Jaden: The Fallen Angel of Desctruction

Chapter One

By KellyQ

Have you ever heard about a fallen angel named Yubel? You better listen closely or she'll come and take your pure heart - that's where I would like to start the tale of Jaden Yuki, and Jesse Anderson - two pure souls and a fallen angel with a black heart ...

Yubel walked into the room hoping to be greeted by Jaden, only to see the room was empty. She narrowed her eyes and looked around.

"Jaden," she called out sweetly. She looked around, and that's when she remembered he would hang out on the roof. Yubel smiled as she walked out to spend time with her Jaden. Yubel hadn't seen him for a quite a long time, and she hoped that he would remember her.

"Jaden," came a male voice. Yubel turned to see a tall teen with bushy dark green hair, and emerald green eyes full of emotion. He was wearing a white blouse, black pants, and matching white boots.

Yubel narrowed her eyes at the teen. "Jaden is not here, now go away - you're trespassing." The last part came out as a hiss.

Amusement flashed across the stranger's eyes. "Jaden never had a problem with me coming over before ..."

"I know that voice ... that couldn't be my Jesse could it?" came Jaden's teasing voice.

Yubel tensed when she heard my Jesse. She slowly turned to see Jaden walking up holding what looked like a creature. She had two pair of long ears, and a cat-like face and body. Her long tail wagged slightly, as her ruby-like eyes shone joy when she saw her master, Jesse. Now Yubel was even more agitated. How could Jaden bring a pet into the the dorms? He knew she hated animals, period.

"Jaden," Yubel finally called out to get his attention.

Both teens and the ruby-eyed creature looked at her. "Is she a girlfriend of yours, Jaden?" Jesse teased.

Hope leaped in Yubel's heart. Does he finally love me? Her thought was interrupted when a hissing sound came from the animal in Jaden's arms. Yubel looked at the creature and saw that she was being glared at.

Jesse was the first to notice his pet was acting a little strange. "Ruby, what's wrong with you?" He watched his pet for a moment and then looked back at Yubel.

"Look, I want to spend time with Jaden. We haven't seen each other for a long time ..." Yubel stepped toward Jaden, but Ruby wasn't going to let her near him. "Hey," Yubel yelped when Ruby tried to jump on her.

Jesse was the first to react by reaching out and taking hold of Ruby by the scruff of her neck. "You're such a bad girl," he chuckled. Ruby squirmed under Jesse's hand, as she pointed at Yubel. Strange sounds came from the back of Ruby's throat. "Whoa, settle down there, Ruby. You're being really rude."

Jaden chuckled as well. "What do you expect? You abandon her and she's giving you the riot act ..."

"Excuse me," Yubel finally said, glaring at Jesse and Ruby. "But who are these people, Jaden? I thought we were going to have some time alone when I returned."

Jaden looked closely at her, noting her appearance. Yubel had reddish skin and white hair. Her eyes were her only unique feature - they were two different colors, red and green. "I'm sorry," Jaden finally said. "I don't remember you. What's your name again, just in case I've forgotten it?"

Yubel looked hurt. "How could you forget? Did you hit your head or something?" She reached out and ran her long fingers along Jaden's scalp, feeling for anything.

Jesse watched Yubel's every move, not liking how Jaden was reacting to her touch. The brown haired teen shivered, and his eyes clouded over. By that point Ruby had managed to wriggle out of Jesse's grip and jumped right for Jaden. Yubel was the first to pull away, as Ruby gave Jaden a head-butt. The brown haired teen fell painfully on his back.

"Jay!" Both Jesse and Yubel were by Jaden's side, helping him into the sitting position.

"Are you alright?" was the first thing Yubel asked.

"Yeah," Jaden groaned, rubbing the back of his head.

"This is all your pet's fault," Yubel hissed. She glared at Ruby with hate, which caused Jesse's pet to cringe with fear.

Anger flashed across Jesse's eyes. How dare this woman accuse Ruby? My sweetie hasn't done anything wrong. "I don't know who you are, but don't you ever accuse Ruby -"

"I'm alright," Jaden cut in. He didn't want the two of them to fight.

Yubel nodded her head. "That's good," she said, and roseto her feet. "Now I'm going to file my report, and I want them gone before I get back, so we can spend time together."

"Boy howdy. Your girlfriend sure can pounce," Jesse teased, but when he saw the look in Jaden's eyes, he changed the subject. "Seriously, are you okay?" He moved closer to Jaden, who was sitting on the bed.

"Just a little shaken up, and I have a headache," Jaden murmured. He didn't want to make it sound like Yubel's touch was cold.

"You really don't remember her," Jesse concluded. "But something tells me that you'd rather not remember." By now Jesse was rubbing the back of Jaden's head, hoping that the soft gesture would help Jaden unwind. It wasn't long before Jaden was relaxed, and he looked ready for a nap.

"That feels good," Jaden moaned. He always liked how Jesse touched him, it felt right.

Jesse watched his crush for a bit, and smiled when Jaden leaned against him. I'm not going to let that woman hurt you, Jesse thought, pulling his friend closer. By now, Jaden was already sleeping.

Darkness. That's all that surounded Jaden , and it felt like it was tugging at his soul. "Someone, help me!"

"You don't need to be afraid of anything, my dear," purred a feminine voice that came from all over.

Jaden shivered and stepped back. He looked around for the source of the voice, and found Yubel standing in the shadows. "Alright, what do you want?" Jaden finally asked.

Yubel chuckled. "I always thought you were cute," she cooed. Jaden narrowed his eyes and stepped back when Yubel came closer. "Now that your green-eyed friend can't get in the way, I'll have you all to myself."

Jaden froze and his eyes widened. She wasn't talking about Jesse was she? He slowly turned to see Jesse's lifeless body not to far away ...

Jaden sat up suddenly with great horror in his expression. He sat for a moment until he felt a familiar touch on his arm. Jaden turned his head to see Jesse sitting next to him with concern in his eyes.

"You alright, Jay?" Jesse reached out and stroked Jaden's cheek bone gently. The soft gesture snapped Jaden out of his reverie.

"Jesse!" The first thing Jaden did was throw himself at his crush. "I had a bad dream that you died ..." By now, Jaden was sobbing on Jesse's chest.

"More like a nightmare. But don't worry," Jesse reassured, straightening Jaden so that they were at eye level. "I'm not going anywhere without you, got me?"

All Jaden did was nod his head, tears still streaming down his flushed face. "Yeah. But what if you really die! I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything did happen to you ..."

Jesse's expression softened and he leaned in to whisper in the boy's ear. "We'll always be together no matter what happens."

"Promise ...?" Jaden murmured, wrapping his arms around Jesse. All the brown haired teen wanted was to be held - and Jesse did just that.

Little did they knowwas that they were being watched by Yubel. She had a look of hatred, and remorse. How dare you, she thought. Jaden is mine and I'll make sure you die - Jesse Anderson.

To Be Continued ...