Hi there, everyone :) I'm back with a new story... well, kind of...

Actually, it's an old story. Way old. The first newsie fan fiction I ever wrote, to be exact :O I wrote it a bazillion years ago. (In reality, it was more like 6 months. But same difference. That was still so long ago)

Please keep in mind, it's not very good... at all. Nor is it that realistic, either. Also notice the lack of newsie/New York accents. ::Gasp:: I know, what was I thinking? I figured I'd post it anyway, just for kicks. And also because the main character in this one is my absolute favorite newsie :)

Here's what I'm going to do with this one: It's pretty long, but I don't want to drag this out for a huge amount of time. However, I do have to edit this so it works on this website. I'm going to post about 5 chapters in all, but make each chapter very very long.

As for 'Tell Me How I'm Gonna Make Ends Meet.', a few people have asked about a sequel. I'm probably not going to write one (at least for the time being) because I'm out of ideas, so it'll probably just end up ruining it lol. I guess the story's no fun if I fill in all the lines, anyway. At least this way you guys have some of it left up to the imagination :)

So anyway, hope you enjoy this one.


I slowly opened one of my eyes and tried to figure out where I was, but it was no use. As soon as I tried to look around, I felt a throbbing pain in my head. I could tell I was lying on my back on a cold, hard surface, but I had no idea where. I tried to recall what had happened, but I couldn't remember a thing.

I couldn't think straight, so I just put my head down as lightly as I could. Still, the impact on the back of my head made a sharp pain surge through my entire body. The world around me felt like it was spinning. I groaned and shut my eyes, trying to block out this entire thing.

I was unaware of time. I just sat there completely dazed, as time passed. It could have been a minute or an hour, but I couldn't tell the difference. Then I heard a voice. "Hello?" The voice sounded very far away, and had a hint of panic in it. I ignored it, figuring I was just hearing things. "Hello?!" It said again. This time the voice was scared. It sounded like a boy. Whoever it was lightly shook my arm and I groaned. "Oh god, you're alive..." The voice sounded relieved.

I felt someone lift me up from underneath my arms. They propped me up into a sitting position and dragged me over to a wall. I was now sitting against another hard surface, and my brain was throbbing from just sitting up.

It took all the energy I had, but I finally opened my eyes. It took a moment for the area to stop spinning and for my eyes to finally adjust. There was a boy kneeling in front of me, inspecting a cut I had on my shoulder. He was wearing a blue newsboy cap, and a grey shirt.

"Are... Are you alright?" he asked me. I tried to say something, but my voice got caught in my throat. I realized that it was dry and scratchy, like I hadn't drank anything in a few days. oh god... How long have I been here? I thought.

He reached up and lightly touched a spot under my eye. I flinched slightly. "Sorry..." He said. "How did this happen?" I shook my head, indicating that I didn't know. By this time, small clips of what happened started to return to my brain, but I was too tired to remember the rest. Forget having to explain it.

My senses began to come back to me and I took in my surroundings. I was outside, sitting against a stone or brick wall. A cobblestone material covered the ground. There were some ladders attached to buildings across from where I was sitting. The alleyway was dark, but the sky told me it was either early morning or dusk. I suddenly realized how cold it was, and I noticed that I was shivering.

"Here, come on..." he said, pulling me to my knees. I barely had enough strength to sit up, and every time I moved the least bit I would feel pain in my head. "I don't know if you're going to be alright." He said. "We should get you somewhere... That's a pretty nasty gash you have on your head there..."

I slowly raised my hand to my forehead, scared to see how bad it was. If the actual gash was equal to the pain I was feeling, I would need stitches of some kind. I touched the wound and looked at my hand. It was covered in blood. I began to feel really dizzy again and I fell forward.

He caught me in his arms and stood up, bringing me to my feet. I was on the verge of passing out and I knew it. I was doing everything I could to stay awake. I know it sounds a little dramatic because at the time I was a bit out of it, but I was afraid that if I passed out again I wouldn't be waking up.

My body went limp in his arms and my feet began to drag on the hard cobblestone. "Blink! Race?! Skittery! You guys, help me!" He started to walk towards the opening of the alleyway, dragging my feet along as my head rested on his chest.

After about a minute I heard quick footsteps on the ground and panting. "What's going o... Who is that? Is she alright?!" I heard someone ask. It was another boy, except he had a heavy New York accent. I didn't have the strength to open my eyes. "I don't know... Look, just get help. She's in really bad shape, We have to get her to the lodging house." The boy holding me said. "Alright..."the other one replied. I heard him leave and everything went black.


