Chapter 8 (The cave)

For five minutes until the ANBU left the only thing heard were each others heartbeats. When they did leave Sakura and Hinata sighed in relief.

"What are you doing here" Hinata said trying to look annoyed but failing badly.

"We could ask you the same question" Naruto said getting to his feet and helping Hinata do the same.

"What do you mean" Sakura asked still wrapped in Sasuke's arms "oh and Sasuke the ANBU have gone so you can let go now" Sasuke had a light blush on his cheeks as he immediately let go.

"Your home is in Konoha not here so come back with us" Naruto said smiling brightly, but Sakura and Hinata held a face of fear. Hinata shook vigorously as Sakura's knees buckled and she fell back into Sasuke's chest.

"Hinata what's wrong" Naruto was panic stricken trying to calm Hinata down.

"M-m-monst-ter" Hinata stuttered out. Sakura was trying to speak but the only words they made out were 'pincers' and 'killing'. Sasuke suddenly remembered the dream were he entered Sakura's dream.

"Ototo" he said Naruto had successfully calmed Hinata down so she was sobbing quietly in his chest, Sakura however was still shaking until Sasuke put his arms around her.

"w-who" Hinata said still sobbing

"Ototo he's that monster thing he told us to come after you" Naruto said "though he had a weird way of showing it"

"I d-don't get I-it h-he t-told us t-to come back" Hinata said looking up at Naruto's face.

"Why would Ototo tell us to come and get you when he had already told you to go back" Naruto pondered out loud. Both girls squeaked remembering Ototo's words, Sasuke and Naruto sighed a bit knowing this would be a VERY LONG day.


After calming Hinata and Sakura down, Naruto and Sasuke were setting up camp in the cave. At the moment Naruto and Sasuke were making the fire while having a conversation about their dreams and what to do next.

"Hey Sasuke why was Ototo telling us to find them when they were told to come back." He paused "And why is he in our dreams to begin with?"

"Maybe he's not entering our dreams but coming out of our heart" Sasuke pondered out loud.

"What" Naruto question having absolutely no clue what Sasuke just said.

"Think about it I doubt someone would be able to go into two peoples dreams at the same time." He paused "I think Ototo is our feelings in a form"

"Huh" Sasuke sighed at Naruto's answer

"I'm using you and Hinata as an example. You missed Hinata so Ototo said to find her. Hinata missed you so Ototo said for her to go back or in other words to go home. Understand?"

"So you're trying to say Ototo is us but is the feelings we hide?" Naruto said sort of understanding.

"Sort of" Sasuke sighed.

"What should we do about them?" Naruto asked pointing at Hinata and Sakura,

"Well we won't get home if their scared and shaking so we've got to stop their fear" Sasuke explained to Naruto.

"But how do we do that"

"I don't know I guess it will just take time" Sasuke said. After a while Sasuke and Naruto decided to go to bed but Hinata and Sakura had other plans.

"There's no way I'm going to bed" Hinata said backing away from the sleeping bag.

"So what are you going to do stay up all night" Sasuke said getting annoyed from trying to get Hinata and Sakura to sleep. They had been at this for about an hour but to no avail.

"Yes we've been up since the first dream" Sakura said,

"So you haven't slept since you left Konoha" Sasuke asked them.

"Basically" Hinata said, "oh except when we collapsed from dehydration a few days back"

"Don't you know that if you don't get sleep you will die because the brain will shut down (a/n I think that's right I've been watching house and got it off that well I think that's what it said)" Sasuke said showing the slightest concern.

"I'd rather die then face Ototo again" Sakura said lowering her head,

"You don't mean that" Naruto said trying to get Hinata near the sleeping bag.

"Yeah we do you don't know what it's like to be so scared you can't think straight" Sakura paused "It's horrible, it's almost like being put under anaesthetic for an operation but half way through waking up to find a surgeons hand inside you, and not being able to do any thing but watch"

I think she's lost it Naruto thought to himself.

"What are you on about Sakura" Naruto asked Sakura but she didn't answer.

"Naruto fear makes people do crazy things" Sasuke answered,

"But she doesn't have fear now" Naruto questioned.

"Yes but the fear of fear could also work I guess" Sasuke said waving a hand in front of Sakura's face since she zoned out. "Sakura"

"Sasuke what's wrong with her?" Naruto asked looking around seeing that Hinata had also gone wide eyed, not blinking and not moving "Are they even breathing?"

"Well if they weren't they would be dead," Sasuke said with a hint of sarcasm,

I think he's getting dumber by the day Sasuke thought to himself.

"Then what's wrong with them" Naruto said snapping his fingers in front of Hinata's face trying to wake her up.

"There hallucinating, probably about Ototo" Sasuke said as he looked at Sakura who was mumbling to herself.

"No stay away, what do you want? Why me? Who are you?" Sakura continued to mumble,

"Oh great it's getting worse" Sasuke said walking over to Sakura and kneeling by her side. "Come on Sakura it isn't real"

Sasuke began to shake her, seeing Sakura blink Sasuke stopped shaking her. Sakura began to whimper while Hinata woke up and cried quietly to herself.

"I know you don't want to but you should try to get some sleep he shouldn't bother you trust us" Sasuke said as Sakura slowly nodded her head. Grabbing her wrist Sasuke lead Sakura to her sleeping bag and finally got her to lie down. Naruto was doing the same to Hinata who within a minute fell asleep, Naruto not bothering to look at Sasuke was to tired and fell asleep the minute he hit the sleeping bag.

"Sasuke" Sakura whispered to him, Sasuke looked down at her to indicate he was listening. "I'm scared"

Sasuke had no idea what to do watching a tear slide down her face, he was never good at getting people not to worry.

"Don't worry I'm here" Sasuke said reaching out and stroking her cheek making her shut her eyes. After a few minutes she had fell asleep,

Did I just say that? Sasuke said to himself. He yawned he was incredible tired, and he still had to make a bed to sleep in. Sasuke decided he was too tired to make a bed and so curled up next to Sakura (a/n Sasuke is curled up on the floor next to her not in the sleeping bag). He was facing her and saw a loose strand of hair in her face, reaching up he brushed it behind her ear before shutting his eyes.

"Good night Sakura" he said before falling asleep.

Of in the distance a figure watched them from the safety of the shadows.

"So he has forgotten his purpose well we will have to do something about that" The figure said,

"What about the other one?" a second figure asked as it came out of the shadows.

"He'll be fun to mess with" the first figure replied, looking at them again.

"So when do we attack?" the second figure questioned,

"In a few days let them be happy for a bit before we ruin their life that will be fun won't it Kisame?" the first figure said turning away and beginning to walk away into the forest.

"Yes Itachi that would be really fun" Kisame said "But how will we ruin their life?"

"The key to that is in those girls" Itachi answered,

"What are we going to do?"

"Destroy them" Itachi said before disappearing into the forest with Kisame following close behind. But not before saying something,

"Have fun for now little brother" was what he said.