See previous chapters for disclaimer

Last Chapter

"Maybe I should just give up my room, there's no point in paying for it, when I'm at your house every night anyway." Tommy said as he drove Kim's car back to Henderson.

"No, keep your room. It's nice to have if we want to get away from everyone" Kim said. When they got back to the house everyone went to sleep.

Ch. 31-Girl Talk

May 26th
MGM Grand

This was the day that the group was splitting into guys and girls. The girls would be going with Holly and Kim to learn stripper dancing. The guys were meeting Chuck Liddell at his school to train with some UFC fighters. Holly and Kim would be at the hotel at noon to pick up the girls, while Jason would be there at 2, for the guys.

When noon rolled around the girls met in the lobby and left for the Aladdin. "So we have some major gossiping to do today" Kim said as she drove the group to their destination. When they arrived they followed Kim and Holly up to the studio which was closed to the public for the rest of the day. Kim had rented out the studio for a private session.

"Alright, first things first, stretch out" Kim said as she sat down and led the girls though a series of stretches. "So Aisha, you start" she said

"Well, Rocky and I talked throughout the time I was in Africa, and then when I came back we finally stopped dancing around each other and decided to try dating."

"How do you put up with him, he's so immature" Kat said

"He's grown up a lot since high school. Plus he's totally different when it's just us. He's so sweet and romantic. I remember when I moved to Africa, my parents gave away my dog-"

"They gave Sparky away?" Kim asked

"Yeah, they gave him to the humane society. They never really liked animals; we only had him because I took care of him from the day I brought him home after I found him in alley with a broken leg. Well when I found out about it I was really upset. I told Rocky the next time I talked to him; he knew how much I loved Sparky. He was really supportive and he helped me get over never seeing him again. When I came back to the states I called the Humane Society to see if they could tell me where he was. All they told me was that he had been readopted less than a week after they dropped him off and that the person wanted to remain anonymous. Rocky was the first one I called, he asked me to come over. When I got there, he took me to the back yard and there was Sparky. He came running towards me and jumped up in my arms. I was totally shocked. Rocky was the one who adopted him. All the times we talked and he never told me, he said he wanted to surprise me when I came home. He had this picture of me that he had hung in the dog house and showed him everyday and he had taped one of our phone conversations so he could hear my voice everyday and wouldn't forget me. Rocky didn't even like dogs, but he did all that for me. That was the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. We still have him, but now Rocky is crazy about him."

"That is so sweet, I never would have picked Rocky as one to do something like that" Kim said

"That's the thing; none of you really know Rocky. Me, him and Adam grew up together so we know each other inside and out. Rocky only acts like he does because he's from such a big family. He's in the middle of seven kids, the only way for him to get noticed was to do stupid things and act out. He's actually really smart, he just doesn't always think before he says things. You know he graduated from medical school magna cum lade with high honors, he was valedictorian and he maintained a 4.0 all the way though medical school."

"No way, I don't believe it" Tanya said

"It's true; he scored in the 98th percentile on his MCAT's to get into medical school."

"Damn, maybe I should have asked him for help on my homework after Billy left" Kat said "So how long have you been engaged and how did he propose?"

"Well you know I've always wanted to go on an Alaskan Cruise, so last year on our anniversary. He showed up at my work and told me to come with him. He said he had already talked to my boss and I had the next week off. I confirmed it with her and she said it was true. I asked him where we were going, all he would tell me was that we were going to San Francisco and that he already had my stuff packed. When we got close he pulled over and put a blindfold on me. We drove for another 10 minutes and then we finally stopped. When he took the blindfold off, I was staring at a huge cruise ship, a Princess Cruise Ship, destination Alaska. It was about the third day in on a seven day cruise when we pulled into port at Glacier Bay National Park. He disappeared for awhile and told me to go shopping. When he came back, he took me out to this habitat area, it was so neat. There we Penguins and Polar Bears all around, they were trained to be around humans, you could touch them and walk around with them and they were totally humane. We had been there for about five minutes when I felt something press against my back. I turned around and there this polar bear with a sign around his neck. It said 'Aisha will you marry me' when I turned back to Rocky, he was down on one knee holding a little black box with a diamond ring. He really thought it out and turned it into something special. And that's just Rocky, so thoughtful and sweet."

"Wow people really do surprise you" Kim said "Like Tommy getting a Doctorate in Paleontology, did anyone actually see that coming?"

"No" they all answered in unison.

"So Katherine, what about you" Holly asked "How did you and Billy get together."