I heard voices around me. They were all male voices and there were about 5 or 6 of them. I could tell they were carrying me. There were 2 supporting my body near my head, and 2 or 3 near my feet.

Watch it, watch it!! You're gonna drop her!

C'mon, we gotta get her up the stairs.

Spot, come help us!

What the... What happened!?

Oh god, this is bad...

Hurry! She's bleeding like crazy!

Someone go get Kloppman!

I'm on it...

Dutchy, get some ice and a bandage! Quick!

Is she gonna be alright?

I don't know...

Then the voices grew fainter and I was left in blackness again. This would happen every once in a while. I would hear people around me, conversations going on, but I didn't have enough energy to open my eyes. I had no idea where I was, who was around me, or what time it was. Then it would all fade out.


When I first opened my eyes since the time in the alley, the room was bright. Sunlight was coming in from an open window, and so was a cool breeze. My head felt a lot better. It still had a faint constant pain, but I could move without the throbbing. I brought my hand to my forehead and felt a bandage.

I looked around the room and saw wooden bunks. They were in rows, tons of them all lined up against the wall. I was lying in one, with a pillow behind my head.

There were hooks on the walls with clothing hanging from them, and at the end of the room was a door that led to another area. I couldn't see well from where I was, but I noticed a counter and some sinks. Where am I?

I heard movement coming from the far side of the room. Slowly, I turned my head and saw a guy putting something into a dresser drawer. He was facing the other way, but he was blonde and tall. When he heard me move, he spun around to face me.

I noticed he had an eye-patch on his left eye. He walked towards me quickly. "You're up! How do you feel?" He asked. "I'm... uh... confused?" I said. My voice sounded really dry and raspy. "Nah, I mean how's your head?" he replied, smiling. "It's... better? Where am I?" I said, trying to sit up. Thank God I remembered the kid in the alleyway, otherwise I would have been freaking out. I had a basic understanding of what happened. He found me and brought me here to make sure I was okay. I didn't have any of the details, like where this place was or who he was, but I would find out soon enough.

"Mush'll explain all of that... Oh! I gotta go get him! He's gonna be thrilled when he finds out your up. I'll be right back." He said, moving towards the door.

"Wait!" I said. He turned and looked at me. "Who's... 'Mush'?" I said questioningly. "Only the guy who practically saved your life. Hasn't left your side for the past 2 days. The only reason he's gone now is because the guys forced him to go get somethin' to eat. Wouldn't go till I promised to look after ya, though." He said, smiling. He walked out the door and I could hear his footsteps disappearing down the stairs.

A few minutes later, the door opened and the boy from the alley came in. "You're awake!" he said, jogging towards me. He filled up a glass of water from the other room and handed it to me. "Thank you." I said, taking it. "Are you feeling better?" he asked as I took small sips out of the glass. I shook my head. He sat on the side of my bed.

"You're Mush I'm guessing?" I said. It was difficult to get the words out. I was having trouble thinking straight. He smiled and nodded. "I guess Blink told you. I dunno if you remember, but you were in an alley when I found you..." He said. "I remember. Bits and pieces of it, anyway. I was in and out of reality for a while." I replied.

Mush nodded again. "Yeah, you were in pretty bad shape. You've been out cold for almost 2 days now. Could have been longer depending on how long you were in that alleyway. I've been going nuts over here waiting for you to wake up... God, I was so worried." He said. Then he realized how protective he sounded when he hardly even knew me. He turned away, trying to hide the fact that his face was turning a dark shade of pink.

"I... uh... so what's your name?" he asked. I smiled. "Hannah." I replied. He smiled too and looked into my eyes. He had this thing he did where he would look you in the eye when he was talking to you. He would make eye contact and keep it there for the entire conversation. I knew it would be a lot less awkward if I broke the gaze and looked away, but for some reason I couldn't. When I looked into his eyes it made me feel... safe? Nah... That's stupid. I just met this kid. I thought. he did save my life though... I could have died in that alleyway if he didn't find me. I shook the thought from my head.

"I like that name." he continued. "So Hannah... Why were you there in the first place? What happened?" When I opened my mouth to explain it, I heard a knock on the door from behind us. I looked up and the door was open. Standing in the doorway was a guy. He looked about my age, but he was small. He was wearing a white shirt, brown pants, a hat and suspenders. "Sorry to be interruptin' this little chat here, but Mush... we're all going to get our papes now. Ya coming?" He asked.

