100 ways to say sorry

'Outside your window'

Darien stood outside of her window aching to see her again. He had messed up; he hadn't meant to say the things that he had said they had just slipped out in the heat of the moment. He had been angry, frustrated. How could she possibly hold him responsible for all that had happened, it was because of her that this whole argument had started. But now he stood outside of her window wondering how he was going to get her attention without waking the rest of her family. But he didn't need to; she was already standing there at the window looking down upon him with her sad blue eyes deep in thought. How long had she been looking at him?

She seemed to sigh. She looked so beautiful in the dim light of the moon. Her hair was golden and long, hanging down the sides of her face while her blue eyes looked like the brightest shinning sapphires he had ever seen.

He tried to speak but nothing came out. His voice was stuck in his throat and the words he tried to speak could not be heard. But what words was he trying to speak? What did he mean to say to her? He hadn't thought of this. He tried to speak again uncertain about what to say.

This time he spoke the only words that he thought mattered, "I love you"

But Serena only shook her head and turned around to go back inside of her room and sleep for the night. But he couldn't let her, he wouldn't allow this.

"Don't go" he said suddenly, surprised of his own courage and commitment. What else could he say to her? If his love no longer mattered to her then what did?

Serena turned around to face him, her eyes desperate to see his mouth move, her ears eager to hear what she wanted him to say to her the most. She closed her eyes and lent over the balcony, wishing and praying.

"I'm sorry for the things I said" he began "and I'm sorry if I hurt you. You know that I would and could never mean those awful words that I said because frankly, I'm in love with you Serena, my one true love."

She opened her eyes with a smile spread across her lips. A simple apology, that was all that she had ever wanted. She turned around to retire for the night. "Good night my prince" she said loudly enough for him to hear but still quiet enough not to wake the rest of her family.

Darien's heart felt a little more solid now. She had smiled. Did that mean that everything was alright now? He lay down upon her front lawn, looking up at her balcony and the night sky. Perhaps when he awoke in the morning he would see her and everything would be alright.

He slowly drifted to a peaceful sleep.


This is my first drabble everyone so please review and let me know what you think!

Please note: I will only update with lots of reviews do keep em coming in!