"Well there was always an attraction with me and Billy, if it hadn't been for Cestria and Tommy; we probably would have gotten together a lot sooner-"

"Wait who's Cestria?" Holly asked

"Weird as it sounds, she's an alien from Aquitar. When we were turned into kids, the rangers of Aquitar came to earth to help out, until Zordon could find a way to return us to normal. There was a machine that turned Billy back to normal, but it was destroyed before it could be used for the rest of us. Which turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because a few weeks after we had all completed our missions and been returned to our normal ages, Billy started to age really fast. Within a couple days, he looked like an old man. Apparently the machine didn't just fix him; it sped up the whole aging process. The only way to fix him was for him to go live on Aquitar for a while and let them treat him, that's where he met Cestria, from what he told me, they dated until Aquitar was invaded. Cestria and Delphine were killed in the fight before the others could defeat the evil forces. That's when he came back to home. He didn't want to go back to Angel Grove since no one was there, so when he was offered a job in New York, he took it. I had been there for about a year, working on Broadway. He came to one of my shows one night and asked me out when it was over. When we went out to dinner, he admitted that he had always liked me; he just didn't think he could compete with Tommy. I told him that I had been waiting for him to make a move and he never did so I started dating Tommy. We talked things out for a couple hours and we've been together every since. We moved in together last year. He's still kind of shy, he likes to take things slow, but I hope he proposes soon. I know he knows how I feel, I just don't see what he's waiting for."

"Katherine, I've known Billy since we were kids. One thing I know is that he likes everything to be perfect." Kim said "He's probably just waiting for the right occasion and the perfect plan"

"I hope so, because I really want to marry him and I hope he feels the same way"

"Trust me, I've seen the way he looks at you, it's the same way Tommy used to look at me, he loves you and he wants to be with you, just be patient." Kim said "Besides, no one can be as bad as Jason."

At that statement Holly laughed "You've got that right. I waited seven years for him to finally propose" she said

"Seven years?" Aisha asked

"Yeah, Jason couldn't get his shit together and figure out what it was that he wanted" Kim said "I knew he wanted Holly, and I knew Holly wanted him, it was just a matter of getting him to see that."

"Even having to wait seven years, Jason is the best guy I've ever been with. He is so protective-"

"Way too damn protective" Kim interrupted

"Yeah well I like it, it makes me feel special"

"No that's just his way of being in control" Kim said. Holly rolled her eyes and continued "Well that may be the case with you, but with me it's out of love."

"Yeah, does he follow you to scene too, or is that just me?"

"It's just you, anyway, we met right after me and Kim moved in together when he came to visit her." At this Kim broke into laughter, Holly continued "Kim hadn't had a chance to tell me that he was staying with us, so when I walked into the apartment and heard the shower running, I thought it was her. So thinking it was no big deal, I walked into the bathroom to get my hair brush. He never heard me come in, well when I heard the shower turn off, I turned to leave, right as I turned around the curtain was pulled back and I saw a lot more than I bargained for, needless to it wasn't Kim in the shower. It wasn't a bad view, but we were both embarrassed. I apologized to him for like 10 minutes straight. He just kept saying 'it's okay; I should have locked the door"

"When I got home they were sitting on opposite sides of the couch not saying a word." Kim said "I tried to introduce them but they had obviously already met." Kim said

"So anyway, we all went out to dinner that night." Holly continued "Jason and I started talking and we ended up staying up until dawn just talking. At the time neither of us really wanted a relationship, but we knew there was definitely something there, so for about three years we were just good friends with benefits, then after we moved here we started dating. We've been attached at the hip every since. He finally proposed last week."

"Yeah he had it planned out to be really romantic too, but you screwed that up when you panicked at the hospital." Kim said

"You know, I think that was more romantic than anything he could have planned, even if it was in an emergency room." Holly said

"Wait, what happened?" Tanya asked

"You know last week he was shot at work. Well I don't like his job, he knows I don't like his job because it's so dangerous; but it goes deeper than that. I've been cheated on more times than I care to count. And while I know Jason's not that guy and would never even think of cheating on me, it's always been in the back of my mind, especially as slow as we've taken this relationship. He is the love of my life, my everything, after being with him for so long, I don't think I could live without him and I'm so scared that somehow I'm going to loose him and he obviously knew how I felt because as soon as I told him I didn't want to loose him, he got out of the bed and pulled the ring out of his coat pocket. He proposed to me right then, he even told me that he would quit his job if it would make me feel safer. But at the same time, I could never ask him to quit, he loves it, I'm proud of him and like being able to say that my fiancé is a cop, people tend to leave you alone."

"Yeah, well I think Jason likes being a cop so much, because he still gets to fight the bad guys, just in a different capacity. It really is hard to give that up" Kim said

"That's Jason" Kat said "we all have a little bit of that in us, but Jason and Tommy seem to have more, I think it stems from being rangers and them being leaders."