Mush shook his head. "Nah, Race. I'm gonna stay here for one more day. But I'll go tomorrow. Promise." Mush replied. "Race" nodded and started to walk out. Then he turned around and said, "Oh, and uh... feel better. I'm racetrack, by the way." I smiled. "Hannah." I replied. He nodded, smiled back, and left.

I turned to Mush. "Why didn't you go?" I asked. I didn't know much about newsies because I never was one, but I did know that if they didn't sell their papes every day, They didn't make a living. He shrugged. "I'd rather stay here." He said. "Why?" I asked, confused. He shrugged again. "You know, just to make sure you're alright and everything. One more day can't hurt."

"What do you mean one more?" I asked. He started to blush again. "Well... I couldn't leave you here alone. Someone had to look after ya. So I just stayed at the lodging house." He said. "The...lodging house? Is that where we are?" I asked, confused. "Yep. The Newsboys Lodging House. It's where me and the rest of the guys live. Anyway, so you never answered my question. What happened?" he asked again.

I looked away, trying to avoid the question. I knew if I answered him, he would ask me why I was out alone at night. I never talked to anyone about that. Nobody. I had few people I could call my friends. I liked to be by myself most of the time.

He looked me in the eye again, waiting for an answer, and I knew I couldn't stall any longer. "It was about 11 at night and I was walking around, and... I dunno, I guess a fight broke out near that alleyway. It was one kid against four others. I didn't know the four personally or anything, but I had seen them around before, and they like to start trouble. So I tried to help defend the kid. They grabbed me and pulled me into to the alleyway. I got punched a few times, and then my head smashed into the bricks. Guess the kid got away and I didn't." I explained.

"Why weren't you at home that late at night?" he asked. Oh god... There it is. I thought. Well, here goes. Might as well tell him the truth. "Don't have a home." I replied.

Mush nodded and looked away. "If you don't mind me askin', what happened to your parents?" He returned his gaze to me. I've never talked about it before with anyone. I guess because I felt guilty about it. It was, after all, my fault. Something told me I could trust this guy, though. He was the closest thing to a friend that I had. So I took a deep breath and started to explain.


It was a few years ago. I must have been 11. I lived with my mom and dad in a small apartment in New York City. I got in a fight with them one day. A stupid fight, something that didn't matter much in the first place. But we all got really worked up over it. I was mad and convinced they hated me, so I ran away. I collected all the money I had ever saved, took some food and clothes and left. I found the nearest train yard and hopped one of the freight trains. I stayed in one of the cars that was empty except for a few boxes piled on top of one another.

A few towns over, the train stopped for a little while. Probably to load some cargo. A group of guys were stumbling around the train yards, obviously drunk. One of them found me in the train car. They outnumbered me seven to one. They beat me up, took my money, and left me in the train car. I was out cold, and by the time someone found me in the train car I was at least a state or two out of New York.

When I finally was able to get home, it had been almost two weeks. The apartment was empty, and all our stuff was gone. I had heard that my parents had left to go searching for me. Soon after, another family moved in and I was left homeless. I tried to look for my parents, but I later found out it was useless. I figured I might as well stay in New York City, where I know the area and if my parents ever decide to come back I'd be waiting for them.

I had been in a few orphanages, but I didn't like it there much. They always tried to ask me questions about my past and to tell you the truth, I don't like people being in charge of me. I'd much rather take care of myself. So I would never stay long.

End Flashback

Mush just sat there listening. He didn't say a word throughout the entire thing. When I finished, we sat in silence for a few minutes. Then, Mush did something I didn't expect. He moved closer to me and pulled me into a hug. At first I was motionless and my body tensed up. Then he wrapped his arms tighter around me and I relaxed a little, somewhat returning the hug.

When he let go and resumed his spot on the side of my bed, I turned to him and whispered, "Thanks." He raised his eyebrow. "For what?" he asked.

"Everything." I replied. "Saving me, taking care of me, listening to me... I really appreciate everything." I said. I wasn't used to this. For the past few years, I never had to thank anyone. No one ever did anything to help me. To them I was just another homeless orphan kid living in New York City.


Mush and I talked for a few hours. Just sat around, getting to know one another. We talked about tons of things, but mostly about New York City. I found out that his favorite place in New York City was my favorite place in the world. Central Park.

