This is going to be a collection of Death Note drabbles written in response to the prompts for the 30 drabbles LJ community. Some of them are at the 100 word limit, some go over because I just couldn't bear to part with some words. Hehe

These were written purely for my own indulgence as a writer, the challenge of keeping to a word limit (kind of...) and using a theme. I hope they are as enjoyable to read as they were to create.

Disclaimer: Death Note and its characters aren't mine, but these stories are.

Spoilers: None. This one is pretty much AU


Theme 1. Haloes

By Just Akiko

His eyes are like glowing orbs of obsidian, shining with an inner light that is far too intelligent for his own good. Surrounded on all sides by too pale skin, L's sunken gaze only adds to his mysterious appearance that even now causes Light immense irritation.

With eyes glowing red he studies the betraying halo of letters and numbers that crown his nemesis' head. The pen moves without him even thinking and the note slaps closed with a satisfying flick. Smirking, he watches thin sugar coated lips as they crack and crease, opening into a black 'o' of surprise and what could almost be called fear.

It is in that moment, Light realises he's made the best deal of his life.

It is in that moment that the flicker in L's eyes disappears.

Word Count: 133

Thanks for reading! Any reviews/comments will be happily read and muchly appreciated.