Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to or the characters of InuYasha …Also, I've taken modern songs and added them throughout my story, and, of course, I do not own any of them …


Note: Now, this chapter is hella long, but trust me, you'll love it. I made the following songs that Sakura is going to perform as their own so don't be mad, but I thought they would go well with this chapter … Also, by popular demand, I will not replace the No Doubt song "Kudos to HollisterGirl29"

Song: "Come On" by Josie and the Pussycats, "Ex-Girlfriend" by No Doubt

Now, on with the story…

Chapter 13: Kagome's Vengeance

The next morning, Inuyasha and his uncle Takahashi returned home to Tokyo at around 9:55 a.m. They both seemed pretty exhausted, but Inuyasha suddenly became full of energy realizing that he can now go see his "little angel."

"Wait that's right. Kitten told me she'll be gone all day with her mom and brother. Damn!" Inuyasha cursed to himself, "Well … at least I'll get to see her tomorrow at school."

"HEY RED! OVER HERE!" A familiar voice rang in Inuyasha's ears. He turned around only to be greeted by his buddies Miroku and Kouga.

"Oh, hey Rabbit, Wolf. Glad you guys showed up." Inuyasha had called both of them to meet him at the airport so that they could hang out for the rest of the day.

"Hey man, how was your trip?" Kouga asked.

"Yeah, any hot babes there?" Miroku just had to ask. Kouga hit him on the shoulder, "Calm down. I was just kidding." Miroku said, innocently, rubbing the spot where Kouga hit him.

"It was alright, but I didn't really leave the hotel. I went around driving for a while in my unc's blue Jag, but mostly I stayed at the hotel in my suite or at the pool."

"Well I guess I win that bet." Kouga smirked at Miroku.

"What bet?" Inuyasha asked confused.

"The bet that either you found yourself laid up in Europe, or you're saving yourself for you know who." Miroku stated, handing the 20 bucks to Kouga.

"Who's you know who?" Inuyasha asked even more confused and dense than before.

"KAGOME DUMBASS! Damn you're stupid." Kouga blurted out.

"WELL DAMN, YOU DON'T HAVE TO YELL IN MY EAR! And besides, there ain't no hot chicks up in Europe anyways. All of them have big buck teeth and look crusty." Inuyasha said the last part in disgust.

"Alright Shinosuke, you get off of that one easy this time, but I still say that your still going after Higurashi and you know it." Kouga stated bluntly.

"WHY IS EVERYONE SO WILLING TO BE IN MY PERSONAL LIFE?" Inuyasha said to himself in frustration.

"Nephew," Takahashi came up from behind Inuyasha and his friends, "Our limo's here. I called your brother to make sure the limo got here on time, so are you ready to go?" Takahashi asked.

"Nah that's alright. I'm gonna catch a ride with the guys. We're going out for a while, so tell Sesshoumaru I'll be home later." Inuyasha said.

"Alright then. The chauffeur will take your bags to the house. Catch you later nephew. Later boys."

"Later Mr. Takahashi." Miroku and Kouga said. They were really cool with Inuyasha's uncle since they play at his club and all, so they just call him by his first name.

"Come on Red. I brought my car." Miroku said as Inuyasha and Kouga followed him to his car.

"Continuing on the subject, where is Kag anyway? I thought she was gonna meet you here?" Kouga asked curiously.

"She had to do some stuff with her mom and little bro, so I won't really get to see her until tomorrow." Inuyasha replied, sadly.

"Damn, us too. Sango and Ayame are busy too." Miroku added.

"I wonder what those girls are up too …" The boys wondered …


Kagome was currently changing into a pair of black and white plaid Dickie caprees, a short sleeved green and black striped shirt that had a white collar, and some black and white chucks. She just put on a little mascara and clear gloss. Next, she started flipping her now short hair with the hot pressing iron also straightening the long strand of hair shadowing her left eye.

"There. I hope the girls are ready for a shocker."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Kagome walked over to her window and noticed that Ayame's red car was parked outside.

"They're here."

Kagome immediately ran downstairs to the front door. She stopped herself in her tracks, took a breather, and slowly opened the door.

"Hey guys." Kagome exclaimed.

Much to Sango and Ayame's surprise, their friend was totally different than the last time they saw her.

"… Ka-Kagome … is that you?" Sango and Ayame both asked.

"Surprisingly, yes it is me." Kagome said with a smile.

Sango and Ayame both looked at Kagome up and down and couldn't believe their eyes. The once sweet and innocent looking Kagome was now replaced with a punkish/hip hop bad girl image of Kagome. They were in utter disbelief.

