A/N: A new series! This has nothing to do with my other series. Please review!

Disclaimer: I do not own Hannah Montana!

It all was too clear in the young girls mind. It all happened so fast. Why her? Why her of all people? She walked down a narrow hall.

"How is she?" She asked as she entered a small room and looked at her friend who was totally motionless on a bed.

"The doctor's don't know how much damage was caused." Robbie replied.

Lilly swallowed hard as she stared at her friend. "She is going live? Right?" She asked fearing what the answer may be.

"Yes..." Robbie trailed off.

"How will this affect her?" Lilly wondered, "How will this affect Hannah?" Being Juniors now people may make a connection to Hannah Montana being in a car accident and Miley being hospitalized on the same day.

Miley moaned. A sign that she was coming to. "Where am I?" she questioned.

"You're in the hospital..." Robbie whispered. "Hannah was in a car accident and now..."

"Mr. Stewart?" a doctor asked as he entered the room. "We know the extent of the damage caused now."

Robbie nodded and followed the doctor out of the room.

"What?" Robbie asked in disbelief. "That can't be! She needs to have the mobility!"

"I'm sorry Mr. Stewart, but there's nothing that we can do." He replied. "I know that this will change your family and your life but there's nothing that we can do. It's out of our hands."

Robbie nodded and got up. He left the small room that the doctor had taken him into and walked down the hall. He decided to wait a day before to tell his daughter the news. He was dreading that day.

Tomorrow came quicker then what he would have liked. He knocked on Miley's door and entered. Miley was now fully alert and if it hadn't been for the news that Robbie was going to deliver then he would have been thrilled to see his daughter doing so well.

"Miley," he started slowly. "The doctors have confirmed that you're paralyzed..." he told her with tears in his eyes. "...from the waist down..."

Miley stared blankly at him not knowing how to respond.

A/N: this was short, I know but this is just a proloug. Please review!