"A Matter Of Taste"

Chapter 9: Plans & Pardons

Pay the man, Quinn."

Lord Hollingsworth stepped from the carriage and scanned the wharf before him. It was deserted other than a few workers and seaman.

"Look there, my lord!" Shouted McKee, pointing at two lone figures running toward a small boat at the end of the pier.

"Stop them! Stop them at once!"


I did not have the slightest idea as to what Holmes intentions were. We alighted from our fare and ran full speed down the wharf.

"Holmes! What the devil are we doing!?"

"Giving Lord Hollingsworth a target."

No sooner had the explanation reached my ears, than a bullet cut through the air between us. Holmes laughed.

"Punctual as always, my lord!"

I glanced back to see at five or so men running toward us, they ordered that we halt immediatly. Two more shots rang out, one ripping into the sleeve of my friends' coat. I saw blood, but determined it to be no more than a graze, for he did not slow down. The fifth bullet that was fired nicked my cheek as it passed. My outcry brought Holmes to a stop.

"Are you alright, Watson?"

"Yes, it's only a scratch."

"We are nearly at the end of the pier anyway."

When are pursuers caught up to us, their identities were revealed. Two constables, Cynthia Cavenness' attackers, Professor Thomas Quinn, and Lord Hollingsworth.

"Very clever Mr. Sherlock Holmes, very clever indeed. What have you done with your precious clients? I warn you that if you still refuse to cooperate, I will be forced to report you both as shot while evading arrest, having these men here as my witness'."

Holmes glanced over at me, but did not respond.

"Very well. McKee!"

"No...wait." Holmes quiet request was succeeded by three shots heard from a great distance.

Holmes smiled."Very well my lord, I accede. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Cavenness, whom you so adamantly wished to murder, are now on the Duchess, a lovely vessel which will carry them to the United States of America...and well out of your reach forever."

"You liar!"

"No my lord! Those three shots signified their safe boarding. We have won, Lord Hollingsworth, and you...you have lost."

"I may have lost the battle, young man, but the war is mine. You have aided, and affected the escape of two citizens that were wanted for questioning on a matter of national security. You are a traitor to England...and shall be treated as such. I do not wish to kill you. It will be interesting to see how that overly active mind of yours will be effected by years of imprisonment. Take them!"

Holmes did not react to the mans' taunting, and simply sidestepped the first two lackeys. The two constables stepped forward to assist them. It was by no means a fair fight, but we held our own against the four of them. I was beginning to have a hope for our escape, until his lordship drew his revolver. He fired into the air, then leveled it directly at me. All action was suspended.

"There is really no need for all this. I will make you an offer, Holmes. You come along quietly, and the doctor may go. I do not consider him to be any great threat in the future."

"Do you swear it?"

"I swear it."

"Very well then, I agree."

"As I suspected. Come along then."

McKee and his partner took hold of my friend and made their way back toward the road.

"Please do not be overly concerned, Watson. This is by no means the final act in this drama."

"Holmes, don't..."

I was at a loss. I could do nothing but follow them. Just as we reached the street, a cab came barreling toward us at an outrageous speed. Never was I so surprised as in the moment which Mycroft Holmes stepped from the vehicle. The look of perplexity upon his face was a rare sight indeed.

"Release my brother at once."

"Mycroft, my dear fellow, I can do no such thing. He's aided the Cavenness' in their escape, and will be nothing but-"

"The Cavenness' have nothing from which to escape. They shall not be molested for what, due to Professor Quinns' imprudence and impatience, they so unfortunately witnessed."

"Mycroft, you know very well how the matter stands, and you do not understand-"

"No, my dear Lord Hollingsworth, it is you who does not understand."

Mycroft drew a long, blue document from his coat pocket and presented in to his lordship. The man accepted it reluctantly. Subsequent to a moments examination, he threw it to the ground.

"Smithers, Quinn, McKee! Let us go."

"But Lord Hollingsworth, we can't just let them-"

"There is nothing for it, McKee. With that document, we would find ourselves in prison for opposing them...This is far from over Sherlock Holmes! Far from over!"

The said foursome rapidly boarded their carriage and drove away at a furious pace, leaving the constables to find their own way back.

I stooped to retrieve the document. To my utter amazement it read as follows:

"We hereby denounce the bearing of any blame to be accounted to Mr.and Mrs. Chandler Cavenness for their coming into possession of information of an enormously confidential nature. They will not be reprimanded in any way whatsoever. No action shall be taken against them. Furthermore, all person(s) having aided their survival until this said intervention, are hereby pardoned from all responsibility for any past actions taken on their behalf."

-Victoria Regina

And stamped with Her Majesties' seal. I could not help but laugh aloud in sheer relief. I was joined in my merriment by the Holmes' brothers who were peering over my shoulder.

"I'd say that rather puts a spoke in his lordships' wheel!"

"Indeed, Watson! I will give credit where credit is due, Lord Hollingsworth is certainly consistent. I would say that he truly does have the interests of our country at heart, he simply does not understand that the people are far more important than the country."

"Perhaps in the beginning he had the countries' interests at heart, but in the end, Holmes, I would say it became more of a personal battle with you."

"You may be correct. But I do not feel it my place to judge him, lest I find myself in his position. The fine line of justice is a difficult one to follow. One cannot always clearly see where it leads, or why."

"Well, perhaps his lordships' learned his lesson."

"Yes, perhaps...Thank you Mycroft...for coming to our aid."

"You are most welcome Sherlock, but it is I, who should be thanking you. I realized that you were right...actually I knew it all along. But, I am ashamed to admit, I would have taken no action against such tyranny, had it not been for your determination. Your persistence reminded me that a little action now and then can be quite necessary. I'm afraid that in all my dealings with our government, I'd begun to consider the common layman as naught but a number on a chart. You showed me that they all deserve justice, whether rich or poor. Justice is, after all, not simply a matter of taste, nor is it defined by the laws of our country alone. I shudder to think I'd become so disillusioned."

"Do not be to hard on yourself, Mr. Holmes. We are all guilty of losing sight of what is right at some point in time. All is well in the end, and you've contributed greatly to the conclusion."

Holmes put a comforting hand on his brothers' arm.

"Yes, think nothing of it Mycroft, all is forgiven...Now, I cannot speak for the two for you, but breakfast at Simpsons' sounds positively splendid does it not?"



So? So? Please let me know what ya'll think!! This was an incredibly fun story to write & I hope it was as much fun to read. I'm considering a sequel...but I've got alot of other things planned so it may be awhile, plus I really don't have any good ideas, so if anyone else does please let me know, or shoot, go ahead & write it yourself! lol Thanks SO MUCH to all my wonderful reviewers, ya'll totally rock!!!!!!!!! I would have never finished this without ya'lls encouragement. So, please review & thanks again everyone!
