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*NOTE* Hope you like the poem. Please R&R. ^.^

Have You Ever Heard the Silence?

Have you ever heard the silence,
that threatens all you know?

Have you ever heard the silence,
that brings darkness and sorrow?

Have you ever heard the silence,
that speaks of future changing?

Have you ever heard the silence,
that foretells of destiny rearranging?

Have you ever heard the silence,
so loud, roaring in your ears?

Have you ever heard the silence,
that causes all your pain and fears?

Have you ever heard the silence,
of a tear running down a cheek?

Have you ever heard the silence,
that covers all you seek?

Have you ever heard the silence,
of a young girl all alone?

Have you ever heard the silence,
as thick as any stone?

Have you ever heard the silence,
as silent as can be?

Have you ever heard the silence,
that clouds all you see?

Have you ever heard the silence,
that whispers in your ear?

Have you ever heard the silence,
telling you destruction is near?

Have you ever heard the silence...?