Summary: (AU) Yumi was dating William, but she saw him betraying her with Sissi. Since that she thought she would never love again. Until he comes in her life…

They are about 17, and all of them are in the same grade.

My Prince Charming


The new (handsome) boy

'How could he do this to me?' I asked myself stepping hard against the floor, almost crying. My boyfriend, William, had betrayed me with Sissi, in the woods, they were laid down on the floor kissing each other, very deeply.

I felt a tear fall from my eye and quickly tried to wipe away the little water that had dropped.

"I'll never love again! I don't want to suffer like this anymore, so is better not falling in love again! And I'll never do it again! Never…"

I whispered to myself, promising me that…

A year later


I said running out of my house and going for the school

"I can't believe I overslept in the first day of school, how could I forgot that school was starting today?!"

My class was about to start in two minutes… When I was almost there, I run into a boy that was walking in the middle of the school grounds. I ended pushing him to the floor, on top of him…


I said blushing. The guy I had run into was extremely handsome, chocolate brown hair with his deep emerald green eyes, coughing my attention… Suddenly, I heard the bell rang. I widened. Stood up and ran away towards the class, letting someone behind…

'Thank God!'

I thought to myself, thanking the teacher didn't get to the class before me… I set next Aelita, my best friend.

"Yumi, what happened?"

"I overslept and I didn't have time for breakfast…"

I said, still a little out of breath from the run

"Oh… Hey, Yumi, it seems we will have a new guy in our class! And the rumors say that he is very handsome!"

"Aelita, you already have a boyfriend!"

I remembered her

"It's not for me, it is for you!"


"Come on, Yumi! It have been a year since that happen, you have to keep going on!"

"I am, but I'm not interested in date right now. I'm well by myself"

"You are the most stubborn girl I have ever met!"

"Thanks for the compliment"

She rolled her eyes just in time to the teacher comes. Mrs. Hertz rested her things on the table and started

"Silence please, class. Today we have a new student, please come in, Mr. Stern."

A boy walked in, a handsome boy I should say… Wait! He is the boy I run into out side a few minutes ago! OMG! He must have thinking I'm a stupid girl, without good manners!

Stop that girl! I slap mentally myself. Since when you care of what someone think about you?!

I'm right, I never cared of what people thought about me, but with he was just… different…

Hey people, please R&R!