Thanks for everyone who waited patiently for the chapter. Since March I've been doing projects non-stop teachers noticed the end of the year. I own NOTHING

Sky was a fat baby! This is rich blackmail time maybe even sell it to the tabloids. No that would be cruel. What kind of future girlfriend would I be? One that's not keeping her man for very long.

I will make a copy just in case you never know when it will come in handy. Like if Sky me are together and he says we're breaking up I won't let him. I know what you're thinking I must be crazy.

I should get out of here quick before I'm discovered since it's almost nightfall.

Stella was giving Brandon a shopping list of everything she wanted once they left the forest. Brandon was doing his best to pay attention. "Oh and Brandon your paying for everything" Stella clapped happily.

"What!" Brandon wasn't pleased he couldn't even afford one outfit.

"Stella you really don't need those things"

"Are you saying all I care about is shopping?"

"It seems like it all you've ever cared about"

"That's not a boyfriend's job is to buy things is to take care of their girlfriend"

"Daddy said I'm a princess so it makes me special and he said I could have whatever I wanted. He also told me my boyfriend had to take of my needs and one of those is clothes so make it happen" Stella yelled.

Oh I better do this she might dump me which is horrible and she's daddy's little princess he'll kill me. Which is worse being bankrupt or having my life taken? You know what having no money for the rest of my life sounds pretty good.

"Alright princess I'll buy you what you need" Brandon said softly. Stella jumped into his arms and locked in a hug. She started crying.

"I know I may complain a lot and am pretty much a crybaby. I never thought this would happen people are always after me because I'm a princess and pretty no one has ever cared for me. Then you came and showed me what love is. I know ask I ask a lot of you maybe because well I really don't know. Thanks Brandon.

"I love you too Stella even if you still act a little spoiled. Maybe that's why I love you."

Tecna was reading a relationship article. I can't believe this boy's are weird. It's amusing to know how a boys mind works.

"Tecna I got you RAM for your computer to make is faster and to do multiple things at the same time" Timmy offered.

"I'm sorry Timmy, but my computer doesn't take this RAM"

"Oh I'm sorry then I'll go now" Timmy apologized.

"Timmy you know what I really want is to go out on a date with you" Tecna said boldly.

"I uh sure Tecna" Timmy said.

"I know that this is a little sudden, but I mean this has to be done now or else the success rate of this happening will decrease over time" Tecna explained.

I was very upset because I could tell everyone was getting together except me. Is it because I'm not pretty enough I wonder what's going on. All the possibilities were coming across my mind. Maybe this was a sign he didn't like me. He hasn't made a move.


"What?" I shouted back.

"I just wanted to know if I could borrow your credit card mine maxed out I bought this dress which was calling out to me" Flora explained.

"Yeah sure he you go" Layla handed her the credit card.

"Layla is something wrong you don't seem yourself"

"It's just that Ophir hasn't even noticed me. It's hard when the guy you really like doesn't like you back. I don't know what to think he might not like me at all."

"Layla if you want him to notice you might do something to take him know you like him as more than a friend. He might like you back he may be shy. Boys are courageous, but here just as insecure as we are" Flora trying her best to cheer up Layla.

"Thanks Flora for making me feel better" Layla and Flora hugged.

Bloom went back to her tent and made of copy of Sky's picture. I was satisfied, but not happy. Maybe because I don't have Sky. I wonder if he'll ever get the hint that I like him, but then again boys are stupid and clueless when it comes to these types of things.

I just wonder why it has to be my job to ask him out this is a boy s job. How do I even do this? Do I go up to him, tell him to meet me somewhere, or test message or what? There's not a book on this.

I should go ask him out. I got my best outfit on to make him realize that's I'm hot and show him what's he missing out on.

Should I really do this?

Sorry for not updating sooner I tried to figure what Boom found and what to write. I'll really try updating sooner this time. Who should the next chapter be about? Flora, Bloom and Layla need there men. Vote. Anyone got any ideas? Review please.