Hello!! It's been a long time since I posted up a fanfic on here so here's one. This will be the first time I'm mixing Japanese and English, I hope this will turn out ok. If you guys found any mistakes, please let me know! Thanks!

By the way, this fic as about brotherly and sisterly love ;

Bond of Innocence

Chapter 1

It begun just like any other mornings in Sereitei at dawn, the orange red sun would reveal itself after hiding for hours behind the mountains. However, the peaceful Sereitei was brought to a halt when an unknown soul entered without a pass.

"Oi, gaki(1)!" a shinigami shouted at the timid little girl who clutched her flute tightly in her small fists. "Get out of here! This is not your playground!"

"Demo(2)…" the girl said softly, "That o-jii-san(3) told me to come here."

"O-jii-san!? Who!?" they demanded.

"Genryuusai-dono(4)!" some exclaimed and made way for the elderly captain to pass.

"O-jii-san!" the little girl brightened up at the sight of the familiar figure whom she met yesterday. "Gomen nasai(5)," she apologized, "I must have made a ruckus."

"Not at all!" the commander-general waved her apology away, "I forgot to tell them you are coming. It's partly my fault. Come with me."

"Hai(6)" the girl answered and followed him into Sereitei. A few shinigami officers followed behind her while some walked in front of her. They would throw occasional glance at her which made her nervous.

She tucked her chin on her chest as they walked. She knew she was new to this world. When she woke up one day, she was alone and was surrounded by forest. It took her days to find her way out of the thick forest and she was lucky that she did not meet any other beings in the forest.

As soon as she stepped into the nearest town in Rukongai, the residents peered at her as if she was an omen. She wandered in the town for a moment before bumping into an old man. He smiled as he helped her up and invited her to stay in Sereitei. She didn't know who else to turn to and she knew she could trust this man who offered his help.

He told her that he will look into the rules and regulation about her entrance and asked her to wait at the gate tomorrow morning. Being new to this world, she did not realize that she had stepped into the gate until it was too late. Alarms were raised and she had a katana pointed at her.

"O-jii-san," she called as they walked, "Where are we going?"

"I'll bring you to meet your new family," he replied.

"Family?" her eyes gleamed of an unspoken happiness.

"Yes," the old man said, "We need you to be in your best. We'll have someone get you cleaned when we get to my place."

"Hai," she replied.

As soon as they entered a large building, which the girl assumed to be the elderly man's home, two maids escorted her away. As the sun shone brightly in the morning sky, the girl found herself back in her cleaned clothes. She walked to the mirror and took a look at herself.

She saw that she was wearing a pink kimono(7) with white cherry blossom petals about the hem and a yellow obi(8) with orange swirling patterns. The maids had retied her hair the way she had worn it which was in two pigtails on each side of her head. Her tied black hair reached past her shoulders in a naturally straight state.

"Please, follow us," one of the maids said and the girl followed with a contagious smile as her wooden slippers clicked on the cement floor.

"Ah, here she is," she heard the old man's voice as she entered a large room. She looked up at the kind face and realized that there was another man in the room. He was tall with fair complexion and dark hair. As both the girl and the new stranger locked eyes, she felt terrified of him yet at the same time she felt happy.

"Kuchiki-taichou(9), she'll be your sister from now on," Genryuusai tapped on the girl's shoulder with a smile.

"Sir, why is it me?" she heard him asked and she knew that he didn't want her.

"You are the most capable," the elderly captain replied. The girl looked away and stared at the wooden floor below her feet.

"I understand," her new brother complied.

"Go on, little girl," Genryuusai gave the girl a push on her back and she took a step towards Byakuya, who turned to leave. The girl hastened her tiny steps and followed her new brother. She walked a step behind him with her head to her chest and her eyes catching the flapping white captain robe. As they walked further down the road, the white guide would disappear from her sight and she had to jog to catch it back.

"Are(10)? Who's this?" the girl almost bumped into her brother as she was concentrated on catching her guide with her eyes. She looked up at the new stranger and clutched her brother's robe in fear. He had flaming red hair and black tattoos on his forehead, which looked very unusual to the girl. However, she realized that he wore clothes quite similar to her brother's without the white cape.

"Kawaii na(11)!" he continued as he crouched to her height, "Konnichiwa(12)!" The girl turned her head from him and hid her face. "Are…Why is she scared of me?" he asked himself.

"Renji," she heard her brother's deep voice, "Don't forget that I'm here as well."

"Sumimasen(13), Taichou," he stood up and asked, "Who's she?"

"A sister," the girl brightened up at the statement that her brother said.

"Eehhh…" Renji whistled, "A little Kuchiki huh?"

"Enough," Byakuya's voice became stern, "Get back to the office while I send her back."

"Hai!" Renji bowed and left.

"O-nii-chan(14)," the girl called softly and looked up. Byakuya met her gaze and realized for the first time that his younger sister had magnificent eyes. Her right eye was the colour of emeralds and her left, of sapphires.

"Let go," he ordered as he shook the colour of her eyes from his mind. The girl complied and released her hold on his robe. "You'll call me Nii-sama(15) from now on. Do you understand?" he said sternly.

"Hai, Byakuya-nii-sama," the girl answered with her head to her chest.

"I will not tolerate any misbehaviour in my house," Byakuya warned, "Be sure you behave like a Kuchiki should."

"Hai, Ni-sama," she repeated. She followed her brother as he bid and once again tried to maintain the white guide within her sight.

"Nii-sama," a female greeted and the girl's head snapped up. She saw a young woman in front of them, her dark blue eyes looking between her and her brother. She liked the way the woman's short shoulder length hair curled upwards at the end while hers was naturally straight, which she loved.

"She is…?" her new elder sister asked her brother.

"A sister," Byakuya replied, "Take her to the empty room next to yours."

"Hai, Nii-sama," Rukia bowed and Byakuya did not cast both of them a second glance before turning back to his office.

"Byakuya-nii-sama!" the girl ran to his brother and said with a smile, "Thank you for bringing me home."

Byakuya saw her smile and he felt himself warmed up to her gentle aura but he did not show it. Instead he turned away from her and walked away.

"Byakuya-nii-sama doesn't like to be tied down by relationships," her sister tapped the girl on her shoulder, "It's best for us to keep our distance from him."

"Doushite(16)?" she asked innocently, "He's o-nii-chan."

"Come on," Rukia avoided the question she didn't know the answer to, "Let's get inside."

"O-nee-chan(17)," the girl began and Rukia smiled at her.

"It's 'o-nee-sama(18)' or 'Rukia-nee-sama'," she said, "What is your name?"

"Misaki," the girl answered, "I'm Kuchiki Misaki from today onwards!"

"Misaki," Rukia repeated and then she smiled, "I like you, Misaki."

"I like you too, O-nee-sama!" Misaki said as she gave her new sister a hug.

1 gaki – brat

2 demo – but

3 o-jii-san – grandpa/old man

4 dono – a formal title for a lord or superior

5 gomen nasai – I'm sorry

6 hai – yes

7 kimono – female traditional Japanese costume

8 obi – a piece of cloth that is wrapped about the abdomen in a kimono suit

9 taichou – captain

10 are – oh lookie here (or something like it)

11 kawaii na – so cute

12 konnichiwa – hello

13 sumimasen – my apologies

14 o-nii-chan – big brother

15 nii-sama – formal address for "big brother"

16 doushite – why

17 o-nee-chan – big sister

18 o-nee-sama – formal address for "big sister"