Well you all know the drill ,I don't own Naruto.

And…well yeah onto the story of whiskers!!!

Ooofh how I love whiskers!

Well yaa im having a hard time in choosing which pairings...

The story ends up to be naruXeveryfrkkn hot guy

or KibaNaru


Well plz help!

I sigh and turn my head to the window. Branches tap lightly against it in the breeze.

This is my first day of school. I enrolled late. So everything's a bit messed up. It was just my lucky day that I come at an assembly schedule…

Boring cough cough

It started off with Ebisu-sensei was lecturing the class on the duties of being hokage.

Academy thought it would be a good idea for us to learn about the hokage so that we can start an early appreciation for him/her.

"I Ebisu knows that the next Hokage would have to be intelligent,successful,already worshipped,blah blah blah!!"

People oohed and smiled brightly nodding along to whatever Ebisu said. But

this made no impression on me. I effortlessly tuned the loud pompous mouth out that clearly indicated that he was taking all of this from a text book and mixing it with his own mindless opinions.

The fangirls for Sasuke squealed whispering to each other how that described Sasuke.

I lay my head in my arms on the table and tiredly shift my eyes toward them.

The Sasuke fangirls I see are: Sakura,a girl with a REALLY big forehead and pink hideous hair with green dull eyes. In class she always is with that other fangirl friend and when she not, she by herself throwing tantrums, ogling Sasuke,and scarily talking herself while throwing her fist in the air…

Ino, blonde with blue eyes that have no pupils…I think she is the president of the Sasuke fan club .Seriously I haven't seen her do anything but just drool over Sasuke think if you add up all that muck of drool in 2 hrs,she could make a pond.

Im new and all but that doesn't mean im not observant enough to know their names. they say their first names all the time to each other it isn't hard to miss.

I grew disgusted looking at those creepy girls…they invented the barfing technique!!(you know when your absolutely disgusted you put a finger in your mouth….) I personally didn't know Sasuke…but I sure felt bad for him.Having germs around you all the time. It must really stink! He must have OCD or something to actually survive through that! Must take like, 5 million showers a day. One time I saw a fangirl wipe her nose on both her hands after that clinging onto Sasuke's back like a monkey she is.

Thinking about Sasuke…Hm,a guy like Sasuke isn't to bad. He just is a sociopath but is really smart I hear. Now I get this from the guys that sit besides him. They remind me of girls but they are guys. They talk a LOT.

They are:

Kiba, who has messy coffee bean hair and a gray furry jacket with a little white puppy inside. Kiba wears make up…and so far he didn't shut up.

Then theres Shikamaru…who I just saw sleeping.but it amazed me how he made a few comments in Kiba's conversations.

Another is Chouji who is a bit on the chubby side but has warm eyes and funny looking hair ,he always take a chip out of his desk…I think there is a chip bag in there somewhere.hehehe.

Wooo okay…

I started to space out. In my thoughts I reviewed my life.

So… my name is Naruto Uzumaki. Im six. I have tan skin, blonde hair, and big green goggles that hide my flaw in this village. My 3 deep black whiskers on each cheek. I know I was different by the way they looked at me. They didn't understand me at all and I think it had something to do with my marks.

Honestly the only reason why im here is because …well I don't know the Sandaime won't tell me… He probably doesn't like me maybe because of my whiskers…So I scowled and marched off. I know when im not wanted! He shouldn't have called me up in his office if he didn't!

Ebisu bowed and clapping clattered in my ears,I cringed an moaned pressing my hands against them.

"Hahahaha! Say goodbye to Ebisu!" Iruka-sensei said.

The whole class said goodbye Ebisu-sensei while I stared boredly at the man.

Iruka hurriedly went over to my desk and then told me to start to get up from the class quickly so that we could start the day.

Cha so this where REALLY this ninja thing began…

I got up from the class skipping 4 steps at a time down the stairs to the front of the room, and sighed when I finally got to my destination.

The class' eyes were glued to me. I fidgeted nervously and hoped to the greater sprits that I wouldn't stutter like an idiot.

I looked at Iruka-sensei and he smiled warmly and said "Just start with your name and your hobbies and goals."

"Hai."I replied. I coughed. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I like …

I paused. I looked at Sasuke who was staring at me in a way I DID NOT like at all…


Everyone pointed at themselves started talking excitedly.

