Reno made his way into the kitchen sleepily, running his hands through his hair. Rude was eating waffles at the table. He had chocolate spread over them.

"Aye. Where'd we get chocolate."

"I bought some," he muttered plainly, taking a large bite out of the waffle and ignoring the chocolate that wiped off at the corner of his mouth.

"Where? When?"

"A couple days ago at WallyWorld." Reno's eye twitched at the nickname for WalMart, and he frowned, rummaging through the pantry.

"How'd you get there?" He stared at the cereal boxes groggily, and ended up snatching the Waffle Crisp box.

"'Walked." Reno turned to Rude as he poured the bowl.


"Yeah, it only took like half an hour. Then we walked to the mall." Reno shook his head, turning to see the bowl nearly overflowing.

"Oops," he mumbled under his breath, before raising his voice to a normal level, "Thats ridiculous. And whaddaya mean 'we'?"

"Me, Larxene and Marluxia." He moved on to his second waffle at that. Reno sat across from him, deciding maybe he'd poured too much, seeing how some pieces had fallen out when he poured in milk.

"Okay, Marluxia is a flaming faggot and Larxene is insane. Why do you hang out with them?"

Rude shrugged, "Marluxia isn't that bad, if you ignore the comments on guys. And he thinks you're a slut too, so thats a plus," Reno snorted, not showing the slight offense he'd taken from that, "And Larxene is hot. Plus she's really good at Mortal Combat and shit." Reno choked on his cereal at the comment on her appearance.

"You've got a little something right there," he mumbled, pointing at the corner of his mouth. Rude licked it away numbly. The conversation ended there.

Barret hit the buttons on the gameboy rapidly, large fingers agilely moving across them. Even so, game over music played in less than half a minute. "Damn! Them octopuses," he mumbled, cursing a bit before hitting the 'Continue?' option. Behind him, in the corner, was a very tired looking brunette. Aerith scowled at hearing the game music begin again,

"God damn it, you fucking idiot! You've been playing the same fucking game, nonstop, for a month! God damn you, a MONTH!" Barret paused the game and gave her a dull galnce over his shoulder.

"Yeah, you'd think you'd have gotten used to it by now." With that, he turned and went back to his game, ignoring the blonde girl frantically trying to reach him through the bars.

"Axel, y'gotta wake up." Zack shook the redhead softly, looming over him. In response, he whined pathetically and gave a few half-hearted swats towards the other. "Axel..."


"Yeah, its like four in the afternoon. Get up." Axel shot forwards,

"SERIOUSLY?" Zack pecked the redhead's cheek affectionately,

"Naw its like ten. But you still gotta get up." Axel scowled at the other, trying to hide the pink staining his cheeks and pushed himself up. He headed downstairs, ignoring the offended stare he got from the abandoned darker-haired teen. Cloud was sitting on the couch in his typical thoughtful-emo position.

"Ehm, Barbie, anything wrong?" He figured somebody would be chipper and such after getting what he got. The blonde stared at him, before turning his eyes down to the floor. Axel scoffed and walked past him. Cloud was too angsty to cheer up. Nothing he could do.

He frowned, seeing Reno and Rude already eating at the table.

"Aye! You didn't fuckin' wait for me?"

"Why would we wait?" Rude muttered lowly. Axel scowled, and started looking through the pantry.

"I'm so fucking hungry." He looked through the cereal boxes, before shrugging and digging behind them hopelessly. He needed breakfast. He needed food. Anything. He'd eat anything--

And then he saw them.

He saw the chocolate chip poptarts. That he would rip open, throw into a bowl and heat up until it got melty gooey delicious.

He could've hugged the box.

Cloud sighed, chin resting on his arms, staring at the carpet numbly.

He was sort of disappointed. It was a childish thing he did, he knew. Pushing things away that he wanted, just because he wanted them to try harder to give it to him.

But he never expected when they'd give up. It almost was like he never thought they would. People did give up, though. Every time.

He just wasn't worth all that fuss.

The blonde's head was filled to the brim with these mood-killing thoughts. Until a hand clapped on his shoulder, and warm breath hit against his ear.

"Ya chilled out now?"

He looked to the side, gaze returned by sad green eyes. A guilty smile tugged at his lips. "I'm sorry, Reno." The redhead smirked, leaning down to kiss Cloud's cheek. They were both pretty content then, until a horrible sound rang out behind them,

"Hello, my baby, Hello my honey, Hello my rag-time gaaaalllll... Send me a kiss by wire, Baby my heart's on fiiiiirrrre..."

Reno's eyebrows turned up in pain, and he started motioning for Zack to stop. Cloud cringed.

"If you refuse me, Honey, you'll lose me, Then you'll be left alone, oh baby, Telephone, and tell me I'se your oooown..!"

He applauded for himself and headed out to the kitchen. Reno and Cloud stared at each other in confusion.

Lemon Wine: Well, you know how moody he is. ;D Gahaha, thanks for reviewing and the like.

VampireChildOfDarkness: Haha, thanks. x3 And, really you can stick those little buggers anywhere, can't you? xD But yahh, thats cool. If I ever figure a good moment for one I'll prolly email you or something, 'cause you know I'm hopeless with these things.

ItaFearMe: Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I haven't really had any ideas of what to write, its sort of been hard for me. If I could update all the time with good stuff I'd do it, trust me. xD Thanks a lot, though.

So sorry for the slow updates, everybody..! D: Forgive me?

I have been trying, but sometimes I just don't know what should happen next. So, looking over this chapter, I'm somewhat disappointed at myself, but I figure its better than nothing, yanno? I hope so.

And yes, I did have to put random singing by Zack. That song has been in my head for I don't know how long.

Also, I do listen to suggestions. If anybody has something in mind they'd like in here, I'm all for listening to it. xD