I felt like I had known him longer than I actually did. It was easy to be comfortable around him. He always had that warm smile.

Later, I had something to eat and I was able to get washed up. Since all of the newsies were out selling papes, and Mush went downstairs so I could wash, I was able to take a bath in the area next to the bunk room. Kloppman gave me a toothbrush and soap. Everyone who lived in the lodging house had their own that were provided for them. Not that I lived there, but they were all trying to help me out.

When I had taken a bath, washed my hair, and brushed my teeth, I changed into my pants that had been washed for me. My old shirt was too stained from the blood, so it was thrown out. Mush gave me one of his to wear. Even though it didn't fit him anymore, it was still a little big on me.

When I was finished, I went downstairs like Mush told me to. Halfway down the wooden staircase, I could already hear loud laughing and talking. When I got to the bottom, about 10 or 15 newsies were sitting around on the floor. Some were playing cards, others were just talking. I didn't realize how late it had gotten. It must have been around 6 or 7 PM, because they were all back from selling their papers.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs, a few of them turned their heads and stopped talking. "Uhh... Hi?" I said, a little uncomfortable. Mush quickly stood up from his card game and walked over to me. "Hannah, these are the guys." He said, leading me over to where all the newsies were. "Over here, that's Skittery. This here is Boots." By this time they all started talking again. Mush continued. "That's Jack, Racetrack, Kid Blink. Here's Crutchy, and that's Bumlets. The one with the glasses is Specs, and the other one with the glasses is Dutchy. Here's Itey, and that one is Snipeshooter."

Crap, I'm so horrible with names... I thought. I guess Mush read the expression on my face, because he laughed and said, "Don't worry. You'll get all their names down eventually."

"Guys, this is Hannah." He said, introducing me to the rest of them. I smiled. "Oh, so you're the girl Mush hasn't stopped talking about." Racetrack said, smirking. He seemed like the wise guy of the group. All the newsies laughed, except for Mush whose face turned really red. "Race!" He growled, punching him on the arm. "Ow! What?" Race asked innocently, grinning and rubbing the spot where Mush punched him. Mush sighed. "Nothing... let's just... go up to the bunk room." He said, shaking his head. I got the feeling that Mush and Racetrack were best friends.

A few hours later, all of us were laughing and joking like we'd known each other forever. They all took turns telling me stories about the times they all had together, and the crazy stuff they would do just to get people to buy their papes. Around 1 AM, my stomach hurt from laughing and I was exhausted. We were sitting around the bunk room playing cards. Race won the third game in a row.

"Alright guys, who's playing again." Racetrack asked. Most of the newsies dropped out and went over to their bunks. "Aw, come on... Alls that's left is Skittery, Mush, and Hannah?" Race said. "Actually, I'm not gonna play anymore either." I said, putting my cards down. "Just gonna watch." I said.

I was sitting on the floor against the side of a bunk. Mush was sitting next to me. The game must have been going on for at least 20 minutes before I started to fall asleep.


Mush's Point of View

"Alright, Alright, I give up. Race is just gonna win again anyways!" Skittery said loudly, throwing down his cards and getting up. "Can it, Skittery. You're gonna wake her up." I said, motioning to Hannah. She had fallen asleep about ten minutes ago. She must have heard Skittery in her sleep because she groaned and moved around a little. Her head fell softly onto my shoulder and I could feel her light breathing.

No one else seemed to notice, but Race found it hysterical. He covered his mouth with his hand and tried to stifle his laugh. Soon he just gave up, and began cracking up. "Aw, how adorable is dat?!" He said, sarcastically. "Alright Race. It's not that funny. She's sleeping; she didn't mean to put her head on my shoulder." I said. Race still couldn't stop laughing.

I sighed and shook my head at Race. "Game over. You win... again." I said. I put my cards on the ground and I picked her up. I carried her to my bunk and put her down, covering her with the blanket.

While she was injured Hannah slept in one of the extra bunks. There were newsies that always stayed at the lodging house. I was one of them. There were also Newsies that came and went. Depending on the night, sometimes there were no extra bunks. Tonight was one of those nights.

I lied down beside her, on top of the blanket. I moved as far as I could to the other side of the bed, trying to give her as much room as possible. I looked at the gash on her head that had finally started to heal, and I couldn't help but think that I was so happy to be the one who found her.


