Disclaimer: I nor anyone I know own anything having anything to do with Harry Potter!!

Betrayal of the Worst Kind


In the smallest bedroom of the modest and normal house on number four Privet Drive tossed and turned a small messy haired youth who looked more the age of 13 than that of 16. If he'd have been awake, you would have seen the most startling green eyes, said to be the same that his mother's were. Although this particular boy wouldn't know personally because both of his parents were killed when he was but fifteen months old. One would have never known by his state of dress or the clutter in his room that this child was the savior of the world. More importantly (to most) he was the savior of the wizarding world.Yes this boy were a wizard, and a very powerful one at that. And yet here he is far away from the wizarding world living in the home of his mothers older sister, he husband and son all three of whom hate even the thought of magic. Something doesn't seem quite right.

Chapter One:


"Boy!" Bang, Bang, Bang " Get Up!! Breakfast should have been ready 30 minutes ago. Get downstairs NOW!!" Harry woke to the sound of Aunt Petunia shouting and banging on his door. He got up quickly and dressed before heading out of the room. He was in such a hurry he never realized he didn't have his glasses on.

"Boy hurry up before I'm late for work!" Uncle Vernon shouted as Harry walked into the kitchen. He quickly ran to the refrigerator to pull out some eggs and bacon. It was then he noticed his lack of glasses but dared not go back and get for he feared the wrath of his uncle. Going to the stove and turning it on he tuned into his still ranting uncle. Harry listened as his uncle continued to add things onto his daily chores list as a punishment for sleeping in. With all his attention on his uncle he never realized that he had turned the burners up too high until it was too late. Hearing the crackling of the bacon increase he turned back to the food right as a huge flame licked up off the stove top. He threw his arms up to protect his face letting his hands get most of the flame all the while thinking how horrible his morning had turned out. But as soon as the disaster began it was over. He looked up at the stove and could barely make out traces of water covering everything.

"THAT'S IT!!! I will NOT take one more minute of your freakish behavior! GET! OUT OF! MY HOUSE! NOW!" Vernon Dursley shouted at the top of his lungs.

"But . . . ," Harry began not knowing what had happened.

"No buts. I don't care what those weirdos said, I want you out of this house before I leave for work."

Not knowing what to do Harry went upstairs threw on his glasses and proceeded to pack the few things that he had in his trunk not forgetting his most precious items in the loose floorboard under his bed. Coming out of his room with his things, Harry almost ran smack dab into his cousin Dudley who was standing at the top of the landing with a smug look on his face. Ignoring him Harry continued downstairs, his uncle was standing near the front door purple faced and arms crossed.

" I never want to see you or any of your little friends anywhere near this house ever again. If I do, I swear you'll regret it."

"But Uncle Vernon I don't even know what happened!" Harry said quickly trying to explain himself.

"I don't care just GET OUT!!" he said opening the door and shoving Harry and his trunk through, slamming the door behind him.

"Hello?" Harry said in a loud whisper trying to locate one of his watchers. " Uncle Vernon kicked me out. Can one of you inform Professor Dumbledore please?" Yet still there was no response. "Hello!" Harry said a bit louder. When there was still silence he figured he'd head to Arabella Figg's home and allow the kindly squib to help him. But once he got there and knocked on her door he realized that something wasn't right. Not only was she not there but upon peering in her window it looked as though no one lived there at all. The house was completely bare.