Disclaimer: I do not own Count Papaya. She's property of the military! Then again, which one?


Why, hello thar stranger! It's been awhile…right? Sorry for the spark of false hope…but I bring somewhat good news! (Are A/N entries even allowed?)

My computer is alive and well!

I passed with a D in Language Arts!

I'm rewriting all of To the Other Side and Back with my friend Count Papaya!


Shocking, I know. It was a tad weird when I decided to rewrite it AGAIN, but through an entirely embarrassing conversation with my friend, Papaya, we discovered we both like fan fiction (to a point)! I was a tad reluctant in restarting the whole thing seeing as I have as much will power as a crippled hippopotamus and the fact I'm slowly hating Naruto fandom; but, then I said:

'lulz!!!!!!!1!! Mista Soup is bored. Mista Soup gonna make fanfic again…maybe never finish too! piss off lotsa fan boys and girls!! :D'

My dearest friend Count Papaya then declared:

'Why do you write like that, dumb fuck? That's an interesting idea though. Maybe we should finish that one story you started. I'm sort of trying to avoid my own for awhile. Idk…'

'imma hungry. TT_TT wanna meet up in FamilyMart then talk bout tis?'

'I-I can't feel my legs.'

Then it happened! Together with our lazy power combined we decided to restart this whole--




Please, be patient and mind the fact we both incredibly suck. Infact, if any of you can beta read and spot us with some ideas it would awesomely appreciated! No ideas that involve GaryStu and angsty Naruto(s), also demi-god ones, demon ones, ones that practice polygamy, and ones that wear black with boots…I don't like those sorts of Naruto. Such a pain to me, not that I mind that they are written, I just can't read them anymore. It's my own fault though; I've read so many of them I can't stand them anymore! It's like eating so much soy sauce ramen at a time that it starts tasting sour... What's wrong with me? I'm starting to feel so sad...

Again, if any of you are certified Beta Readers, please contact either me or Count Papaya!

I love you.