tobita, class representative and one of my good friends.
I began walking away along with my friends Anna, Nonoko, Yuu and my best friend, Hotaru.
"Mikan, you just made a bad impression for Ruka." Anna whispered.
I sighed. "I know, and it's all Natsume's fault!"
Let me tell you what just happened, I was casually walking along the hallways with my friends when I bumped into Natsume Hyuuga, he was with his best friend Ruka Nogi. It must be my unlucky day, why did I have to bump into Natsume?! Why not Ruka instead?
Natsume Hyuuga is my classmate; he's the most popular kid on the block. He's filthy rich, the biggest jerk I've known and according to Sumire Shoda the coolest and most handsome guy in school. He's really a bad-ass kid, he plays around school rules and I'm sure he enjoys breaking every single one of them.
Ruka Nogi is my classmate as well; he's the complete opposite of Natsume. I really can't help but ponder on why those two became best friends. Ruka is quiet and shy, he seems like a bad kid too because he breaks rules along with Natsume but we all know that he's only doing that because he's his best friend. He's one of the popular guys in school too, he has a lot of fan girls like Natsume and he's also rich. I've always liked him for as long as I can remember though I don't want to tell him because I don't want to appear like every other fan girl who professes their love for him every single day.
Natsume walked away with his best friend as soon as I walked away with my friends as well. Oooh I just hate that Natsume! Ever since I transferred to Alice High, I've disliked him. He treats people like dirt and he's just so disrespectful to everyone---even the principal. He calls me an idiot and he's a darn pervert!
My friends and I entered the classroom and settled down on our seats. The first subject was homeroom, Mr. Narumi's our teacher.
"I can't believe I made another bad impression on Ruka!" I almost yelled out loud.
"Calm down, Mikan." Yuu said.
"I can't! That Natsume just makes my blood reach the boiling point! Ugh. He's such a jerk!"
"Don't you dare say that about my dear Natsume!" a female voice suddenly said.
"You're just obsessed with that bad-ass kid!" I replied.
"Why won't I be? He's the dreamiest guy in school and as president of the Natsume and Ruka fans club, I have the right to stop you when you say that Natsume is a big jerk!"
I did mention her a while ago, right? Sumire Shoda, she's my classmate too and she's the president of the Natsume and Ruka fans club. She's such a die hard fan of those two, and they're not even celebrities. I don't blame her on liking Ruka, but Natsume? Oh please.
Right on cue, the two boys entered the room. Sumire immediately trotted over to them and began to try and get their attention for the day. The two boys sat down and Sumire and a whole bunch of girls began talking to them.
"Good morning my dear, beautiful students!" Mr. Narumi greeted as he entered the chaotic classroom. "Settle down, now." he added as he reached the teacher's table.
Homeroom started.
About 25 minutes have passed and in the middle of homeroom the PA system started to announce: "Sakura Mikan of class 3- C, please report to the principal's office right away."
My classmates reacted in different ways. Some broke out with "Oohhhs" and some with "Someone's in trouble!" I just rolled my eyes at them, although I had to admit I was scared myself. I stood up and headed out the door.
"You called for me?" I asked Mr. Jinno, the principal as I entered the room. I was practically shaking when I asked that question.
My eyes landed on man who was wearing a jet black coat and tie office attire. He was about the age of 40 and he was sitting in front of the principal. "Otou-san?!"
"Mikan." he greeted with a smile.
Just so you know my mom and my dad separated a few years ago. I really don't know why, though. A part of me doesn't want to know why; oh, you know how grown-ups can be so complicated sometimes. My dad is a successful businessman, he's got two companies. One is a fashion house and the second is a processed food company.
The next thing that happened, I got excused from class but I had to return as soon as I was done talking to my dad. I wasn't allowed to miss classes for the day. We drove towards a nearby restaurant, and decided to talk over food.
After we ordered our food, my dad started the conversation.
"So, how's high school?"
"It's great." I simply replied.
"Any boyfriends?"
"No way, otou-san." I replied. Although at the back of my mind I really wouldn't mind if Ruka was the guy.
"That's my girl."
After a few minutes, our food finally came. "So… why exactly did you visit me in school?"
He finished chewing his food first before he replied. "Mikan, I don't want you to freak out with whatever I have to say next, okay?"
I nodded my head as I twirled the spaghetti around my fork and stuffed it in my mouth.
"I'm unveiling my third business by next week," he started.
"Oh that's great! Congratulations! I've seen you on TV, you know! You're becoming one heck of an item lately in the business world."
"Thank you, Mikan. I'm really hoping for the success of the upcoming business."
"I know it's going to be a success."
"Mikan, I want you to do me a favor."
"Oh, alright, what is it?" I asked anxiously.
"I want you to own the Sakura fashion company."
I almost choked on the spaghetti as my dad said that. I immediately grabbed my drink and washed the spaghetti down my throat. "What?!"
"I told you not to freak out." he said.
"Sorry, I was never expecting you to say something as shocking as that!"
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Wait a minute; you want me, to take over Sakura fashion?! are you serious?!"
"I am, Mikan."
"You mean own the company right now?"
"Yes. You have actually owned the company ever since you were a child, you know. I just waited for the suitable age and time to hand it over to you."
"I don't understand."
"You're my only child so you're the only heir, what do you expect?"
"Otou-san, I'm only 15 how can I own a big company like that?!"
"Sakura fashion isn't really that hard to manage especially since you're a teenager and you're probably even familiar to the fashion world."
"Yeah… but… are you serious?! Are you sure you're not joking me? Because if you are…"
"I'm not kidding. Look Mikan, I'm already at my forties and I'm handling three businesses all at the same time. I only have one secretary as a helper and that is not enough."
"But…I don't know…"
Actually, it's not that I didn't want to; I just didn't know what my mom's reaction would be. I don't know if it's okay with her that I take over one of dad's business.
"Come on, Mikan." he pleaded.
I bit my lip. Truth be told, I loved Sakura fashion. I used to suggest designs for the company when I was younger. The idea of owning that at 15 was the only thing that made me think twice. Won't that take up my time with my friends? My time for school work? But he is my dad after all, and he needs me.
I sighed. "Alright, otou-san."
Author's note: So this is the remade Little Miss Mikan. I hope it doesn't suck that much. I hope it's not TOO OOC too. I changed the whole plot and events because if I did stick with the older one, it's going to be a sad, lonely fic along the way and the heck, I don't really like sad stories! So please leave a review and tell me what you think. Thank you.