My name is Kia Galatea Hawkins, and I am a nineteen-year-old half gypsy. My father is Cain Hawkins, and my mother is, well she was, Galatea Lovett. My father, if you can call that man a father, never loved me as far as Im concerned. I think he even hated my mother. I think he hated her enough to marry my stepmother, Sara Trocora. When father first saw my mother who had been dancing in the streets with the other gypsies, he had said that something about the way she danced and sang entranced him. They fell in love. When father found out that my mother was pregnant he begged my mother to stay in his house. My mother, like all gypsies, couldn't stand the thought of living behind stonewalls, so she told him that she would be a servant, so she could come and go as she pleased, and so would I, after I was born.

And that was how it was. All went as my mother and father had planned. My father, before he had meet my mother, had married my stepmother and gave birth to three others, Lucile who is nineteen, Anita who is nineteen, and Anglia, who is seventeen. I won't go into much detail about them because I quite frankly don't much care for them. Don't get me wrong, Sara is kind, and has always treated me as if I were a daughter of her own. And the girls love me like their real sister even. It's just that I can't stand that my father had married her and not my mother. My father never took any notice of me. My friend and fellow servant, Ms. Freya, says that it is because I remind him too much of my mom, and it hurts him. I can understand that, but that still didn't make me feel ant better.

I do not help my father's sadness with the fact that I look almost exactly like my mother. I have long mid-back length raven black hair, icy blue eyes, dark tan skin, and small delegate hands, just like my mom. The only thing I inherited from my father is my small upturned nose and hard headedness. So now that my mother is gone, I am no longer a servant, I am the daughter of Sir. Cain Edvard Hawkins the first. I am treated like a daughter, yet also as an outsider. So there it is, my life in a small package. I would go on, but really there's nothing more to say about me.

"Well there you go. I know its short, but I thought id better let you know something about Kia before I start the rest of the story ok! The rest of the story will be in third person narative ok! R&R 4 Me OK!"