Hannah's Point of View

I heard steady breathing coming from behind me. I opened my eyes, but only saw darkness and shadows. Blinking my eyes a few times, I tried to get them to adjust. The dark shapes began to turn into objects, like the bunks and the clothes draped over chairs. Then I realized I was in the lodging house.

Crap, I must have fallen asleep. I thought. I was planning on leaving the lodging house that night, before everyone fell asleep. Actually, I was planning on going out to look for my parents again. Sure, I hadn't been that successful last time. But the newsies had reminded me how great it was to be around people that cared about you. The way they would sit around laughing, joking, and talking reminded me of how my family used to be.

To tell the truth, that wasn't the only reason I was leaving. Of course, I wanted to find my parents. But I was leaving because I didn't want to get any more attached to Mush than I already was. Finding my parents was a great excuse to leave and stop myself from growing more attached to him, so I convinced myself I was leaving for that reason. I couldn't depend on other people. I hadn't for the past few years. Falling for Mush meant giving him the power to control every emotion I had. I couldn't let myself do that.

I remembered falling asleep on the floor. How'd I get onto one of the bunks? I rolled over as quietly as I could, trying not to wake him up. I knew it was Mush who next to me before I even saw him.

He was lying on his side facing me with his eyes closed. I could tell he was asleep by his soft breathing. His chest slightly moved up and down every time he breathed. The dim light from the streetlights outside came in through the window. It reflected off one half of his face and made him look so calm.

I had the sudden urge to reach up and touch his cheek. I stopped myself, not wanting to wake him up. It would be so hard if I had to say goodbye in person. I would rather leave him a note explaining things. I found a pile of paper and a pencil in one of the open drawers. I took a small piece and wrote on it:


Thanks so much for everything you've done. You saved my life and took care of me and I owe you everything. I have to leave to look for my parents. If I don't go now I don't know if I'll ever find them, but maybe I'll see you if I come back to New York City again. You're the greatest friend I've ever had, Mush, and I'm going to miss you like crazy. I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye in person. Tell the other newsies and Kloppman I said goodbye and thanks.

Take care of yourself. With love,


I put the note on the side dresser next to his bunk. I wanted so badly to hug him, but I couldn't wake him up. Instead, I lightly picked up his hand and held it for a second before letting go. "Bye Mush." I whispered.

I walked over to the doorway, careful not to trip on anything that might be lying on the floor. I turned the doorknob and opened the door as slowly as I could so it wouldn't squeak that loud.

There was a rustling sound coming from behind me. I closed my eyes tight and stayed real still, hoping it was just one of the boys moving in their sleep. I heard someone sit up.

"Where you goin'?" Someone whispered. Dammit. I thought. I turned around and saw Skittery sitting up in his bunk. I sighed. "Where ya goin', Hannah?" He repeated. He quietly got up and started walking over to me.

"I can't stay, Skittery. I gotta get going." I whispered. "What...? Why?" He asked. I paused and looked down. "I'm going to look for my parents."

"Didn't you wake Mush to say goodbye?" He asked. "No... I couldn't. I can't. I did leave him a note, though." I tried to explain. Skittery didn't get it. It was easier when Mush was sleeping. He couldn't look at me with those eyes. If he did, I knew it would be even harder to just take off and leave him.

"Hannah, he hasn't left your side for about 3 days. You can't just leave 'em like that. 'specially without sayin' goodbye to him." He said. I was on the verge of tears. "I know... but..." Skittery interrupted me. "It's gonna break his heart."

"Skittery, please... Don't wake him. It's gonna be so difficult." I begged. He sighed and nodded. "Fine." He agreed. "I won't. But that note better be good." I laughed and hugged him.

"It is." I said. "But I forgot something." Skittery let go and looked at me. "What's that?" he asked, confused. "I forgot to put something in that note, so could you do me a favor and tell him for me?" I asked. Skittery nodded. "Sure thing." He said.

"Tell Mush that... that he's..." I paused and thought about it. What was the word I was looking for? Amazing? Funny? Nice? Or caring? Extremely cute? "Perfect." I muttered.

Skittery smirked. "Alright. I'll tell him." He said. I smiled at him. "Thanks Skittery." I said, before I turned and left.


I didn't know how I was going to get out of here. I didn't even know where I was going, but I had to start somewhere. I figured I would hop a ride on a freight train again. It was the fastest, cheapest way to get anywhere, and I didn't have more than a few dollars to my name.

