Chapter 24

Remus sat down in the chair in front of the desk and leant forward a little.

"Sir...What did you mean I'm not an average seventeen-year-old wizard?"


Dumbledore sighed and leant back in his chair, for second he looked his age as his twinkling blue eyes pierced Remus's peaceful ones. James and Sirius had conjured chairs for themselves and were also staring intently at the old headmaster.

"I should have told you this years ago Remus, but I could never bring myself to add to your problems," Dumbledore finally spoke. "Naturally I kept a close eye on you when you arrived at Hogwarts, because of your condition. I soon realized that I needn't fear any trouble from you," Dumbledore smiled warmly at Remus. "But during that time I spent watching you I noticed something else...something troubling,"

"How could you notice, when Remus didn't?" Sirius interrupted.

"Remus would not have known what to look for and you and James would have dismissed any odd behavior as his illness flaring up," Dumbledore quickly explained. "I however knew that being a werewolf would not cause the behaviors I saw in Remus,"

"What behaviors?" Remus asked quietly.

"Did you ever notice how quick the Sorting Hat put you into Gryffindor?" Dumbledore asked, eyed sparkling intensely. Remus just shook his head. "Well I did, on it's own it meant nothing, but then I heard stories...," Dumbledore paused for a second and held Remus's gaze.

"Stories sir?" James prompted.

"A certain incident on the train of Remus helping Mr. Pettigrew, a knack for picking up spells unusually quickly, oddly logical and calm in a crisis and lack of hesitation to help someone else," Dumbledore ran off. "Then it became more and more obvious after a night time encounter with the Giant Squid..,"

"You already knew!"

"And several occasions when Mr. Black and Mr. Potter avoided serious injury or expulsion and were only saved by your hand Remus, whether it be making up excuses or risking physical injury to help them," Dumbledore ignored James's outburst and concentrated even harder on Remus.

"That just means I should be in Gryffindor," Remus said, frowning.

"Exactly, but even for a Gryffindor, such obvious disregard for your own safety is strange unless, of are a descendent of Godric Gryffindor," Dumbledore finished. The whole room seemed to freeze at that second in time. James gasped, Sirius was pulling a strange face, but Remus's expression hadn't changed. No one spoke for several minutes, trying to digest what Professor Dumbledore had just said. Slowly James and Sirius both turned their heads towards Remus.

" think," Remus finally stuttered. "I'm related to Godric Gryffindor?"

"Yes...In fact I know you are, I spent quite some time tracing back your family history and you are a direct descendent of the Gryffindor bloodline," The headmaster confirmed softly.

"But, how does that explain what happened in Riddle Manor? With my eyes and the room...," Remus asked.

"You are a direct relation of Gryffindor and you were face to face with the descendent of Salazar Slytherin. Your lion blood was reacting to old blood prejudices," Dumbledore explained.

"But he's never had a problem with the Slytherin's in school, he usually tells us off for taking shots at them," Sirius piped up.

"Ah yes well, even if Godric Gryffindor bore grudges he didn't persecute those who had done nothing to him. Being a Slytherin doesn't make you evil or cruel or, most importantly, related to Salazar Slytherin,"

"But it helps," James muttered, making Sirius snicker.

"I added up all of your selfless acts, you lack of complaining about your monthly transformations, loyalty, courage, intelligence, the Sorting Hat's snap decision and searched your bloodline and I had a fair idea that my theory was correct, but your behavior in the manor with Tom Riddle just confirmed it," Dumbledore said calmly. "You are a Gryffindor by blood Remus,"

The door to the office suddenly opened and a newly healed Hermione entered. Her eyes landed on Remus immediately and her face lit up. Remus turned in his chair and matched her smile. He stood up and rushed over to Hermione, picking her up in his arms and spinning her around. Hermione laughed and held Remus tightly as he put her back down.

"Are you alright?" He asked gently.

"I'm fine, what about you?"

"I'm better now," Remus grinned, melting in Hermione's honey gaze.

"Alright, off to the hospital wing with you three boys," Dumbledore said, smiling at all four Gryffindors. James and Sirius rose from their chairs and went through the open door, but turned when Remus and Hermione didn't follow.

"You guys coming?" James asked.

"We'll meet you there," Hermione said with a grin. James and Sirius laughed and left Hermione and Remus with Dumbledore.

"Sir, we wanted to ask you something," Remus said, grabbed Hermione's hand in his and gave her an encouraging smile.

"Sir, I was wondering if you were any closer in finding a way home for me?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Well no actually, why do you ask Miss Granger?" Dumbledore was smiling in an oddly expectant way.

"I was wondering if I...if it was possible for me to this time," Hermione stuttered. Dumbledore's smile grew and he beamed down at Hermione and Remus.