"So … do you like it, or do you hate it?" Kagome asked, awaiting her friend's opinion.

"Are you kidding? We LOVE it!" They both exclaimed and ran up to Kagome and hugged her tightly, almost knocking all the air out of her.

"Um, thanks." Kagome said, taking a breath.

"Kag, what made you do this? I mean, this is so totally a part from the way you use to look." Ayame exclaimed.

"Yeah, this is like the evil twin of you, expect still good." Sango agreed.

"Well, I just thought I needed a little turn around in my life, and so yeah …" Kagome stated.

"And your hair?"

"Yeah, well that had to go too. Well some of it." Kagome chuckled.

"Well, I LOVE it." Sango added.

"Yep, me too. No arguments here." Ayame added.

"Good. Thanks guys. Come on in." Kagome invited Sango and Ayame into the house.

The three headed towards the backyard where the garage is. They helped each other set up the instruments that Ayame had in the back of her car, and relaxed for a while on an old couch that sat across from the instruments.

"Alright Kag, spill. What's up?" Sango asked.

"Yeah, what's goin' on?" Ayame added.

Kagome stood up in front of the girls sitting on the couches. "Well, over the week, I've been writing a song that I personally would like to perform at opening day tomorrow, however, I need you guys to help me." Kagome finished with a smirk.

"What do you mean? What do you want us to do?" Ayame asked.

"Well duh, you guys are in the band too, so I want us to learn this new song that I written by tomorrow."

"TOMORROW! Are you crazy?" Sango exclaimed.

"Yeah, I mean, how long is this song anyway?" Ayame added.

"Not long. It won't take us forever if we rehearse and practice over and over again."

"And why should we do this?" Sango asked, a little annoyed.

"Because I have a little surprise in stored for a special someone at school tomorrow."

"Who? Inuyasha?" Ayame asked.

"Not for Inuyasha, for someone else who well deserves it." Kagome plastered an evil grin on her face, kind of scaring Sango and Ayame.

"Wow, this new Kagome is scary … but in a good way." Ayame started grinning along with Kagome.

"I love the way you think Kag. I really do." Sango said along side them in the evil grins.


For about the rest of the day, Kagome went over the lyrics to the song and the notes for each of them. Sango and Ayame loved it. They thought Kagome was a pure genius in an evil state while she wrote the song. After all that practicing, they really memorized the new song as well as refreshed their memory of the other song they were going to perform first.

The two girls headed off home while Kagome went up to her room to go get things together for the next day. She was really looking forward to tomorrow. It was really going to be a day of surprises, fun … and revenge …


The doors to Tokyo Universal High School opened at around 7:50. Class wouldn't begin until 8:05, and it was currently 7:58. Inuyasha is seen standing next to the water fountain by his 1st period class with Miroku and Kouga. They had arrived earlier that morning to go put their instruments in the gym for opening day which would start around 2nd period. Inuyasha is leaning up against some lockers while the other two are standing in front of him talking.

"Damn it, it sucks being back at school." Inuyasha cursed.

"Well at least it'll go by a little fast since we have to perform in the gym later." Miroku added.

"Yeah, Rabbit's right, but I still just wish today was over with already." Kouga added. Inuyasha and Miroku nodded in agreement.

Sango and Ayame came around the corner and walked over to the guys.

"Kouga, I missed you so much." Ayame exclaimed as she plastered a hard kiss on Kouga's lips.

"Mmm, missed you too, baby." Kouga said, kissing her again.

Miroku turned to Sango with a baby face.

"Don't even think about it pervert." Sango said, glaring at Miroku.

"Well I missed you to Sango dear." Suddenly a loud smack could be heard as Sango slapped Miroku across the face for him, of course, groping her.

"Damn it Miroku, you never change do you?" Sango huffed. Miroku turned over to Inuyasha, Kouga and Ayame who were glaring at Miroku in disbelief.

"What can I say? I couldn't help myself." They all just rolled their eyes.

"Hey Pinky, has Kitten shown up yet." Inuyasha asked eagerly.

"Not yet Yasha. She should be here soon." Sango winked over at Ayame, and she winked back, either of the guys caught their reaction.

"Move out of my way." Suddenly, a manly but kind of girly voice was heard from behind Kouga and Miroku. She was wearing her little cheerleading outfit. It was none other than …

"Kikyou." Inuyasha spat. He really didn't want to put up with Kikyou's shit right now. "Didn't I dump this bitch already?" Inuyasha said to himself.

