His soft, silky hair
Flies when the wind blows.
The blue flowing color of his eyes
Froze people's hearts.
His face shows no emotion,
But only the cold and killing stare.
His soft lip speaks of nothing, but bitterness,
Along with his icy, cold tone.
But around me, the eyes show more feelings
Than anyone would ever see.
His face would reflect his emotion,
As his tone speaks, laugh, and sings a smoothing and soft song.
A little scratch on my body would worry him;
Losing me is his greatest fear.
With the same soft lip that spills bitterness,
He speaks the most loving words in the world
More than once to me.
This person can make me smile, laugh, and love.
Even if my days are painful.
From time to time, his teasing has no end.
His large white wings will protect me,
As a loving angel guardian would.
He is a very important person to me.
And the things he does
Makes him the closet person in my heart.