"I had a feeling you might want to stay with us. I owled the Ministry already and they said it should be fine as long as you are careful," Dumbledore said happily.

"That's fantastic! Thanks sir," Hermione said, smiling at Remus. "There's just one more thing...,"

"Your parents will be permitted to come to this time as well," Dumbledore assured. Unable to contain herself, Hermione ran forward and hugged her headmaster. The old man laughed and held Hermione in a father like embrace. She pulled away from him, still smiling. "Now off with both of you," Dumbledore said. Hermione and Remus both thanked Dumbledore and left. They waited to step off of the spiral staircase before Remus captured Hermione in his arms once again. Hermione sighed and leant against Remus's warm body as his strong arms enveloped her. He leant back just enough to look in her eyes and smiled.

"Hermione...I love you," he said softly. At first Hermione looked shocked, but soon smiled warmly back at Remus.

"I love you too," Remus pressed his lips to hers and pulled Hermione into a loving, passionate kiss.

"Ewwwwww!" Remus and Hermione broke apart to see James and Sirius standing just down the hall, pulling disgusted faces.

"Now I really do need to go to the hospital wing," James said, pretending to gag.

"Jealous," Remus teased.

A/N: I was going to leave it there and add my Epilogue later, but that would have made this chapter a bit short so I decided to add the Epilogue on. ENJOY!


Remus and Hermione stayed together through the rest of the year and, surprisingly, James and Sirius accepted Snape as an honorary part of their little group, as well as Kingsley. After graduation Remus proposed to Hermione and James proposed to his girlfriend, Lily. Both accepted and James and Lily were married a year later. Not long after they were married, Lily and James gave birth to a little boy named Harry. Sadly soon after the birth, Lord Voldemort, fulfilling his promise to Remus, came into the house and killed Lily and James and Harry was sent to live with muggles. Remus knew all too well what their deaths meant and it was only then did he tell Hermione about Tom Riddle's last words to him. A few months after Lily and James's death Sirius was cornered and framed by Peter Pettigrew, as Lord Voldemort was in no condition to kill anyone himself and was sent to Azkaban for a crime he did not commit. Remus found out hours after it happened and went straight home to his fiancée.


"Remus, what is it? What's wrong?" Hermione asked, running down the stairs. Remus sighed when he saw Hermione's beautiful figure coming towards him.

"Oh thank heavens," he said, pulling her close.

"Remus, honey what is it?"

"He...he got to Sirius," Remus chocked out. Hermione's eyes widened with fear as she shook her head.

"He's...he's he?" She stuttered croakily.

"No, he's in Azkaban," Remus said sadly. Hermione let out a little squeak and clamped her hand over her mouth. "It was Peter, I know it was...he's keeping his promise Hermione...We have to get out of here," Remus moved suddenly, waving his wand around, collecting all of their things and sending them into a slowly expanding suitcase.

"What...what are you doing?" Hermione asked, watching him.

"I told you we have to leave," Remus answered, not looking at her.

"Why?" Remus spun around, stopping finally and looking at Hermione with concerned eyes.

"He said that he would destroy everything I love with his own hands Hermione, and there is nothing in this world that I love more than you,"

"I love you too Remus, but you have to answer me one thing," Hermione pleaded.

"No time," Remus turned to continue his frantic packing, but Hermione placed a gentle hand on his sinewy arm and held his gaze.

"Just one question and you can continue throwing things into that case like a madman I promise,"

"Fine, what is it?"

"Do you really want to run?"


"Do you really want to run?' Hermione repeated solemnly.

"Well of course I do! If we don't...," Remus started rambling.

"I didn't ask what would happen if we didn't run Remus...I asked if you wanted to. Deep in your stomach, what's it saying, what's your Gryffindor blood saying?" Hermione asked, not breaking eye contact with her fiancée. Remus opened his mouth to continue his rambling, but sighed in defeat.

"It's telling me that I'm a coward for wanting to run," he said quietly, lowering his wand. Hermione walked forward and held Remus's hand in her own.

"I thought so, Remus I love you, you know that and if that means we stay and ride this thing out together then that's what we'll do," Hermione said determinately. Remus smiled down at her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You're too perfect," He whispered, pulling her body against his.

"I know,"

"I won't let him take you Hermione...I promise,"

"I know,"


A/N: Ta Daaaaaa! And it's finished many thanks to everyone who read my story it meant a lot to me to get so many positive reviews and just that anyone took the time out of their day to read one of many Harry Potter Fanfics. I hope you liked it, if not I guess you can't win them all. So now I'll ask for any requests or objections to sequel...please e-mail me and after 20 emails ill just go with the majority vote. Thanks again!!!

