Here is the last chap, the sequel is on it's way, but there may be a slight hiatus before it gets posted, just FYI. Thanks to all my reviewers, and to all my lurkers, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.

Her fingers twitched with the need to touch him, her heart ached to feel him. The girl trudged slowly down the hall, the bright fluorescent lights of the hospital made her look even paler than usual.

April halted in the middle of the hallway, just twenty feet from Tommy's room.

"What is it?" Booth and Brennan flanked her on both sides, wondering what she was doing.

"Um. His parents, are they…?" She winced at the memory of the way Mrs. Walker had screamed at her and she was not in any rush to have a repeat of that.

Booth moved into her line of vision.

"He's asking for you April. I don't think it matters where they are." She still looked doubtful so he added, "And no, they're not. I took care of it."

He winked and she smiled.

"I want to know all about that later."

"Of course you will Bug." He smiled, taking her shoulder to push her gently rest of the way to Tommy's room.

He looked like he was sleeping and it both comforted and frightened her. Throwing one last glance over her shoulder to Booth and Brennan in the doorway, she crept silently around the corner. She breathed a sigh of relief when she found he was alone in the room and approached the bed more boldly.

April thought he looked pretty good for a guy with head trauma. There was color in his skin and aside from the white bandage on his head, he looked just like her Tommy.

She paused for a moment, looking at him with the perceptive green eyes of a girl that had seen too much, knew too much.

Convinced he was not going to disappear from before her, she lifted her hand to touch his face and the world disappeard. Using one finger, she traced a line from his eyebrow, down his nose, across his lips and to his chin. A delicate, feather light touch that usually made him smile as he awoke, he said 'it tickled'.

She waited, holding her breath, but there was no reaction. April turned wide eyes to Booth and he smiled, nodding that she should try again.

She looked back at Tommy and, imagining her favorite storybook as a child, she bent low and kissed his lips.


So what if he's the boy? He is a Sleeping Beauty.


She rested her lips there, against his, and closed her eyes, taking in the scent of him and the warmth his body brought to hers. Her hair fell from behind her ears, hiding her face from the rest of the world, and it was then that she allowed a few silent tears to fall. Rolling in fat droplets off her long eyelashes and onto Tommy's face. The dots of warmth woke him slowly.

After a moment she felt hands in her hair and cool fingers pressed against her scalp, lips kissng her back.

April couldn't help but smile and kissed him more urgently, with want and need until she thought her lungs would burst.

She pulled away, gasping.



They smiled and he removed one of his hands from her hair to wipe his face.

"You got me wet." He said quietly, laughing.

"Yeah. Sorry about that." She brought her hands to her face and pressed against her eyes, taking deep breaths.

"Tommy I thought…"

She stopped short and held her breath to keep the sobs at bay. Tommy realized she was near crying and reached up slowly, prying her hands away from her face.

"It's I'm fine. Promise." She nodded, but didn't look at him.

"Besides, I could have taken him." He said quietly, eliciting a small smile from the girl.

"Sure you could have."

"No, really. He just surprised me that's all. I could have had him on his back in nothing flat."

April shook her head, sitting down in the chair beside him.

"Yeah. I know baby."

Tommy continued to ramble on about how he could have beaten Rodger up giving half the chance, and before long he had himself convince he could have done it with his eyes closed and one hand tied behind his back.

April just smiled and nodded, thankful to have her cocky boyfriend back. She looked up at the door and smiled at Booth and Brennan, standing there holding each other's waists.

She locked eyes with Booth and smiled, a smile that reminded him of a man he once knew and he returned it. Her lips parted and she mouthed two words to him.

'Thank you'.

Booth just winked and slowly backed he and Brennan out of the room, shutting the door.

Brennan watched him shut the door and swallowed hard. April had Tommy back, she had Booth…so why did she feel like the world was about to explode?

She stepped away from him and sighed, walking down the hall. Booth frowned at her back.


She stopped but didn't turn around. He knew something had clicked over, changed, just in the past five seconds. He watched her as she walked over to the window to look outside where the sun had slid behind a cloud.

"Bones what's up?" He moved toward her and touched her arm, leaning one shoulder against the wall.

She nibbled lightly on her lip before turning toward him.

"You think we can do this?"

"I know we can." He said without hesitation, not needing to ask what she meant.

She nodded and turned to look out the window again.

"It just seems like we're moving fast."

"We can slow down if you want."

"No. That's just it, I don't want to slow down. I like how we are, I feel like this is how it's supposed to be but…April's not going to get over all of this over night Booth. It's going to take a lot of time and effort and she's going to need…and then there's us…I don't know…I've never been here before. Never done this before. Never had someone like you and it's scaring me and I…what?"

Booth was smiling at her. He shook his head slightly and stepped toward her, gently kissing her breathless.

"Your so cute you border on adorable." He clasped his hands behind her back, pressing her against him.

"I will break every bone in your body if you ever call me adorable again." She said quietly, relazing as her head rested in the crook of his neck.

Booth's soft laughter vibrated through their bodies and he hugged her closer.

"Listen Bones," His voice was suddenly serious, "I understand you're scared, and that everything that's happened is a lot to take in." He paused and she nodded to signal she was listening, her arms curled up to her chest, cocooning herself inside his embrace.

"But that's okay, Temperance. It's okay to be scared."

Brennan pulled back to look at him and he smiled at her puzzled expression .

"Uncharted waters are always scary, but they're also the most fun." He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Lets ride some waves shall we?"

He grinned at his own cheesy comment and she rolled her eyes. Then her eyes darkened and she smirked, pressing her pelvis into him. She looked up through her eyelashes.

"I can ride waves. But for right now…I think I'd prefer to ride something else. I believe I told you once that I don't like to wait, and you, Agent Booth, have kept me waiting."

Booth was shell-shocked for a moment by her sudden change in mood. But he soon caught up and gave her a sexy-as-sin grin.

"I'll make it up to you." He whispered, kissing her hard and pushing her back into a nearby door, praying to God that it was unlocked and empty inside.

"Hey Bones, you're not a screamer…are you?"

"Booth…I don't think it's me you should be worried about."

Bit o Fluffersmut for you guys, use your ever-capable imaginations please. And look out for the sequel some time soon. Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me through this angsty ride, it's been fun! Over and Out.