Shironeko-pyon: Thanks to all who reviewed, tee-hee. XD Words of advice, if you don't have anything nice to say, please just keep your pie hole shut and restrain from reviewing. I'm not pertaining to a particular someone but to the rest of the readers. If you didn't like the story, there's always the Back button, dudes and dudettes. That's what you call prudent silence. If you still reviewed as a flamer, then that's total idiocy, my dears. If you wish the author's improvement, do it in a constructive manner. Two positives and one negative always gains the respect of the author. At least at that way, we know that you come in peace and not some warfreak who thinks he owns the site.

Again, I'm not pertaining to a single person, okay? Because you all have been very kind. I guess I've been roaming around the site and saw some morons who didn't even think if he/she is hurting someone with his/her words. I think I just want to give out my opinion on intelligent reviewing. :D

Nakuru: Heya! Shironeko-chan here doesn't own CardCaptor Sakura or any of its characters. CCS belongs rightfully to CLAMP, desu yo! (:


Deceased Adoration

By: Shironeko-pyon

For most people, the hardest job would be a soldier or a lawyer or even a doctor if you're scared at the sight of blood. Neither any of them knew that my job was the hardest. For a forensic scientist, you have to swallow every emotion you have. Any damn sadness was not an option. You have to deal with the dead, just like a soldier would be doing while in the battlefield. You have to be keen for clues just like a lawyer and you have to have a strong stomach to gulp down all the grotesque images just like a doctor.

So, don't come running to me and telling me that your job was the hardest because definitely mine was more grueling. As I stand here and staring at her lifeless physique, there was no place I'd rather be than at home watching TV. But, in this job, you have to fathom every stinking situation. In this job, you have to accept that everything has an end.

It wasn't fair for her to be laying on that bed that we use to examine corpses. Usually, I'll be happy to scrutinize a victim any day but, today was a different circumstance. I stand here motionless as my colleague started nudging me to get on with the assessment. I grabbed my tools and, with shaky hands, began analyzing.

I touched her hand, her bruised hand. That same hand that always picks up bread in the bakery I frequently go to. I often watch her do it whilst I get my order—a blush dusting my face. Her hand that was soft and gentle was now cold and inert. I swallowed as I got her fingerprint. My sweat was trickling down my face while giving the fingerprints to my colleague.

When I opened the sheet, my face grew pale. Her jovial and sunny face was now immobile and dull. There was a rope mark around her neck—a sign that she was strangled. I gritted my teeth as rage washed through me upon thinking what the killer did to her. I inspected her face, her face that I memorized every detail and every feature. But, I'm afraid she doesn't even know that. I rarely did talk to her, after all.

I guess she doesn't even know me nor do I even exist. It's pretty unusual for me to have a conversation with her, perhaps because shyness always catches me off guard. I touched her lips, remembering her refulgent smile every time I see her. Pain became evident in my face and my associate took notice of it.

"Are you okay, Dr. Li? You can stop if you're not feeling good," He asked, anxiety obvious in his tone.

I plastered a smile that even for me seemed foreign. "I'm okay. I can handle this,"

I continued probing and more clues determined that she was severely beaten before getting killed. Anger, Rage and Irritation shot through my whole body. I wanted to kill this person who did this to her. I wanted to pummel him into a bloody pulp. When the police already caught him, I swear to all gods out there that I'm going to skin him alive.

I couldn't see her emerald green-eyes for they were shut, forever it seemed. I fought back the tears that were threatening to spill any minute. I couldn't let anyone know that I somehow knew her even if it was only by face. In my job, emotion was the last thing you would release. For someone like me, you have to lie and pretend you don't care whatever the victim went through in order to get on with your job because if you let yourself be swept away, you'll just end up distracted and unfit to work.

My associate presented to me the results of the fingerprint test. It showed a picture of her smiling and beside it was her name I never knew until now. Until now that she wouldn't be hearing me pronounce it with much admiration.

"Sakura…what a lovely name," I muttered and I gazed at her unconscious body. A tear suddenly escaped from my amber pools followed by another and another. Soon, I was crying and I never discerned I was until my colleague pointed it out.

"Doctor, you're crying. Is she anyone important to you?" He inquired.

I wiped away my tears and just smiled. "No, she isn't." I lied. In this job, you have to be strong and brave. In this job, you're not allowed to love for loving would only mean falling and falling would only mean despair.


Shironeko-pyon: Haha, this is a total AU. And, to those who are wondering who Sakura is in Syaoran's life, she is this girl in his neighborhood he often sees in a bakery. He develops an unrequited love towards her and he never told her how he felt until this happened. :'c

Tomoyo: SO SAD! (weeps)

Sakura: Review and keep in mind what Shironeko-chan said earlier. (points at earlier statement) If you're gonna review, do it nicely.

Syaoran: Or if you're gonna be a jackass, do it somewhere else. Like in a cemetery or something.

Sakura: Li-kun, that's not nice!

Syaoran: Who said I am nice?

Sakura: Oh nonsense, of course you are! You even treated me to an ice cream cone yesterday.

Shironeko-pyon: Yihee! I didn't know you can be such a sweet sweet Candyman, Syaoran! (pinches Syaoran's cheeks)

Syaoran: (deathglares)

Shironeko-pyon: Uh-oh! Bad idea! Bad idea! (retreats)

Syaoran: (runs after Shironeko-pyon)