"Inu-ba …"

"Don't even say another word to me Kikyou. I'm not your 'Inu-baby' anymore, alright. Get that through your thick headed skull." Inuyasha interrupted her.

"Or lack there of." Sango said under her breath. Kikyou ignored her little comment.

"Now, now Inuyasha. You're just in denial. You think you broke up with me, but you really didn't. You didn't mean those words you said to me that night at the club, so you know what, I forgive you okay baby …" Inuyasha pulled Kikyou's hand away that was currently on his shoulder.

"YOU'RE THE ONE IN DENIAL. I'M THREW WITH YOU. I'VE BEEN THREW WITH YOU, SO GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE!" Inuyasha's yelling voice could be heard throughout the hall. Some students started to whisper to themselves on how stupid Kikyou most feel right now.


As if right on cue, the doors of the upperclassmen hallways opened up to reveal someone no one anticipated …

It was like everyone's attention was now directed on her as Kagome entered the hall. Everyone's mouths fell to the floor at the sight of her.

Kagome walked in casually wearing a dark blue short jean skirt with black lace trim, a black and white diagonal stripped shirt with a black collar. She also wore some plastic white mini shoes that had a half inch heel with tiny black sheer bows at the tip of them. Her hair was flipped up in layers in the black as for long strand of her hair overlapped her left eye.

Everyone was in utter shock, especially Inuyasha. He had never seen Kagome look … look this … hot! Something deep inside him begged him to take Kagome as his own right then and there. To take her and make love to her long and hard, but he had to control his demon blood. He couldn't do that, I mean what would Kagome think? It would take every ounce of his being to control himself.

Kikyou, on the other hand, felt pure jealousy, but of course she would not show it. She just looked as hateful and mad at Kagome as ever as she approached her friends.

"Hey guys." Kagome said confidently. No one said a word. They were still in utter shock.

"Hey there Kag." Sango and Ayame said at the same time. Unlike the others, they knew about Kagome's new look, so they weren't that surprised to see her.

"Um, guys … are you okay?" Kagome asked, as if she was looking like she used to and the others just looked like you've seen a ghost.

"… Kag … you're … you're …"

"… a bitch!" Kikyou interrupted Inuyasha, saying what she wanted to say instead of what Inuyasha was about to say.

"I'm sorry, but I think the only bitch I see here is you." Kagome said bluntly, pointing at Kikyou. You could here oh's and laughter coming from the other students that could over hear their conversation.

Kikyou stormed off into the class, trying to save herself from the embarrassment. Kagome just chuckled at her retreating form, and then she turned her attention back to the now sane gang of friends in front of her.

"Wow Kag awesome transformation!" Miroku exclaimed.

"Yeah Kag, hair chopped off and all. Nice." Kouga added giving a wink.

"Eh, I try." Kagome replied. Suddenly the bell rang for class to start. Everyone else had practically left for class, expect for Inuyasha and Kagome. He, unfortunately, couldn't make himself move his legs.

"Kagome, you … you …"

Interrupting him, Kagome hugged Inuyasha closed to her. He soon after returned the hug.

"Kagome … you look great." Inuyasha finally made himself speak, even though he really wanted to say something else, but Kagome accepted his compliment.

"Thanks Yasha. And the hair?" Kagome asked, touching her now short hair.

"Eh … You look uglier when it was long." Inuyasha joked and laughed.

"Ha, ha very funny. Come on, let's go." Kagome exclaimed as they walked in class together.


During the time when Kagome enter the halls up until the bell had rung, Houjou was a little ways across the hall watching the whole scene in disbelief. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Kagome …

"Time to talk to my girl again …"


Second period finally came and all the students were taking their seats in the gym. The seniors and juniors sat together on the upperclassmen side while the sophomores and freshman sat on the lowerclassmen side of the gym.

The Sakura and Youkai band, as well as the cheerleaders and Stomp & Shout squad, were in the back of the gym, behind the stage. Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku walked towards the senior bleachers to go retrieve some things that they left behind when Houjou came strolling on down the steps towards Kagome.

"Kagome dear, how nice to see you again. You're looking sexier than ever." Houjou exclaimed coolly, pretending like he had just met her and nothing happened between them. Inuyasha grew angry with hatred towards Houjou. How dare he just waltzes right up to his little angel and talked to her all nonchalant like that and expect a polite greeting from Kagome …

"Oh, hello Houjou. It's nice to see you again." Kagome statement took Inuyasha, Houjou, and the other two by surprise. Why was she being all nice to him after what he had done to her?

