A/N: Hi I'm new here and I have wanted to do this for a long time, you know writing stories and have other people read them. You will just have to tell me if I am spelling something wrong or if I could improve something in my stories. Please don't hesitate to say anything that could help me. I'm from Iceland so English is not my native language. Hope you'll like my stories and thank you for reading.
Disclaimer: As you all probably know I don't own those green dudes.
I'm standing in a puddle of blood and I know because my feet are wet and I can smell the blood. I'm so cold my hands are turning blue and I'm shivering like a leaf. I can't see anything except for my feet and a brick wall in front of me. It feels like I'm standing there for hours and I can't move a muscle. I must admit that I'm a little scared right now but can you hold that against me?
All of the sudden I hear a voice whisper something to me. It gives me the shivers but I can't hear what it's saying. I'm listening to it, trying to hear what it's saying and then I hear it.
'Michelangelo, it's killing you. Don't let it kill you. You have to break free'
'Uh… what do you mean? Who are you?' I'm asking and my voice just cracks. I sound like Raph when he hit puberty. The voice who is whispering sounds very young and all of the sudden I see the person talking to me standing in front of the brick wall and staring at me.
I can't help giving a little yelp when I see her staring at me with those eyes. They are kind of creepy looking. One of them is watery blue and the other is green. She has red hair just like April's. (I've always liked that hair color on sexy women. It's sweet.)
Her clothes are all torn and she looks like she's been crying.
Even though this girl scares the shell out of me I kinda feel for her and I want to give her a big hug but as I said before I can't move so she just stares at me for some time until she whispers or talks (I really don't know which her voice is so freaky) to me again.
'It's coming and you are not doing what I'm telling you to do!' She looks at me angry and I haven't got a clue what she is talking about. Anyway I'm like too scared right now to ask her about anything.
She is suddenly really scared and in a flash she is right in front of me screaming in my face and I'm screaming too thinking I have never been so cold or felt so bad. I think my whole body is turning blue I'm so freakishly cold right now. I keep screaming until…..
I wake up and I'm still screaming and I still can't move until I realize Raph is holding me down and trying to talk to me.
'… lm down Mikey. It's just me bro. Jeez, you're freezing. Here I'll warm you up. It's just a bad dream.' Then he takes me in his arms and just holds me and rocks me back and forth like he use to do when we were little and I had bad dreams.
Donny and Leo are here now and watching me with concerned eyes.
'Mikey, are you ok?' Donny asks me and comes over to me. I nod weakly and bury my face into Raph's plastron.
I still see that creepy girl in my head and wonder why I feel so bad over a nightmare. It's not like I haven't had nightmares before. But I know deep down this one is different. I'm not sure why but I can feel it.
After a while I hear my brother's are talking about me and I wonder why I'm so out of it.
'I think he's probably getting sick he was so cold when I came in and I think he's a little bit out of it.' Raph is talking to Donny and I can see him and Leo nodding.
I'm feeling a bit better and sit up pushing Raph away a little bit embarrassed about the whole thing. My brothers are watching me closely with those concerned eyes they get when they think I'm sick.
'How are you feeling, Mikey?' Donny is looking at me with questioning eyes. His eyes sometimes become like that when he's in therapy mode.
'Um….. Better." I say straightening up a little. If everyone could just forget the whole thing and leave me alone for few minutes.
I soon get up after being poked and pinched by Donny and go get something to eat. It's six a clock in the morning and everyone is just to awake now to go to sleep again. Like I could sleep after that dream. I can feel Raph is watching me and I laugh a little because I think it's kind of funny when the tough guy is all concerned and stuff.
The big softy!
I can safely say though that I'm not myself today and I'm like a little too much in my head, although I like my head, I just don't want to be there all the time if you know what I mean. Hm …maybe you don't.
I get a cereal and sit down to watch some cartoons and soon I'm laughing away at some silly show. Everything is back to normal. Raph is punching the old punching bag. Leo is reading the newspaper and Donny is surfing the net on the computer.
(Hehe surfing the net)
Raph is walking over and sitting next to me. I just know he's trying to talk to me. Like I don't know my own brother.
'You know Mikey I'm always here if you need to talk to someone' I just grin as I watch him get all purple in the face trying not to seem like this is a big deal.
'Aw thanks bro I'll like keep that in mind now try not to hurt yourself by blowing a vessel in your face, I won't bite…….hard.'
As I'm laughing Raph is busy storming off muttering something ugly about little brothers. I like Raph.
Soon Leo announces it's practice time and we are strolling into the dojo like some poor cows waiting to become hamburgers. (Where did that come from) Donny is asking me every three minutes how I'm doing and if I am up to this today. Sheesh it's like I'm dying of some horrible disease or something and for the twentieth time I assure him I will be fine although I am liking the attention just a wee bit.
Me and Raph are watching Leo and Donny fight which Leo (as always) win's and soon it 's our turn to fight. Raph is looking smugly at me telling me to give up before I embarrass myself. That lousy…..
Soon we are fighting and I am actually winning and I am going to give Raph a good kick when and then it happens.
In the left corner behind Raph, I see her standing there looking at me with those creepy eyes, crying.
The girl from my nightmare.
When I hit the floor I'm already out.
To be continued!
Well what did you think ha ha HA. I don't know what to think myself..