Author's note: My lovelies, this is YAOI. You knew this, correct? Its also rated M. But you knew that, since it only shows M-rated stories if you set it to. You naughty little monkeys. Its got colorful language as well. Be aware! x3

Also, I don't own Square Enix or Final Fantasy VII, or I'd make it yaoi as well. Straight couples bore me. v.v

Reno propped his chin up on an elbow, staring with glazed-over eyes, at nothing in particular, as his teacher rambled in front of the chalkboard. He didn't pay attention to these kinds of things. Who needed to know about who came first, white people or asians? He was sure it wouldn't come to be an important thing sometime in his life. The really interesting thing in the room was not the old woman speaking in the front of the classroom, but the gorgeous blonde guy two desks to his left.


He was the kind of gorgeous that shouldn't be allowed. His hair was perfect, spiky naturally, so it wasn't hard from gels and hairsprays, so Tifa'd say. Tifa has a hair fetish, and a need to muss everybody's hair up. It was amusing, as long as she didn't do it to you. Anyway. His eyes were this shocking blue, that looked crazy in the most beautiful way against his hair and his pale skin. And his skin--- so smooth and radiant. Gorgeous. Amazing. Gorgazing?

"Isn't that right, Reno?"

The redhead sprung back to reality. "Say what?" A few people snickered. Cloud included. Noticing that, Reno flushed. The teacher was scowling, adding more wrinkles to her features. "You should pay attention, and fill that empty head of yours," she tapped the board with a ruler, "...With knowledge." As she set the ruler down, the metal edge of it scraped against it, emitting a shrill shriek that made everybody but the elderly teacher shudder. Reno put his head down, hiding his face with his arms.

"Put your head up, Reno."

He groaned.

After what felt like days, class ended, and the redhead practically jumped out his chair, running for the door. Not really caring to watch where he was going, he tripped over the overhead's cord, and fell face first, his notebooks and a handful of worksheets flying everywhere. Most people were laughing and stepping past him, but one stopped. "You're a graceful one," As Reno sat up, he saw Cloud, and his face flushed a spectacular red. "Its not my fault, yo. Fucking teacher leaving the fucking cord for me to just trip over..." His voice trailed off.

"Right..." Cloud was smiling, his nearly invisible smile, and gathering up Reno's papers, ignoring his constant stammers on how 'it was okay' and 'he's got it'. Reno grabbed up his books and stuffed the papers Cloud had picked up into them. "Thanks." The blonde extended a hand, which the other took maybe too eagerly to help him up. "See you...Reno." He seemed to think about his name, as if wondering how to say it.

It made something flutter in the redhead's chest and spread across his body like ink bleeding into a paper. He fumbled for something impressive to say, but all that came out was, "r-Right, yo..." In a meek, squeaky tone. Mentally slapping himself, Reno left the classroom, not turning back to see the teacher's expression (though he assumed it was an amused one), and hurried down the halls. At least school was almost over.

Shitty school, with its shitty rules, and its shitty classes, and its ghetto walls, and its fucked up ceilings...

He turned a corner, his pace quickening,

And its stupid late bells, and its broken clocks, and its nasty bathrooms...

He was heading past a girl with short black hair, who did a huge, animated yawn that inadvertently punched Reno in the face and sent him backwards. He dropped his books and landed flat on his ass.

And its retarded students, and hard floors, and crowded hallways...

The girl was laughing, but she managed to choke out a, "Sorry! I'm so sorry!" Before taking off down the hallway as the late bell rang. The redhead growled irritably as he snatched up his things and scrambled up, taking off down the hallway and turning into the door...

Which was shut in his face. The teacher was looking at him through the door's window, and she quirked a brow as she headed back to her desk. Reaching down for the doorknob, he rattled it. Locked.

You've got to be shitting me.

He rattled the door wildly, but it didn't give. "I was only five seconds late, yo! Open the door!" She gave him a look that said, 'You're still late. Your problem.' Showing his frustration, he sank back against the door with what sounded like a growl and a sigh at the same time. "Ugh."

This is going to be a bad day.

Yes, I know, its a short chapter. v.v As things progress I can probably have more to write about. Don't worry, this will be a Reno x Cloud fic. Of course. x3 Anyhoo!

Review! Make me feel special, lovelies! D: Please?