"Wow, it's nice to see that you are in a pleasant mood today. I was kind of expecting a little harsh feedback, especially you finding out my little secret, but I guess that's just how you like it." Houjou said coolly. Inuyasha was feed up with Houjou now. He wanted so badly to pound the living shit out of Houjou, but Kagome held him back.

"Oh no, no, no, you got it all wrong Houjou. I decided on thanking you instead." They all went wide eyed. What was Kagome saying?

"Thanking me? For what?" Houjou asked unbelievably.

"Oh, you'll see." With that said, Kagome walked back to the back of the stage. Miroku and Sango followed after her.

"Well, I guess she does want me back." Houjou said smirking evilly at Inuyasha, then walking back up to his seat in the stands. Inuyasha just growled fiercely, and then followed after Kagome. He wanted some answers and he wanted them now!

"Kagome! What was all that about?" Inuyasha asked turning Kagome around so that she was facing him. Kagome stepped up closer to Inuyasha, leaned up into his ear and whispered.

"You'll see …" Kagome then pulled back and winked at Inuyasha before turning back around walking towards Ayame, Sango, and the others, leaving Inuyasha flabbergasted standing there.

"What is she up to?"


The show was about to begin. Sesshoumaru had taken a day off from work to be at his old high school with his fiancée Rin. Kagome had asked him to come for a very special reason. He didn't know what for, but he soon found himself in the middle of the gym standing next to Rin, ready to announce the starting off performance.

"How's it going TU?" Sesshoumaru said coolly into the mic, knowing that it wasn't necessary for him to yell into it seeing as if his use to be fellow classmates respected him. The crowd cheered his name, and girl melted and woo-ed in their seats, "I'm only here to announce the performances along side my companion, Rin."

"Thank you darling," Rin thanked, "Now let's get this started, shall we. First up, we have your Tokyo Universal cheerleaders, the Lady Sharks!"

A couple of applauses were heard as the cheerleaders made their way to the center of the gym. This time, only each group of performers will be performing one thing and then it's on to the next people. This year, the cheerleaders cheered to a hot beat and song out, but the cheerleaders didn't do as well as they use to, even though their last performance wasn't all that greater either.

"Give it up for your Lady Sharks!" Rin yelled. Only a few applauded them, but nothing too much to cheer about.

"Next up is Youkai." Sesshoumaru said as Inuyasha's band made it to the center of the gym. They immediately performed their new song and they, of course, rocked the house. (A/N: I'm not going to spend too much time on describing the performances, because I know that you want me to hurry up and get to Sakura, so there's your little heads up.)

"Now finally, we have Sakura. Let's give it up for them!" The crowd cheered, mainly yelling and shouting at the new Kagome.

"Calm down everyone. There's enough of Kag to go around." Sango said into the mic. Kagome playfully pushed Sango for the embarrassing comment.

Inuyasha, Miroku, Kouga, Sesshoumaru, and Rin took their seats up in the high stands of the senior class side looking down at the band below them.

"Here's a new song we wrote a while ago just for all of you entitled Come On."

The song started off with Kagome and Sango ripping on their guitars as Ayame soon joined in on her drums …

I don't want to be your girlfriend
I'm just looking for a real good time all right
Can you guarantee me satisfaction
Need some action
Gonna get it tonight

So I'm telling you, boyfriend
That you've never met a girl like me before
Not gonna wait a long time
Better make up your mind

Are you in?
Are you out?
Shake it up
Shake it down

Wanna scream
Wanna shout
Give it up
Get it on
Or get out

Come on, Come on!

The gang up top of the bleachers rocked out on Sakura's song. Kagome smiled up at them and sang the next verse …

You know I've got my
Pick of any toy, little boy
Fully action poseable

When everything's said and done
There's many more where you came from
Don't just stand there looking dumb
Baby, you're the lucky one

Be with me

Are you in?
Are you out?
Shake it up
Shake it down

Wanna scream
Wanna shout
Give it up
Get it on
Or get out

Come on, Come on!

As Kagome finished off the last notes on her guitar, the crowd went wild and cheered them on.

"Thanks so much. We really appreciate it." Ayame said on her ear microphone.

"However … we are not done yet." Kagome announced.

Everyone was surprised. They thought that Sakura was only performing one song, but they had something else up their sleeves …

"This next song," Kagome continued, "is dedicated to a special someone that I know. Houjou baby, this song I have personally dedicated to you for all you have open my eyes to. This is for you." Kagome had a small smirk on her face that no one could see.

Houjou stood up from the crowd and waved at Kagome thinking that in his mind Kagome had taken him back.

"Foolish girl. That's why babes want me."