I know... That didn't work so great for me last time. Actually, it was how this all started. But this time I promised myself I would protect myself. I would be on my guard the whole time. Besides, I was older now. I could protect myself... I hope.

Before I left, I had to do one thing. I had to visit Central Park. I didn't know how long it would be before I got to see my favorite place again. I came in through the gates and walked on a path for a while.

I stared up at the sky. It was a dark blue color. As I looked towards the east, the sky became lighter and lighter. It blended into light blue, until my eyes hit the horizon where the sky was almost pink. I guessed it was around 4:30 AM, because the sun wasn't visible yet.

I walked until I found a certain place. I sat on a bench facing a huge lake.

During the day, the lake was gorgeous. There were families sitting around it, and ducks and swans swimming... But right now, it was even more beautiful.

The lake was completely black. It barely moved, except for a few ripples when the wind blew. I could see the reflection of the moon and a few trees across the lake.

I don't know how long I sat there. It was a summer night, but still a little chilly. I shivered but I refused to get up from where I was. I wanted this to last as long as it could.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I almost screamed. I gasped and whirled around. I put my hand over my heart and breathed heavily, staring at the person who tapped me. "Mush..." I said, attempting to catch my breath.

"Calm down, just me..." He said quietly, putting his hand on my shoulder. He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. His eyes looked empty, almost begging.

"How'd you find me?" I asked. "Did Skittery wake you up!?" I demanded. Mush shook his head and looked down at his feet. "I woke up about 20 minutes ago. Skittery didn't say anything, but he sure as hell knew something was going on by the look on his face. When I didn't see you next to me, I found your note and came here."

"How'd you know I would be here?" I asked. "Don't you remember what you told me? You're favorite place in the world." He smiled that empty smile again. "I figured you would come here before you left. I'm just glad I was able to catch you before you were gone completely."

I nodded. I looked everywhere but his face, avoiding his eyes. He sat down next to me. "My turn to ask questions." He said. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? Or wake me up... or something?" He asked. He tried to make himself sound calm, but I could hear that he was upset.

"To avoid this." I said quietly. "I'm not so good with goodbyes." I said, trying to smile at him. My eyes were wet and blurry with tears but I refused to let them fall.

"So maybe you don't have to say goodbye!" he said. "Stay here. You can live in the lodging house."

I shook my head. "I can't, Mush. I don't belong there. I'm not even a newsie." I said. I tried to keep my voice from shaking. "So become a newsie. Sell some papes and save up your money. You can stay in the lodging house for a few weeks. Then when you have enough money to support yourself... then go looking for your parents. But right now you've got nowhere to go. With no money you'll just be wanderin' the streets." He said.

He was right and I knew it. But I couldn't get any more attached to this kid. No way. I was a loner. I did everything by myself. So I had to leave. Now. Before he became the biggest weakness I had.

"No, Mush. I gotta go. Not only to find my parents... For other reasons, too. But I can't explain them now. I'm sorry." I said. I truly meant it, too. He sighed and nodded slowly. "Alright." He said. "Just promise me somethin', okay?"

"What is it?" I asked. "Promise me that this isn't the last time I'll get to see you? Promise me you'll come back or something..."

"Promise." I said. This was what I was trying to avoid the entire time. I couldn't let Mush see me cry. I turned my head away from him and took deep breaths to calm myself down. "I should get going..." I said, standing up. Mush stood up too.

I finally turned to face him. I never realized how tall he was compared to me. He was at least 6 inches taller than me, and I had to tilt my head up to look him in the eye when we stood this close.

Without thinking about it I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him as close as I could. He seemed surprised, but then his arms found their way around my waste, pulling me even closer to him. I put my head against his chest and silently wiped away the tears with my hand.

After a few seconds we broke the hug and I backed away from him. "Bye, Mush." I said, turning and starting to walk away. He waved and stood in the same spot, watching me leave. When I was about 20 feet away from him, I heard him yell, "Hannah?" I turned. "uh huh?" I said, letting the tears fall freely now. He couldn't see me from this far away now anyway.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground. "I... I think..." he stumbled over his words. He stopped and took a deep breath. "Never mind... Just, good luck, alright? With finding your parents and stuff." I nodded. "Alright. Thanks Mush...G'bye." I repeated.


Comments? Criticism? Please review :D

Thanks for reading. I'll have a new one out tomorrow.