"No shit, I think rainbow ranger has it worse than anyone." Aisha said

"Yeah well, the day he becomes a pink ranger is the day I drop dead of heart attack, although it would be rather humorous to see him wear pink everyday" Kim said

"What about you Kim, what have been up to for the last 10 years, dated any interesting guys?" Tanya asked

"I'd rather not discuss my life; I haven't had all your sweet little experiences." Kim said

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad."

"Well let's see, I've dated Mr. Asshole, Mr. I'm afraid of commitment, Mr. Cheap ass, Mr. immature, Mr. Irresponsible, Mr. I'm sorry I gambled all my money away, Mr. all I want to do is fuck, Mr. My career is more important than you'll ever be, Mr. arrogant and Mr. Perfect, who I plan on staying with this time. As far as my life, I was an elite gymnast, then my mom stopped talking to me, then some psycho started stalking me, I was in a car accident and nearly died, and now I work two jobs as a paramedic out of pure boredom" Kim said

"How do you handle working to paramedic jobs?" Kat asked

"I just keep telling myself that I love to help people" Kim said sarcastically "Seriously though, it's an adrenaline rush and it gives me something to do….that sounded really bad didn't it?"

"Yeah, it kind of did" Holly said "What she means is that there's just something about driving down the street with lights going and sirens blaring and knowing that you can be the difference between someone living or dying that's just so rewarding.

Yeah you keep telling yourself that Holly" Kim said as the girls stood up to get started.

"Besides most paramedics, as in the ones who aren't rich like Kim, have to work two or three jobs because it doesn't pay very well. So let's start with some basic warm ups" Holly said

Across town
UFC Training Center

"Hey guys, glad you could make it" Chuck greeted as the guys walked in the door. "Get stretched out and we'll get started."

The guys stretched out then joined the others. "Alright, here's what we're going to do" Chuck said "These guys are all in training to fight MMA but they're better with the grappling. So I was hoping you guys help with their stand up and we'll work with you on the grappling and some full contact, I trust you've all fought full contact before"

The guys just looked at each other and grinned "Oh yeah, you have no idea how many times" Tommy said

"Great then let's get started" he said

The guys were at the training center until 8:00. By the time they came back to the hotel the girls had already eaten and were in the casino.

"Oh my god, what'd they do to you guys?" Aisha asked when she saw Rocky's busted lip

"It's full contact babe, this kind of shit happens." Rocky answered

"Yeah you should have seen what he did to the guy that did that" Adam said

"Did you hurt him?" Aisha asked

"Not as bad as Tommy hurt his partner" Adam answered

"He picked a bad time to drop his front hand, even Chuck told him that." Tommy said looking around "Where's Kim?"

"She went up to your room to lay down, I don't think she was feeling very well after dinner."

"I'm going to go check on her" Tommy said before taking off towards the elevator.

"So babe did you learn anything good today?" Rocky asked

"Oh yeah, come up to the room with me and I'll give you a private lap dance" Aisha said

"Well I can't refuse that offer, I'll see you guys later" Rocky said before grabbing Aisha's hand and leading her towards the elevator.

Billy and Kat headed towards the elevator a few minutes later, after saying good night.

After they left Jason looked at Holly "You ready to go home baby?" Jason asked. Holly leaned up and whispered in his ear "I'd rather go for a late night cruise on the boat and have my way with you."

"I think that can be arranged" Jason said, before shaking Adam and Tanya's hands. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow night for the bachelor party" he said

"Definitely" Adam said "later, and don't you kids do anything I wouldn't do" he yelled to their backs.

"Well that's setting the standard pretty low" Tanya joked "So what now, we're all alone."

"Hmm, let's see" Adam said as he slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. "Seeing as how I can't see you tomorrow night, and I won't get to be with you until after the wedding, I can think of a few things"

Tommy's room…

When Tommy opened the door he was surprised at what he found. Kim was definitely laying on the bed, but she certainty wasn't sick. She had on a lacy pink and black teddy, the lights were turned out, the fireplace was going and there was a full spread of chocolate covered strawberries and whipped cream.

"You did all this for me?" Tommy said

"You deserve it" she said as she filled his glass.

"Champagne?" he questioned, she shook her head no "Just taste it" she said

He took a sip "Sparkling Cider" he said

"Yep" same effect, much safer for me" she said as he picked up a strawberry, dipped it in whipped cream and fed it to her.

Okay so another chapter down. I tried to give a little bit of insight into the other relationships. You'll get to see more interaction in the next chapter. Then you'll see Adam and Tanya's relationship on their wedding day which is only two chapters away. There's probably only two or three chapters left of this story, then I can spend more time on my others!! Thanks for reading and please review!!!