Title: Three Little Words
Author: CI
Rating: K (A drabble of OMG-it's-1am-and-I-should-be-studying-but-I'm-not-ness.)

Rinali's a bit confused but she's persistent. As for Allen, he's a bit naïve and kinda hungry. AllenxRinali


Rinali tends to tell Allen she loves him when it's the brightest out and he always says the same thing, "I'll love you tomorrow."

Rinali doesn't know what it means and always feels troubled about it afterwards; something like rejection. But every time she says it he blushes madly and coughs or makes some awkward gesture before composing himself and muttering those confusing words. She decides that he is cute when he fidgets and she will continue to tell him regardless of what he says, or doesn't say.

Allen's not sure what Rinali means but he knows that her words are the most precious in the world. He thinks that it is because tomorrow always comes that he gets to hear her say it each day. He's not much of a romantic; he can't even accept her words without blushing madly, but just to hear her say it . . .

He always responds, "I'll love you tomorrow."

And he knows she'll say it again the next day.

After all Allen doesn't really know what love is. He knows that he loves food but he can't compare Rinali to a plate of lasagna or dumplings or curry. Maybe something sweet, cake is cute right?

Rinali Li thinks that he is the most frustrating person in the world. But she loves him.

Allen Walker doesn't know the consequences of playing with a girl's heart. He loves cake.


Ahh the fluff.
Hope you enjoyed.