The next day in class I sat down nervously in my seat. I can't believe I agreed to this retarded bet. I was lost in my thoughts when a hand suddenly slammed down on my desk. I nearly jumped and glared up at the person who preformed the evil deed. A girl smiled sweetly down at me, and offered her hand. "Amanda Coal, we're bio buddies for the rest of the semester, so you might as well get used to me." I quickly looked her over before shaking her hand. She was a vintage type girl, with black nails, a faded out t-shirt, and ripped jeans. Well, I guess it could have been worse. I was about to reply with Ruki, but she interrupted me, before I even started, saying, "Don't worry, I already know who you are, surprise, surprise huh?"

"Seriously", I replied, keeping a blank face. I was used to kids knowing me before I knew them, one of the joys of being the daughter of a famous model. Of course being the former Digimon queen helped too. "Looking forward to this fun filled bio class?"

Amanda sat down in the desk across from my mine and roller her eyes. "Totally, I have been waiting for the day that I would have a bio buddy. Seriously, is our teacher on crack or something? I mean come on, Bio Buddy?"

"Actually I think I did hear a rumor about her being on some type of medication, obviously it does nothing for her." I slowly relaxed some in my seat and slightly grinned. We both quickly hushed then, since the teacher on crack had entered the room. The teacher said her hello to the class, and we all obediently nodded our heads in reply. The teacher quickly moved onto beginning her dull lecture, when I felt Amanda softly poke me on the arm.

"Do you have a pencil I can borrow?" She whispered.

I nodded my head in reply and grabbed my pencil box from the desk, handing it to her. She smiled a brief thanks, and quickly opened the pencil box and grabbed the pencil on top. I nearly died when I saw what pencil she had taken, my lucky Nightmare before Christmas. I've owned that pencil since I was like 7, and its helped me ace all my quizzes; tests are a totally different story. I bit my tongue when she handed my box back to me, and silently replaced it on my desk. Jenrya told me to trust, and if this isn't trusting I have no clue what is. I gritted my teeth and tried to pay attention to the teachers lecture. I don't completely remember what happened through the rest of class or what the teachers lecture was about, I only knew that my new bio buddy was using my most precious school related possession. The teacher finally ended the class, and everyone left the room immediately. Rather than quickly rushing out the door, I slowly dawdled hoping that this Amanda would be a good friend in return and return my pencil. Apparently I am one of the few humans left on this world who believe in returning borrowed pencils. I left the classroom steaming, and quickly made my way towards Jenrya's locker.

"Have I ever mentioned how much I greatly despise you?" I informed him.

"Why, hello Ruki! I'm fine, thanks for asking, and yourself?" Jenrya gave me one of those overly sweet smiles.

"Shut up Jenrya. I'm serious."

"Alright, alright, what did I do now?" Jenrya asked casually, leaning against the nearest locker.

"Made a bet with me to make a new friend, thats what you did. Well I was nice to her and let her borrow a pencil, and you know how rarely I ever do that. And then this, this, Amanda decides to just walk off with it! I threw my hands up in the air. And not just any pencil Jenrya, my lucky 9 years old Nightmare before Christmas pencil. And all this happened, because you dared me to trust and befriend someone." I pointed an accusing finger at him.

"I'm sure she didn't realize how important that pencil was to you Ruki, or else she would have returned it." Jenrya replied with an eerie calmness.

"Yeah right Jenrya. If she was trustworthy she would have returned it." I kicked at the locker next to Jenrya bitterly. "This is what happens when you trust people Jenrya, this is what-"

"Sorry, Ruki?" Amanda interrupted, suddenly appearing right next to me, and scaring the heck out of me. After quickly regaining my composure I turned around to face her, prepared to murder her right there in the hall, when she interrupted me again saying, "Here's your pencil, I completely forgot I had it till I was halfway down the hall." She pulled the pencil out of her pocket and handed it over to me. I wordlessly accepted it, in a slight awe.

"Anyway, I'm looking forward to being your "bio buddy". I think we might have a good deal in common." She grinned knowingly at me, and then walked back down the hall.

I stood there like a complete idiot for a full minute at least, completely shocked by what happened. While Jenrya just stood there and grinned at me with one of his told you so looks on his face.

I always hate it when he wins.