Inuyasha was in utter most confusion. Why was Kagome dedicating a song to that worm, that lying bastard, that …

Suddenly, Inuyasha noticed Kagome winked up at him from the corner of her eye.

"What is she up to?"

Kagome looked over at Sango and behind her to Ayame.

"You chicks ready?" Kagome suavely said.

"More ready than ever." Ayame replied, twirling her drumsticks in her fingers.

"Let's do this." Sango said. Kagome turned back to the awaiting crowd over to Houjou now currently standing up on the bleachers. Kagome smiled evilly over at him, strumming the beginning chord of the song on her guitar before her and Sango started the first verse …

I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend
I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend


I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend
I hope I hold a special place with the rest of them
And you know it makes me sick to be on that list
But I should have thought of that before we kissed

You say you're gonna burn before you mellow
I will be the one to burn you
Why'd you have to go and pick me?
When you knew that we were different, completely


I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend
I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend
I hope I hold a special place with the rest of them
I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend

I'm another ex-girlfriend on your list
But I should have thought of that before we kissed

Houjou was in utter most shock. He did not except this kind of song from Kagome, as stupid as he was. Kagome presented to Houjou a 'I-hate-you-so-fuck-off' song … a song of total and complete revenge …


Your wildness scares me
So does your freedom
You say you can't stand the restrictions
I find myself trying to change you
If you were meant to be my lover I wouldn't have to


And I feel so mean, I feel in between
'Cause I'm about to give you away

Kagome pulled the mic off the stand as she sent a deadly glare up at Houjou …

We keep repeating mistakes for souvenirs
And we've been in between the days for years
And I know that when I see you I'm going to die
I know I'm going to want you and you know why

It's going to kill me to see you with the next girl
'Cause I'm the most gorgeously jealous kind of ex-girl

But I should have thought of that before we kissed..


I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend
I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend
I hope I hold a special place with the rest of them
I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend

I'm another ex-girlfriend on your list
But I should have thought of that before we kissed
I'm another ex-girlfriend on your list …


But I should have thought of that before we kissed

After the song ended, the students went wild and crazy. Sakura's new song was so awesome, and they defiantly showed their appreciation.

Houjou, on the other hand, was in utter disbelief and embarrassment. Everyone started laughing at his humiliation that shown on his face. Kagome had set her revenge on Houjou … by creating total humiliation onto him.

Inuyasha and the rest of the gang cheered on Kagome and the others for an awesome job. They made their way down the stands and over to them.

Kagome ran up and gave Inuyasha a warm embrace.

"Check & Met" Kagome said coolly, winking at him and giggles.

"You're so awesome," Inuyasha smirked.

"Damn good song Kitten." Sesshoumaru said from behind her, "Now I know why you wanted me to come …"

" 'Cause I knew you couldn't resist a good humiliation." Kagome finished.

"Damn it Kagome!" Towering down from the stands was Houjou cursing at her, "How dare you humiliate me like that you bitch."


"Wait Inuyasha!" Kagome stopped Inuyasha from punching the shit out of Houjou.

"Kitten …"

"Let him talk." She interrupted Inuyasha. Kagome walked over to Houjou so now she was standing in front of him. The gang gathered around behind Kagome.

Before Houjou could finish, Kagome did the most shocking thing ever.

Kagome straight up punched Houjou square in the nose, breaking it. Houjou fell over backwards onto the gym floor, blood immediately rushing out of his nose.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR CHEATING ON ME AND CALLING ME A BITCH, BITCH!" Kagome yelled at Houjou on the ground, in anger.

She took a couple of deep breathes, and turned around to her little audience of friends. All their mouths had dropped to the floor, now seeing the new Kagome in action and having Houjou to experience it, painfully.

"You don't know how long I wanted to do that." Kagome said coolly, shaking off the hand that she hit Houjou with. None of them said a word, they were still in shock.

"… I love you." Inuyasha said with sarcasm, in utter shock, still trying to comprehend what just happened.

Kagome chuckled to herself at how bewildered everyone looked, "Yeah, I know … I love meh too." Kagome replied back in sarcasm, "Come on let's go."

Everyone followed after Kagome. Inuyasha just stood at the foot of Houjou, still on the ground, wallowing in pain.

"You know, I could have done much worse to you, but seeing as Kagome already handle it, I'll let you get away conscious … for now." Inuyasha stated evilly over Houjou's wallowing body. Inuyasha walked off towards the others.

"That's my little angel."

Next Chapter

"Shikon Park … a lot of good times happened at that park. It's the place where I first met Kagome when we were kids …"

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