All righty folks...
Disclaimer: Lemme see... I own SW, so I'm writing fanfiction. Hmmm... That dosen't make much sense, dose it? Notice the FAN in fanfiction anyone?
The basic plotline is that Jaina Solo gets sent on a recon mission while she would much rather be off doing something helpfull. But Jaina will soon find out that what everyone thought was a simple recon mission, will turn not only into a battle for her life, but also for everything she believes in as a Jedi...
Italics are telepathic transmissions
Jedi training facilitys on Ossus
Jaina's POV
A kriffing recon mission! Whatever Uncle Luke said, my mission was still to scout out some new planet way out in the outer rim. My brother is becoming a monster, we're at war with the Corellians, and he dosen't have anything better for me to do!
Suddenly I felt a strange pressance in my mind. My shields were, naturally, up, but whoever it was brushed past them with ease.
I feel much anger in you, little one. You are right to feel anger. Your uncle is blinded by his fears!
Who are you?
I am both He Who Is Unseen, and He Who Died And Lived. I have the power to control minds, and the power to seduce them. I am your fear, your anger, your love.
Get out! I pushed with all my mind at the creature infesting it. He mearly laughed. The sound sent shivers down my spine. Yes, I Jaina Solo, Sword of the Jedi, was scared.
You think you can rid yourself so easily from me? I come and go as I wish!
Again, he laughed. But to my relief, I felt him drawing away.
Who was he? What was happening? All these thoughts ran through my head as I struggeld down the corridor. But most importantly: Why now?
Bit of a cliffie, I know.
This chapter was incredibly short, but I'll update by tomorrow, and that WON'T be so short. This is my first fanfic, but I'm not gonna ask you to be nice. Tell me what you think. I live on constructive critisizim.
(Don't bother with flames, as I won't take anything in a flame seriously!)