I realized why they were doing so and I corrected myself and them by saying "NO! I don't even know you guys!! Hehehehee.."

I rubbed the back of my head nervously.

The class stopped their chatter and again gave their full attention. I sweatdropped.

My head drooped and I continued with talking about soo adventurous me… " I like to climb trees,watch animals,and pretend to…mumble mumble"

"what did you say?!! Huh! You like to pretend to?!!" Kiba asked.

I wished I didn't say anything about the last part I really REALLY didn't want to complete the run on sentence!!

So I acted like I didn't say it!! "UHH….i don't know what your talking about!!"I felt my cheeks grow warm.

Kiba grinned ."AWWW YOUR BLUSHING!!"

Chouji was chewing on his chips like mad nodding along fast

I looked at Iruka pleadingly for him to stop me from going any further but he just sat on top of my desk crossleggedly and smiling like he knows something.

My eye twitched at that. This guy was out to get me,and torture me at the stake!

Evil teachers…evil sandaime,evil evil village,evil whiskers…

I felt like going home noww!!


Akamaru jumped out of Kiba's coat and on the table and started to growl and madly bark.

The clas and Naruto stepped a bit back at the loudness of it all,but most of the girls (the Sasuke fanclub) joined in the noise by wailing at how they are going to be deaf any minute now.

Kiba hurriedly tried to calm Akamaru down. "Akamaru! NO! Sit!"

Akamaru stopped barking and turned to Kiba and snarled and started to bark even more madly. Then Iruka decided to help Kiba by going to Akamaru even though he knew that he had no clue how to tame dogs….whatsoever…Akamaru (that tiny little pup 3) attacked Iruka biting off a piece of his vest dangling from it.

"Woah there boy!C'mon get off Iruka-sensei!" Kiba coaxed. "Im sorry Iruka-sensei, im still new to having this mutt around!"

Akamaru plopped on shoes of Iruka and decided to paw at Kiba's shoes growling each time.


All the girls couldn't wait to go in the fields so they already began running to it all, leaving all the boys inside the classroom.

Now that Akamaru wasn't barking,Naruto came up to see him. Kiba was still standing there crying letting Akamaru tear of the shoelaces from the soles. Naruto bent down taking out a hand to greet Akamaru.

"Uhhh.."Naruto buzzed in his mouth. The sound was soft but Akamaru raised an ear to it and spat out Kiba's shoelace searching for the noise. Kiba gasped and watched quietly while wiping tears of embarrassment off his face. "Naruto-san…" Kiba said softly.

There Akamaru saw Naruto's hand and sat by it investigating it. It sniffed it and walked around it sniffing it. It stopped and looked at Naruto and yipped wagging its tail. It put its paw in the palm of Naruto still wagging happily.

"HEY! I tried teaching Akamaru that and when I gave my hand to him he just PEED ON IT!" Kiba's face turned red at the confession and turned away and started to sob.

Shikamaru not to far away sighed."So troublesome." Chouji who was watching the whole thing nodded.

Naruto gathered Akamaru in his arms and the puppy let out a joyous bark. Naruto held the little one in his small arms and petted its head. Akamaru was wagging and wagging away.

"Your good with animals or something? Kiba wouldn't be able to do that without getting urinated on." Sasuke snickered.

Naruto shrugged. "I guess so…I like animals…foxes and dogs are my favorite…" Naruto blushed at the realization that he told something true to this stranger.Sasuke just smirked.Naruto absent mindedly petted faster at Akamaru's head.

It seemed that Sasuke just to make fun of Kiba and Naruto wasn't going to let that comment pass by he would do something to make him stop.. "Hey Sasuke-kuun! C'mere!" Naruto put Akamaru down where it whimpered and pawed at his legs whining. "Shh.." Naruto made the soft noise and Akamru obeyed and walked defeatedly away to the sobbing Kiba.Who then turned suddenly mad and spouting off "SOO IM ONLY 2nd BESSST!! YOU ALL COMING TO ME WHEN NARUTO-SAN IS DONE NOW?!I SEE HOW IT IS!!" Akamaru growled.

"Yeah your right,it's a fortune that you came to me even after that…hahaha" Kiba sweatdropped.


OOOHH figure out whats in the back room.



Sorry im just to lazy to write.