Chapter Three: And Pure

I hope you all enjoy this. It concludes my little trilogy.
But fear not. I have about 50 pages of LM/NM stories written in a notebook in preparation for a fanfic 100 that I am hoping to claim on livejournal soon.
Read and Review!

There was a placid silence in the Malfoy Manor. The light outside was dimming with the sinking of the sun and the torches along the hallways had lit for the rest of the waking hours. Soft piano music drifted from the open conservatory door to the entryway of the large dwelling. Lucius held his infant son as he lazily searched the halls for his dearest wife. He halted under the high ceilings of that massive room and closed his eyes; the small child rested soundly in his strong arms. He stood for a moment before he opened his eyes to his surroundings once again. He resumed his stride once again, his footsteps echoing off the stoned walls of the manor.

The doorway was ajar just enough to peer into. Narcissa sat at the pure white piano, her eyes focused on the strings of the large instrument. Her fingers glided delicately over the keys of ebony and ivory, her body swaying slightly as she delved into the music. He loved her with every fiber of his being. She was his life. The tiny son he held was their life, their creation. He looked from his wife's concentrated face to the sleeping face of his sole heir. They were so beautiful in his eyes.

He left the doorway to the conservatory and exited to the formal dining room. The chandelier lit up upon his entry, illuminating the grand room and reflecting off the silvery marble walls. Lucius took a seat at the head of the table, resting the small child he held against his shoulder. He glanced to the outdoors and the small sliver of sun that remained in the magenta sky. His sleeves collected at his elbows as he sat, one hand holding his precious son, the other rested gently on the infant's fair hair. The piano drifted into the room like a sweet echo and Lucius felt himself nodding off slightly.

It wouldn't have been an exaggeration at all to say that he was completely comfortable with his life. Although he was engaged in a purity battle, taking off at all hours of the night to risk his life, it was for the benefit of his beautiful wife and his tiny son. Although the nights he was at home, a loud cry would waken him from sleep, he knew that it was the cry of his own pureblood heir who would grow to see the world he was intended for. Although he and his wife would argue, throwing verbal blows at each other and saying hurtful things, he could always hold her close afterwards, kissing away her tears and sharing good times in other hours.

Love comes in many forms and even if it wasn't possible to experience all of them in one lifetime, Lucius was convinced that what he had was beautiful enough to last him for several eternities. As he leaned back his head and fell into light slumber, the piano music in the other room faded and then died out. Soft footsteps echoed off the walls and stopped at the entryway to the elaborate room. Narcissa approached her husband and son as silently as possible, but her husband awoke simply on her presence. She smiled down at him and wordlessly placed a kiss on his lips as innocent and pure as the first they would share.

And if the world would have ended at that moment, they would have been content.