Konoha high Chapter I



"Stupid Clock!"Sakura shouted. She threw it out the window. That was the fourth one this month

"I hope you have enough money to pay for that!!"her mother screamed. the word 'money' rung through her head she didn't well barely of it, a daily allowance of 20 yen didn't cover much so she got a job at the sweet dumpling store. Her mum was right, she sighed, Mum was always right. She let out another sigh and ran downstairs.

After packing her bag with books and school stuff she announced her departure and got a kiss on the forehead by her mum.

"Well I hope I pass school silently," she stared at the ground as she approached Konoha Academy standing proudly next to her past school the ninja academy. She stared at her self through the clean glass of the academy.

"Hair tied … check, wow I really stand out of the crowd," She thought to herself. All the students were wearing new and bright uniforms ,while she wore a dull second hand uniform.

"Well this is a school for the richest of Konoha," she thought, "they've probably payed for the whole year in cash than paying once a week like me," She twitched an eyebrow. She walked towards the doors.

The first thing she saw was a girl with long blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail.

"Sorry I bumped into you I have to tell everyone about them!!!"she screamed.

"bout what?"

"you must be new,"

"yeah and……."

"well they're fighting ,"

It strangely got the attention to all the students they ran in the same direction. Sakura and Ino followed.

The locker area

A boy was pushed against the lockers.

"Gomen, please forgive me!" the boy pleaded.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood," A boy with long hair and pale eyes said, he lowered him down.

That was when Sakura and Ino came in the top of the stairs the crowds dispersed already that caused a lot of commotion.

"Who are they?"

"You're gonna find out." Ino announced.